Fictional foods/restaurants you want to eat at

>you will never eat at Texarkana

why even live?

Other urls found in this thread:

This thread is a real beehive of activity Halberstram

You should've gone to Le 'Reddit, you could've gotten a table.

Actually user, that's none of your business. But I can assure you, it wasn't cheap.

you are all like babies. watch this

Hey, I'm a child of divorce, give me a break

>ywn take a drugged up Victoria to Barcadia pretending its Dorsia

Isn't Jiro's Sushi similar to Dorsia though?

We should’ve gone to Dorsia, I could’ve gotten us a table.

Umm sweaty, no one goes there anymore xx

You ain't seen nothin' yet


More like Tripsia.

How'd a nitwit like you get those digits


>these character are five years younger than i am
>still not vice president of my company
stem was a mistake

Got an 8:88 res at Tripsia

They're all vice president. It's just a title

can only do a reservation for 4:00


Liar, you are clearly going to Dubsia

Impressive. Very nice

Dubs, how did he swing that

I've eaten IN Texarkana. It's a real town.

Oh my God, his post even has trips

so is the girl i wanted to fuck who got a job at goldman (as a fucking stem phd), yes i'm mad as fuck

Not with an attitude like that. They only let people in with dubs like these.

>all the singles in this thread
Im going to harry's bar

I see they've omitted the pork loin with lime jell-o.

Not a food, but still want to nonetheless.

those are big girls

Let's see Paul Allen's digits

Great! See ya then!

WHERE did you get those trips?

Your singles were sufficient, Luis

All this time I thought these were real restaurants somewhere

There is a moment of sheer panic when I realize that Paul's post has repeating digits and is obviously more expensive than mine.

It's time for Paul to take a little trips.



This is Dubssudio. A great roll. A personal favorite.

I'm trying to roll Dubs, but user keeps buzzing in my ear


Why don't you quit trying to get digits? You hate that Sup Forums board anyway.

C'mon 5-0

Their early work was a little too...retrowave for my taste. But when Flower Shoppe came out in '10, I think they really came into their own. Commercially and artistically

Because I WANT TO GET (YOU)s

(You) aint seen nothing yet.

very cool user, but thats nothing