12 days.
And then he'll be forgotten.
12 days.
And then he'll be forgotten.
Other urls found in this thread:
Those who fight against the kike live forever user.
He is historic no matter what happens.
This trolling has no power here.
> fighting the kike
Yeah except when all of his children are either Jews or married to Jews and his campaign is being run by Jews.
I see burgers here saying Putin is a kike shill because he was spotted with Jews in some photographs but le God emperor is certainly the next Hitlur
>And then he'll be forgotten.
Not likely. People still talk about Perot and Nader.
Trump is a bigger landmark than that.
>fight against the kike
contemplate suicide
That's a good argument. You got me there.
Thank you user, I am truly redpilled now.
>I-If he loses then those scary alt-righters go away...r-right?
This fucking meme lol
Sometimes memes are reality, my fellow user.
Unfortunate for you, the meme of a Trump presidency does not fall into that category.
You're right. The way he completely split and destroyed the GOP will go down in history. And the fact we almost elected someone as incompetent as him. But that's it. He's not starting any movements.
Do you remember Ron Paul or Mitt Romney?
Yes, Barack and Michael support Hillary and I do too!
wew lad
You mean the tough guy who murdered his kids before killing himself? All because he didn't know how to live after the loss of his Fuhrer?
Sharts unironically believe this
Why dont you worry about your country and we worry about ours, Ahmed.
they're turboretards kek
>oversampling is bad
even the ring leader says Trump is going to win in landslide. Better get your guns ready to go murder the electoral when they betray America.
>they unironically think all of this passion goes away post election
Deer god you guys are dumb
A vote for Hillary is a vote for war.
You wish, Matteo.
If Trump loses then just his name will be a four letter word. He'll go down as the most hated man in modern history. There will be no positive records of him after he dies. It's terrifying.
>Polling used to determine tv ad placement
lol. I cant wait to come back to pol after shilldawg stumps the trump.
>Deer god
kektacular job user
>not being a druid
If you ask Sup Forums today they'll say they were only pretending to support Romney in 2012, in 2020 they will say the same thing about Trump.
But all indication is that he is winning.(polling excluded)
I bet you're still ass-blasted over Amanda Knox....
Is that why Trump is getting the same voter turnout Obama got in 2008?
>he'll be forgotten
kind of hard when your name is on top of buildings
everyone knew who Trump was before the election even started
This is like, not even from the same election set. Jesus the delusion here is stunning.
Speaking of memes are reality
>I can't even...just wow, really?
>could you not?
Why do you sound scared?
>in few months you'll have the chance to die in a world war