So, I know I'm doing the whole "Anonymous is a hivemind" thing...

So, I know I'm doing the whole "Anonymous is a hivemind" thing, but I wanted to know what Sup Forums's thoughts are on Cucumber Quest.
Maybe it's because I'm blind as fuck, but I rarely if ever see it mentioned here, and as a fan of the series I kinda want to discuss this cute little comic with you all.

it's cute, but the pacing is kinda slow
which is a complaint I have for most webcomics
still, last I read it I enjoyed it, but I don't feel like I need to read the backlogs

It's ok
The author is a bit of a dick
But then again everyone is so what else is new

Most of Sup Forums hates it because the author got mad everyone liked her vidya gag comics more and deleted them all out of spite

It's also got bad pacing and the protagonists are dull as dirt and that's part of why people liked her jokes more than her original work

Its strengths are its art and the antagonists

Outstandingly cute, but the writing is really dull. Author is a bit stuck up sometimes.

the pacing is slow, yet at the same time it hops around the narrative only depicting key events, so it ends up going too quick and too slowly all at the same time.

it'd help if there was time taken for the main characters to exchange meaningful banter (and i don't mean dedicating an insufferable amount of time towards nightmare knight baking a cake or doing something else to prove he's "not that bad" when the audience has known that since almost the start and we don't need it hammered home again with even less subtlety every 50 pages) but whenever that does happen it seems to be just so the two mains can make meme faces.

art looks great, though characters can look samey and the posing tends to be dull.

the reason it's never mentioned here is because, a few years ago, whenever there was a thread, the author would publicly respond to it on twitter and create a huge fucking shit circus both here and there. this happened on multiple occassions and was hugely embarrassing.

I think it's gotten much better lately. NK and Peridot a cute. My only complaint is that some parts overstay their welcome, the most recent magical girl show segment comes to mind. Why waste pages explicitly showing us a tv program that we're supposed to think is dumb?

it's a boring comic that tries desperately hard to be cute, so much so that it becomes annoying. also, it's not funny, and the many moments where it attempts to be "deep" or "dark" fall completely flat, as such situations are only as shocking or emotional as the affected characters let them be, and the characters are really really bland.

"Thebestmaster" was the comic's low point. The character was painfully obnoxious and wasted a really cool design. Everything with "Steve" is just deeply confusing and I don't know how to react to any of it without the context that would reveal all the mysteries about him. That whole fake Chapter 4 was a mistake. I'm guessing she decided to speedrun the Crystal Kingdom because she already gets driven crazy by Steven Universe comparisons and mentions?

It was pretty popular round here when it was new.
then it got slower and then So yeah.

>That whole fake Chapter 4 was a mistake
I liked it and what it set out to do, but yeah, it goes back to the whole overstaying it's welcome thing. She could have definitely trimmed some of the pages out of that chapter, like really, you want to do ANOTHER dumb play?

She probably realized the Noisemaster arc was the peak of CQ's quality for the readers and desperately tried to ape part of it

Is the author still dating the creator of Undertale?

Jello's dub made it bearable

She never was. She did some promo art for it, but then just about any regular fanart made by anyone else was better than the art she did, so nobody even remembers it. Toby probably just manipulated her so she'd retweet the game at release.

>Toby Fox, master of manipulation
so this is the power of Sup Forums

Humor is stale, art style is cute. Average characters that got boring as the story goes on. No real drama/stakes raised. It was promising at first but at least it isn't ending up a shitshow like another comic I can name...

>I don't like that everyone likes my parodies
>So I'm going to rip off The Legend of Zelda and call it original
>And not finish my Persona 4 parody

Fuck hiimdaisy.

>I will never not know the artist likes to get into drama and hissy fits
>I will never not notice how everything is a lot less exciting than it used to be
>I will never not criticise the pacing now

why did I come here

that shit is still going on? It was dragged to infinity and it was impossible to follow, so I dropped it.

Did the protagonists tomboy sister made out with Peridot yet?

A lot of people hate it based solely on the artists attempting to completely erase all her former parody work. And some people hate it based solely on the fact that the artist is opinionated on Twitter.

There are people who still really like it, but the bulk of the opinions I've ever seen (which I share) is that while Cucumber Quest is very appealing visually the story, characters and jokes are lackluster. All flash, no substance - the biggest issue is that it isn't such bad writing that it merits threads like certain other webcomics. It's just so boring it isn't worth mentioning outside of threads like these.

Thanks for reminding me to post this.

I do like that she ignores the criticism that it's boring and moves to slowly and just pretends it's the "haters"

It's cute and I like parts of it, but I'm still going to be heavily biased

she shouldn't be ashamed of those vidya comics she made

Why is she ashamed of those comics?

I hate the whole philosophy of "haters"
While it's good that you're not obsessing over the few people that will spout vile garbage for petty reasons, it's still good to at least listen to their point of view sometimes.
Even a dumbass has good opinions sometimes.

because Sup Forums liked them and they surpassed her creative work in popularity and I guess she didn't want to be een as "the person who made something the ebul anonymous liked"

im tired of peridot every single day peridot this peridot that starring NK as Bitch Ass nigga