Recommend me some Bale kino, frens. Dubs fags need not apply

Recommend me some Bale kino, frens. Dubs fags need not apply

Other urls found in this thread:

Harsh Times

310 to yuma

Reign of Fire



Best movie of the past 20 years at least


gonna have to shut this one down

Quads confirms

His acting performance in The Big Short is fucking amazing.

The machinist

Empire of the Sun

Or whatever the fuck they are

it's trips you idiot


rescue dawn

Rescue Dawn
The Prestige
Public Enemies
Out of the Furnace

l'ascension du chevalier noir

Rescue Dubs

is hostiles any good?

The Dubs Knight


>Recommend Bale kino
Anything and everything that he's in



ChekĀ“m on the Eve of Saint Crispin's Day

The Machinist