objectively speaking, how would you rate this tummy?
Objectively speaking, how would you rate this tummy?
Seriously, what is it with Sup Forums and little girls?
Its always been that way
more like
Sup Forums never meaned to be popular
Is this from tv show? Or is it just something you probably shouldn't have saved on your computer?
But why?
It is something you definitely shouldn't have saved in you computer
because big guys need little girls
what would become cunny originated in the banning of waifu threads on Sup Forums during the 2009-2012 golden age. the longest lasting userbase/moderation split on the site.
it made Sup Forums the meme factory it would become
Because they are sexy
McFucking kill yourself
>i am le Sup Forums historian *pushes glasses on nose*
objectively speaking, how would you rate this tummy?
McFucking Kill Yourself
They're cute as fuck, retard. Maybe you should go elsewhere.
Nigger detected
Nigger detected.
If I poked that would she die?
the human body is a lot more resilient than you think
Looks like a cool and balls
Sup Forums is a çunnyboard
4 U
Did all the mods die or something?
When moot banned pedos from Sup Forums they came here as this board was forgotten by mods and moot as soon as it was made