>episode dedicated entirely to a single character
Bonus points if it reverses every other interaction he has had
Patrician tropes
Other urls found in this thread:
>episode from the perspective of minor characters/extras
well you /thread-ed it yourselfl OP
i think that might be the only patrician trope
>come back, we need you!
>* I * need you!
>Hero and villain become best friends
>flashback episode showing how two characters first met
>delusional MC finally realizes that they've been doing the wrong thing the entire time
>immediately set out to redeem themselves
>bad guy from first movie/season becomes a good guy and main character in later movies/seasons
>"Hey, MC!"
>"Good luck."
>"Do me a favour..."
>"Kick his ass."
>"Hold on!"
>"What is it?"
>"You're gonna need this."
>throws him a powerful weapon*
>main cast eats at a diner in the end after their victory
>fling between 2 important characters that lasts one episode and is never mentioned after
I love that trope, can I have some examples please? The reversed version can also be nice (good guy mc becomes bad guy in the next one)
All of Goku's friends from Dragonball
>main character and villain meet for the first time
>their interactions make the audience question the main characters methods and morals
>villain' s motivations make a ton of sense
>main character goes nuclear at the end of the second act and does some fucked up stuff
>final act now follows the former main villain trying to stop the former main character
>action scene
>gunshots, punches, etc. sync up with the soundtrack
Has never happened
Megamind? I don't really know either.
>main character exhibits spacial awareness that would otherwise not be present to win fight against sneaky bad guy instead of throwing it all away for cheap sense of danger
I love this trope
>Person of Interest: Relevance, / (aka 'root path'), Control-Alt-Delete
>CSI: Lab Rats
>Battlestar Galactica: Dirty Hands
The main reason I was disappointed by Pirates of the Carribean 3 is because they used a piece of music in the soundtrack to make this happen with the Jack Sparrow / Davy Jones swordfight but it wasn't in the movie.
Big Boss
>episode is first person
I don't like this. Always feels like pointless filler.
Elias in Person of Interest. Don't look him up if you haven't seen it because his introduction is kino if unspoiled. And obviously, Terminator.
>The reversed version can also be nice (good guy mc becomes bad guy in the next one)
Fringe plays with both these tropes extensively with a parallel universe containing alternate versions of all the characters, a lot of whom will at some point defect to or aid the other side.
>director doesn't use any hidden symbolism and the viewer takes in what is presented to them at face value
What's worse is when marketers license a really cool stock music track for the trailer and not only does it not appear in the film, but you can't find the fucking track anywhere.
Lots of them do this too for sports events and vidya. It's a hassle.
Every anime ever
>important character gets seriously injured (limb cut off), the next couple episodes or so have them come to terms with it
yea that was a kino trailer almond activated
>It's a dream episode
>episode devoted to character who was very minor up to now
>character dies at the end of episode
Overused shit
>It's a computer simulation episode
this one is often pretty annoying, actually
this has never happened and it would be quite terrible