What is the most infuriating aspect of the political left?
What is the most infuriating aspect of the political left?
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male pussification
has to be the arrogance....hmmm maybe the hypocrisy?
no. it's the arrogance
What happened to talking about class?
Entitlement + hypocrisy.
Hurt feelings are now an argument
which came first though? The arrogance or the hypocrisy?
feminine behavior is objectively infuriating
They view Hillary as the lesser of two evils and not as a Supreme Goddess.
That people fall for it.
disregard for society.
Enabling niggers, general snarkiness.
the racism, also the KKK
Its continued existence.
Their obsession of the moral high ground. These stupid fucks are going to destroy society and after the dow has crashed, unemployment skyrockets, crime is rampart, illegals and "refugees" flood the streets, they are going to bitch and moan and wonder why.
These fuckers would light themselves on fire and then complain loudly "Why am I burning?"
They could slit their own throats and look down at you in smarmy judgement for not doing the same.
In fact, they are.
Their screeching demands for general "tolerance" while being the most intolerant group in existence if something doesn't fit their agenda. They're left, but they're the furthest thing from an actual "liberal". Liberal is LIBERTY, motherfuckers, not thought-police crybullying. Neo-Liberals are scum and greedily accept the big bank penis and multi-cult globalism chumming of their countries.
They really look like they all have FAS
>Leftists, especially those of the oversocialized type, are True
Believers in the sense of Eric Hoffer's book, "The True Believer." But
not all True Believers are of the same psychological type as leftists.
Presumably a truebelieving nazi, for instance is very different
psychologically from a truebelieving leftist. Because of their
capacity for single-minded devotion to a cause, True Believers are a
useful, perhaps a necessary, ingredient of any revolutionary movement.
This presents a problem with which we must admit we don't know how to
deal. We aren't sure how to harness the energies of the True Believer
to a revolution against technology. At present all we can say is that
no True Believer will make a safe recruit to the revolution unless his
commitment is exclusively to the destruction of technology.
If you're not a leftist, you're not paying attention.
1995 was 62 years ago and this guy's manifesto exactly matches today's political climate. The leftist has been emboldened by social media and the invention of the smart phone. We must remove the smart phone and bring back the internet to the intelligent user.
It's scary to think he's smart enough to have predicted everything and the best solution he could come up with was "bomb the shit out of stuff at random to draw attention to the issue and hope people will unfuck it".
Their embracing of "complexity", which in effect means that they consider it a very entertaining and clever challenge to explain away naked facts so their dogma is preserved--no matter what.
"If the facts do not suit the theory, so much the worse for the facts."
That's how you get mountains of gleaming polished bullshit like Guns, Germs, and Steel.
Their core tenets MUST MUST MUST be true. And they'll do whatever it takes to defend them, even if they're so obviously wrong that you have to go insane to believe them.
Note: This is an Information Gathering thread.
CTR, and/or other social media manipulators (e.g., "The Groundwork"), will process your replies and adjust their behavior accordingly. They will certainly be at their most infuriating until the election.
>we are progressive
That they think they are fighting against the establishment
>What is the most infuriating aspect of the political left?
Their stubbornness.
I think he went crazy teaching at Berkeley. He just repeated lots of other people's writings into his arguments. There is no way to stop technology if you don't agree with it go live in a cabin in the woods. Oh wait he tried that but the government kept knocking on his door and imposing new regulations on his freedoms.
Race traitors.
The self-righteous indignation. Don't get me wrong it's bad on the right as well, but it's sooooo much worse on the left.
Is there a tl;dr of his manifesto? I don't have the time to read thru it all
Pretty much everything that was said already.
1. Hypocrisy
2. Entitlement
3. Use of violence
4. Denial of their use of violence.
5. Labeling everyone ~ist or ~phobe.
6. Thinking that equality means superiority of liberal ideas.
I think I'm about at the point where I want to go live innawoods in a cabin, but it's ridiculous. Canada in particular passed all kinds of legislation to effectively try to keep people on the grid unless they have a LOT of shekels.
Lack of being able to admit there are certain people and cultures that are not compatible with current western ideals, and never will be, no matter the lefts level of progressive cuckness.
1 The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
2 The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down.
3 If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful.
4 We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system.
5 In this article we give attention to only some of the negative developments that have grown out of the industrial-technological system.
Even his bullet points are dense as fuck, the manifesto is a god damn monster and covers :
The psychology of modern leftism
Feelings of inferiority
The power process
Surrogate activities
Sources of social problems
Disruption of the power process in modern society
How some people adjust
The motives of scientists
The nature of freedom
Some principles of history
Industrial-technological society cannot be reformed
Restriction of freedom is unavoidable in industrial society
The ‘bad’ parts of technology cannot be separated from the ‘good’ parts
Technology is a more powerful social force than the aspiration for freedom
Simpler social problems have proved intractable
Revolution is easier than reform
Control of human behavior
Human race at a crossroads
Human suffering
The future
Two kinds of technology
The danger of leftism
>What is the most infuriating aspect of the political left?
>it's okay to be assholes to people with different opinions because holding the wrong opinions makes you a bad person
>it's okay if we burn down this building because the people inside are scum
>it's okay to coddle minority groups because they need people like us to help them grow
>it's okay to vote for wanton unchecked immigration as long as we get to live in gated communities and not the ghettos where those immigrants live
>it's okay to shit on tradition and act as depraved as possible because depravity and progress are synonymous
The list goes on.
Yep there is no real freedom now, you are never out of reach. The next town over from me is installing police cameras to make their city safer you know the ones with the flashing lights. when did USA become England.
Best thing u can do is try and enjoy the wilderness rent a cabin for the summer and pretend your free.
what is this?
Holy fuck, I guess I'll have to read it. Thanks leaf.
nice and smug.
thanks for confirming.
nevermind, i'm retarded
Everything they accuse the other they are 100 times more guilty off.
7. The denial of reality and/or facts when it doesn't fit their agenda.
Gonna have to go with this. Seeing numales complaining about masculinity and fruitlessly whiteknighting for feminists they'll never actually get laid by makes me die a little bit inside.
A rough breakdown of the Unabombers "Manifesto", although Ted himself refers to it as a paper called "Industrial Society and Its Future". He claims that all versions printed or published in the media are hacked up and full of garbage he didn't put in himself, and advises people that want to read it to get it in his book called "Technological Slavery". Obviously people accused him of claiming this just so he could sell books but he says he doesn't give a fuck and that the ISAIF is public domain and you can reprint it if you want, or buy it cheaper from Amazon rather than him directly. He's more concerned about misrepresentation than shekels, it seems.
That they're better than rightwingers. Come on, you're better than them. Because you have to try so very fucking hard, and all they need is to just put a little effort into it.
I cannot believe the college's have been taken over this long. I knew they were left leaning in 1994 but today must be unimaginable.
Their opression through shame and sometimes just physical violence and complete denial of both
The fact they aren't being thrown out of helicopters over the North Sea.
Something that might be more infuriating is that they can't see how their leaders/politicians they promote are antithetical to their own loopy naive ideas
I live in Vermont and I'd say their hypocrisy is probably the worst thing. They can be really nasty, especially progressives, when they don't like something.
That they're always correct
Their overwhelming desire to be ruled by the state.
The leftist is oriented toward largescale collectivism. He
emphasizes the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of
society to take care of the individual. He has a negative attitude
toward individualism. He often takes a moralistic tone. He tends to be
for gun control, for sex education and other psychologically
"enlightened" educational methods, for planning, for affirmative
action, for multiculturalism. He tends to identify with victims. He
tends to be against competition and against violence, but he often
finds excuses for those leftists who do commit violence. He is fond of
using the common catch-phrases of the left like "racism, " "sexism, "
"homophobia, " "capitalism," "imperialism," "neocolonialism "
"genocide," "social change," "social justice," "social
responsibility." Maybe the best diagnostic trait of the leftist is his
tendency to sympathize with the following movements: feminism, gay
rights, ethnic rights, disability rights, animal rights political
correctness. Anyone who strongly sympathizes with ALL of these
movements is almost certainly a leftist.
False sense of moral superiority
>it's the arrogance
yeah it's the arrogance by far... The whole pat you on the head and act like you can't possibly take care yourself so we will nanny state you with laws.
but that said it's not like the far right are hands off when it comes to social issues. They can't wait to impose religious rules and thoughts into a women's family planning and who you can or can't marry. In many ways they are even worse on social issues being it's arrogant with a side of being smug in their religious convictions.
Victim culture
How good they are at making Republicans butthurt
That they're on the right side of history.
They think these are their new ideas.
Accusing everyone they don't like of sexual assault.
The fact that they don't realize they support almost everything they dislike in one way or another, and refuse to even acknowledge the possibility.
The way their nose shoots up into the air when they vomit platitudes.
The way they rotate excuse after excuse for minorities because they've never actually dealt with them for any stretch of time. Unless they're standing near a few, grinning to themselves and feeling quietly superior.
The way they're so dangerously disconnected from reality they can watch a nigger shoot a cop for no reason and talk shit because they're "on the right side of history."
The right is full of some pretty arrogant motherfuckers as well.
Where the fuck have you people been?
The push for totallu socialised medicine, especially by the Irish Left, even though our healthcare system has been described as third world tier.
The Amazing Atheist actually said "I support socialised healthcare, and I think it's the position of anyone who's not a total retard."
The fucking arrogance on that guy when he's 100% wrong, empirically. He pretends like he's this champion of objectivity and rationality and then comes out in support of the $15 minimum wage and socialised medicine.
male feminists are almost always either:
>skinnyfat, pale and hooked nosed
>fat, hairy and trying to wear some shitty beard
I'm pretty much convinced the reason that polygamy is so prevalent among leftists is because the women in those crowds are just unattracted to everyone and listlessly shift between every male available, hoping to feel something.
>having any credibility
They embrace lies and aggressively refuse to accept facts when we try to redpill them.
This. It looks like the only solution to liberals in the world.
Inability to tolerate opposing ideologies
Don't forget a massively receding hairline.
The left are fucking stupid, it's now left wing to despise the working class.
demanding and preaching tolerance while they beat the everlasting shit out of you on national tv for "hate speech"
>that quote
>yet libs are the ones who support the shit out of all these crooked labor unions.
Floppy hair = floppy dick
Fuck off manlet.
Creating problems out of nothing.
>Everything is racist.
>Everything is sexist.
>We have to raise taxes so more brown people can have free shit. Wait, why are the brown people still poor?
>We have to bring in more refugees from militarized Islamic countries. Wait, why is everything blowing up?
>We have to change the government even though everything is going fine (during the 50's). Wait, why are there so many poor people now?
>We have to make more hate speech laws. What do you mean it's a restriction of free speech?
>We have to restrict guns more. What do you mean criminals are still getting guns, we banned them?
>We have to kill that oppressive leader in the middle east. What do you mean the region is destabilized?
There are many more, but those are just some I could come up with off the top of my head. On the bright side, when we finally decide to kill them, they won't be able to defend themselves, and we can slaughter with ease. Remember, no mercy. None. Don't let your dick cloud your thoughts either.
the constantly evolving terminology and jargon
>that quote
>no mention of foreigners being paid pennies on the dollar under that table rather than having employers adhere to minimum wage laws
Libshit logic, everyone.
basically replace islam with the left in video and it answers your question.
>Cuck King
Or it could be that illegals work for less than minimum wage. But we're shit for demanding fair pay.
I would kick this fucking asshole in the crotch until he died, given the chance.
the rhetorical technique where they throw easily debunkable counterpoints, half listen while you explain your response, and then instead of admitting their opinion was wrong and dumb, they throw out a new easily debunkable counterpoint, and act like you should start all over again
they don't believe the things I believe and they act pompous.
Cognitive Dissonance of their own hypocrisy
It's the arrogance that pisses me off, especially when he's so obviously wrong.
People here in Ireland have to sit in trolleys in the A&E room because healthcare professionals are understaffed and underpaid. People can be waiting months or even years for vital surgeries.
And this fat fuck thinks he can waltz in and proclaim himself to be a paragon of objectivity while also ignoring this?
And Canada's no better. Its healthcare system is just as fucked.
The doublethink. They have direct evidence damning the people and ideals they hold sacred, but feel no guilt in perpetuating their bullshit - KNOWING it's bullshit - to people, regardless of whether or not they actually believe it. They spout all these sweet nothings and truly, at their core, believe in none of them. That's why they're
>Haha, you're a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist!
in 2008, and
>Haha, of COURSE Islam is fundamentally changing Western society, deal with it, white boi!
in 2016. They know it's bullshit.
>What is the most infuriating aspect of the political left?
The constant lies and half-truths.
Conservatives argue ideas. Liberals resort to name-calling because they can't argue ideas.
Intellectually dishonest.
Actually liberal is liberal idiot. It means you're more willing to play things loosely. Literally "liberal" with their spending. Calling someone "liberal" a few hundred years ago basically meant that you thought they were promiscuous.
the people that usually hire illegals are generally conservatives
>the people that usually hire illegals are generally conservatives
Why do you say that?
>The left are fucking stupid, it's now left wing to despise the working class.
You don't own them!
Experience and it fits the the principles of the free market. Also, liberals tend not to run the kind of businesses that hire illegals like construction, etc.
The fact that it is inherently suicidal due to anti-natalism, pacifism, and disavowal of manly virtues.