>Browse Sup Forums
>Ignore the emptiness and pain
>Feel your dreams die
>Await death
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ignore the emptiness and pain
That's where you're going wrong!
Try something productive! Try to contribute to the world! Or just try something you'd want to try!
Don't give up on yourself! Also, sage this shit, fuck you
accepting nihilism is the final for redpill, friend
Just pretend everything does matter. I know, it's hard.
If Trump wins, I will try. But otherwise...
Life has no meaning. One day, we will all be dead, unable to feel, unable to process any information whatsoever. Nothing is important.
Find a part time job, famalam. It really helps
>All these blackpill cucks
Life if what you make it.
You have nothing therefore you believe life is nothing.
>That's where you're going wrong!
>Await death
That's where he's going wrong.
Why wait for it when you can bring it closer?
You know the solution, and it's in your own hands!
>Nothing was ever in tune. People just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, Catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, India, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, Beethoven, Bach, Buddha, Christ, TM, H, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, New York City, and then it all evaporated and fell apart. People had to find things to do while waiting to die. I guess it was nice to have a choice.
— Charles Bukowski in “Women"
>video games
>shitpost on Sup Forums
such is life of a neet leaf, feelsgood
Not true desu
You need to secure a future for your genes
only in life, you need not be nihilistic about death.
The joy in this is a glimpse of the next
>babys first philosophical thought
Yeah this shit fucking sucks.
Is this seriously what all my ancestors worked, fought and died for? This is the fruit of their endless effort? What is the point?
What a waste of fucking time, what a waste of effort. All that struggle and we just throw our society and traditional ways of life in the garbage for cheap junkfood and fluorescent lights. I'm made physically ill thinking about all those who shed blood for the future of their nations when I see the current state of affairs in the modern western world.
>check Sup Forums catalogue
>leave a few messages supporting Clinton or Trump, depending
>fire up STO and check my doffs ect
>check my emails, probably lie to one or more of my children
>check my stocks
>check airmiles to see if they have anything good up
>decide what I want to eat for brunch/lunch/dinner, depending, and most importantly, what I want to play while I eat it
>go upstairs
>greet my father
>make or order food
>turn air conditioning on temporarily, no matter if it's winter or summer
>go back downstairs
>smoke weed for about ten minutes straight
>eat """breakfast""", play vidya
>repeat with two more meals later on
>break out the oil and get too gibbled to do anything
>fall asleep listening to ambient doom
I love it, I love my routine. If I didn't, I would change it. Like when I was working 12 hours a day and didn't even ever get to have blankets to fully cover myself at home in a bed I bought in a house I bought.
It's really simple, do what you want to do. Here is my blueprint for a happy life. I followed this advice and it changed everything: youtube.com
>Try something productive! Try to contribute to the world!
Bullshit. Society is not worth contributing to.
Go to church, become moral and live the best life you can while you still have the chance. Heaven is our only hope for true fulfillment.
Lol enjoy wasting your life on something that doesnt exist
If it doesn't exist then life is a massive waste of time anyway. What is the point of "living life to the fullest" like a hedonist if you will eventually cease existing and all memory of your life will be destroyed? There is zero logic behind continuing to live if you are a nihilist, the entire universe is utterly temporary and fleeting and there will be no difference whether you live or die.
The only hope you have is heaven, if there is no heaven then there is no reason to live anyway, you might as well commit suicide, in fact it is completely logical to commit suicide if life is as meaningless as it seems.
Go do something then.
The world is open to you. The only thing stopping you is you. Join a club, take up a hobby.
It's easy to be miserable, if you let yourself be.
>And if you want to be miserable, take it to r9k
I did this for a while, like 8 months, then I interviewed for a job and got accepted.
I start Monday, part of me feels like I am losing something, but another part of me is excited that I will be working and contributing to society as I am working with industrial robotics in the automotive sector.
I love all of you guys, I hope I still have time to browse /pol and still can be informed on everything going on in the world. This place has made me who I am and I for one want to say it has been an honor being here with you guys since the ancient days /news and everything that has happened between then and now.
I just hope when the final happening arrives, I will have time to shitpost here one last time and bid you all adieu one last time similar to that scene in titanic
Basically, this.
Contemplating stepping on people from here on in.
No German has such strong chin anymore. Sad!