Should Scottish people be allowed to vote?

Should Scottish people be allowed to vote?

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Scottish people are the worst fucking cucked cunts in the world
> Beautiful country
> Safe
> resource rich
> Rich, proud and historic racial heritage
> currently 96% white
> Part of a union that conquered, educated and spread their culture across the globe.
> Industry and innovators that gave us so much in the past
> Industry builders that excel at ship building, farming and fishing.

> They hate their closest ally and friend
> They are home to the British Nuclear Deterrent, something that should be a source of national pride, they don't want it
> They are masters at submarine warfare, training each and every US Navy boat captain as well as others from around the world, they want it gone
> Allowed the prestige to show the world their shipbuilding prowess by building the mighty ships of the Royal Navy, they would rather not
> They enjoy freedoms that only rulers and winners can enjoy, even above their English, Welsh and Irish cousins. They want to give it up to the EU
> They want mass immigration
> They want to turn their land into mass council estates and windfarms as far as the eye can see
> It's a SJW paradise.
The trouble with Scotland, is it's full of Scots

Mostly no

English nobles should have the right to cast a porridge wogs ballot on the day of a vote

>tfw when you're scottish
>tfw you love your country more than anything in the world and would die for her
>tfw some fucking whore in Holyrood who wont be affected by how shit things will be when we leave wants us out because of "muh freedom"
>tfw I'll be listening to loyalist songs when it all comes crashing down around me?

I want off Nicola's WIld Ride.
Any English man willing to put me up for a while till I can get a place down there?

You should come to Northumbria mate it's like 98% white. Only good thing about Scotland at the moment is T in the park and even that was full of Antifa cunts

If I could afford uni down there I would, friend.

I honestly fucking hate the SNP. They pretty much want to turn Scotland into London.

In all honesty though, why is it that Scots are such cucks and keep voting SNP despite voting to stay in the union.

Never voted SNP in my life.

Not a clue m8, not a clue.

aye, yet a majority of scots seem to.

The majority (maybe not majority but a large minority) of Scots don't vote. Turnout here is abysmal.

yh, I'm completely puzzled as to why almost the entire north east(England) votes Labour, despite voting leave and being very anti immigration.

I guess that's because of our drink issues.

decades of targeted propaganda


muh benefits

muh council 'ouse

That's probably the best explanation plus the elderly are still salty over the mine closures despite it being over 30 years ago



Meanwhile in Scotland

Because the Scottish are fucking dumb cunts. Really all there is to it. Even the Irish are more intelligent as a whole.

Scotland would be a fuck of a lot better if we kicked all the scots out and replaced them with more Welsh and Northern Irish people.

That's just bollocks mate.
Turn out for the independence referendum was 87%
1.6 million to leave the UK
2.1 million voted to stay

Turn out for the Eu referendum was around 60% I think
1.6 million voted to stay in the EU
1.1 million voted to leave


pick one

>More intelligent

As soon as the government got control over education in order to "make education accessible" the labour party managed to drill into the heads of the youth that conservatism is horrible and that "there's more X in Y than there are tories in Scotland" etc.
The older Scottish population are fairly guarded about such things so the youth didn't hear anything opposing this view, so they grew up believing it.

>independence referendum
As far as I'm aware parliament wasn't elected in the two referendums.


Where I'm from they call that cultural appropriation.

Or at least they do when it's a white person doing something more closely associated with blacks. Oddly enough, they never bring it up when a white commits a crime.

Yeah how about you let a few of them live in your house you ugly fucking cunt.


leaf, you fucking ruined the Brit-post-combo

Pick one

In the UK it's called cultural hegemony

>In Marxist philosophy, cultural hegemony is the domination of a culturally diverse society, by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society—the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and mores—so that their imposed, ruling-class worldview becomes the accepted cultural norm; the universally valid dominant ideology, which justifies the social, political, and economic status quo as natural and inevitable, perpetual and beneficial for everyone, rather than as artificial social constructs that benefit only the ruling class.[

I have a spare room yet I wouldn't let a rapist/machete assassin stay in it. I genuinely feel bad for Scots having to put up with this cunt as their representative.

Of course there are plenty of thick Irish people, but overall as a polulation they are definitely smarter than the Scottish. They just have a worse stereotype because the drunken retards of Ireland are more humorous to exploit.

every irish cunt i've ever met has been a top lad tho

Where did this Scottish nationalism come from?

If Scots what to leave, fine but its surprising how close the vote was to leave/stay

Scottish people should not be allowed to live desu

>wars have been fought for half a century and countless blood spilled so people could be free from empires
>given the opportunity to simply leave by popular decision
>rulers leave your beloved welfare union
>"No, wait. This isn't the slavery I wanted!"

Likewise, surprisingly nice people

It's worse because I love watching PMQT and every time that cunt Robertson stands up I get a sinking feeling.
Normally because it's the same old rhetoric and behind him will be that blonde 20 year old cunt slouched over biting her nails or some other disgusting shit.

The Irish are overall decent people but even my Aunt who is Irish admits they are a nation of mongoloids.

The best part is that she's just been over in Iceland talking to their retarded parties and giving them money for muh wind turbines, even though Scotland is massively in debt and the infrastructure is falling apart.

Video related, the party that's polling at 20% in Iceland. Sturgeon and these idiots, like two peas in a pod.

Of course


What lazy fucker made these?

>pls retweet widely


Pick one m8. Can't be both.

Based eternal ally

(t. Brit in Swamp Germany)


Nothing on matters that affect anywhere else but scotland.

Frankly if they want to vote and fuck up scotland they should be allowed to do it but only as an independant stste because why should the rest of the UK pay up for there fuck ups?

>love your country
Pick one.

Try and stop us Ahmed

Can we make one thing clear? I genuinely think an Independent Scotland would be better off for the people living in Scotland.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like the SNP and any of their policies, I just need Independence.

I'm always happy to devote my services to the glorious socialist workers party.

>Independent Scotland would be better off for the people living in Scotland.

You'd become Sweden 2.0 overnight you skirt wearing beta

are you fucking kidding me?


Considering how different we are ideologically more policies etc would be passed in both nations.


>cheesehead throwing insults

A shekel for the good goy.

Listen to me you 18 year old FUCK, YOU AND YOUR FUCKING DIRTY RACE OF JOCKS ARE TOO WEAK TO FIGHT FOR YOUR OWN INTERESTS. So an independent Scotland would mean you would be getting FUCKED up the ASS from ALL DIRECTIONS.

No one is different, ideologically speaking. We all want a decent quality of life, with meaningful work to be done, without powerful people whacking us on the heads with taxes.

The only difference is the methods we use to achieve our aims. As individuals, all we disagree with is the method.


This better not be interracial porn

>different we are ideologically
Which ideological difference?

new copypasta detected


You would have no pound.
You would recieve no bennies from the rest of the UK.
You would not even get in the EU due to Spain vetoing that off the bat.
Companies and jobs would move out back to the UK.
All military bases would be moved out including the subs and nuclear which would also affect the surrounding areas.
Most likely you would need a seperate passport to even cross the border in which we build a big fucking wall to keep you out.
Scots in the rest of the UK require work visas.
You get rules by the SNP which is worst of all.

Bonus the rest of the UK do not have to deal with you ever again and parliment becomes smaller while labour is never elected again which can be good or bad depending on stance.

Know this feel. He's a language policing wank fuck. Total cringe when the soft cunt opens his fat gub

You are the biggest faggot in this entire thread.

>banks and businesses would chose an out of EU England over a Scotland in the single market.
Top meme. Half of the shit you listed was purely scaremongering, that imbeciles like you fall for.

Brand me a faggot for having a different opinion to the majority?
I've already said I hate the SNP, I just want Independence.

>I just want Independence.
You've yet to give a reason other than muh indy2.

The only problem with Scottish independence is that they seem hellbent on turning their country into a third world shithole, which means the same thing will happen to England and Wales.

For the same reason the UK wanted out of the EU.

As a glasgowfag please talk to me lad. Justify this. You need it? What does that even mean? If a hard brexit goes ahead and we leave the UK, imagine the numbers we would be taking in annually as a new member of the EU. Remember we are 5.2 million. Imagine the tensions it would cause. Migrants would come to Scotland then just flee south. Or remain here and take over our cities. And do remember we only have a handful of those.

Please just get this out of your system now once and for all. There is literally no excuse for wanting this scenario when you know what the outcome will be.

No fuck 'em. They had the privilege to vote correctly, and they couldn't even be trusted.

Fucking jock cunts!

At least us English and Welsh know who to vote for.

He wants government subsidized Mars bars.

What country are you under the impression I love? Because it's the UK I love.

Would be funny if the tree was on fire.

Scotland's elected representatives parliament have the full power to propose, repeal and amend legislation.
The situation is nothing like that of the EU.

A small change is easy my friend, see you in five minutes


All scots must be killed

Pro leave anti EU.


hahaha i love you guys. you're the greatest.

So we stay with jew run England and its cucked and declining white population?

Sorry English man you time is up

>pakis and niggers mass rape and literally enslave English kids

Not one fuck given

>Niggers behead an English soldier on the streets of London

Not one Englishman does anything

>Scots try to run their own affairs and would actually save the bastards money as you fucking shits are always complaining we get bennies




It is fact.