*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
Other urls found in this thread:
Man, his wife has some nice milkers.
Trump can't bring back his dead daughter :^)
florida voters got what they deserved lmao
Don't worry, as soon as the FBI is done investigating a group of Russian shitposters they can look into the minor stuff like potential murderers and terrorists.
Daughter would have probably grown up to be a racist conservatard. It's for the best she got put down early.
Ahh, the tolerant left strikes again
>Tfw a trumptard kills a bunch of people but you still want to find a way to blame the left
>he thinks Sup Forums is one of his lefty ghettos
wew, someone is a triggered soyboy. He wasn't blaming anyone
>be FBI
>can’t find Nikolas Cruz under the screen name “NikolasCruz”
>can find 13 Russian trolls who shitposted about Hillary
The absolute state of the deep state
oh do go on
tell me about the big bad christian HUwhite males
you could've fit a few more buzzwords in bud.
>Trump spends years just shitting on the fbi, meanwhile his opponents constantly back the fbi
>trump now gets to tap dance his way around a major shooting because the feds fucked up so massively absolutely none of it can be tied back to him in any way since he’s never not been critical of them
I have nothing left to say. I'm just surprised that people actually took the bait, when I got no replies on Sup Forums after making the same post. It's just too easy here.
>gets 3 replies
lol u baited not even dumb retard pol gib me reply
Do you really want to compare deaths by party? Because blacks and hispanics are overwhelmingly Democrat.
THIS. Not to mention she was white as well
pretty shit correlation mate
>registered Democrat
More like a bernout who wasted his life savings on a shyster
oh god this is hilarious XDD
im actually crying from laughter
t. Demotard
niggers and spics usually kill themselves and gang members, not high school kids.
he wasn't even registered, that was a random De Jesus Cruz. This kid's name was Nik Jacob Cruz. Nice try Sup Forums.
this. just stay out of the ghetto and you are fine. meanwhile a white beta goes full retarded and you are eating lead while eating crab legs at the theatere
>muh dead nigs and spics matter less than highschool kids
I mean, it's true, but the virtue signaling hypocrisy is still retarded
>m-muh demotards dindu nuffin ;_;
Don't you have a baseball diamond to be shooting up?
>no argument
Concession accepted
>retard doesn't understand regular homicide vs politically motivated mass killings
fuck you are stupid.
Better yet, just keep guns out of the hands of all Demotards, they have sandy vaginas about guns anyways.
>no argument
Keep crying Salt-Left murderer enabler, he was a registered Demotard
I understand they're both perpetuated by Demotards
Broward county is 2 to 1 Democrat, look at their congress reps
>muh unpredictable sporatic shootings where a dozen people are shot are worse than hundreds of consistent shootings every year
Demotards, not even once.
he is jewish...
Sup Forums like him or hate him?
3 triggered soylent guzzlers.
He is a la creatura spic
>[literally anything] happens
>he was a registered Demotard
He wasn't. His middle name is Jacob, not De Jesus.
He was adopted by Cubans. He's a jew.
Upvoted fellow comrade :^)
havent you heard of Cubans
>jew spic from Florida
>not a Demotard
Demotards on damage control, sad!
That's a Jew name. Dem confirmed.
I remember when Trump shot up that school, this is his fault
>Better yet, just keep guns out of the hands of all Demotards, they have sandy vaginas about guns anyways.
first of all, stop saying demotards as I read it as Demontards and it doesn't sound nearly as bad as you think. libtards is the proper insults don't try to meme.
and gangbangers aren't democrats as they don't even vote, they tend to lean liberal(thus why libetard is a better name) but the point is that you can actually put a finger on the reasons as to why they kill each other and work towards solving those issues.
meanwhile you have a higher chance of going on a killing spree because you reee at roasties
Cruz is a Spic surname
Yes Demotard, those black and brown demotard voting urban serial killers dindu nuffin, they just need more money for dem programz
that guy Pollack is Cruz?
He is a jewish mexican fan of trump?
he is a Sup Forums user, right?
Why would a jew spic who is a registered Democrat be a fan of Trump, whoops I mean orange cheeto hitler DRUMPF?
>Cruz is a Spic name
he was adopted.
And that makes him not a spic because....
This is like Zimmerman all over again
>And that makes him not a spic because....
...getting adopted by a spic doesn't make you a spic.
He and his brother Zachary are not ethnically spics.
the tshirt...?
I don't know, I don't care. I don't have idea why I am in this stupid thread.
>50 posts in
>no mention of milkies
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots
>he thinks Sup Forums is his safe space hugcenter
>missing the first fucking post
Reading can change your life user.
He was literally pictured with Trumps stupid red hat various times you idiot
Based. Only thing white women are good for is the BBC.
>*record scratch*
Who even owns a record and a record player anymore? I’m sure 99.9% of everyone born after 1980 did not grow up with a record player. The use of that trope is meant to appeal to Boomers?
You know DJs are a fucking thing and still have records to skip
Why do Drumpfkins love to play the victim card so much?