Name a worse movie franchise

Name a worse movie franchise.

star wars


Date movie, epic movie, the "movie" movies.

Star Wars: Episode 94797047


Fifty Shades

Pick any fantastic four adaptations

The Purge movies would be kino if not for their worship of niggers and "kill rayciss witey" message.

Fifty Shades

Maze runner

Are these flicks any good? Ive never seen them and I dont think I know any one who has lol



maze runner is 100% better

Everything before Scary Movie 4 was kino

I thought this was all the same movie.

I only ever saw the second but the anti-whiteness in it was actually shocking. It's almost that overt in movies.

they cancelled the last installment that's all I have to say

I've seen none of those movies

First post, best post

which one was the one where the final movie got made into a series because nobody watched the previous one in theaters?

shadow hunters? I think is on netflix

First one was fine and serviceable but then they just got more tedious. At first I was pissed that they weren't going to make the final movie since I'd forced my way through the last two now I just don't care any more. YA is dead, good riddance.

But it's better than Hunger Games

Rocky and Rambo. Total crap!

I would say Maze Runner, but Aiden Gillen is in it. So, im conflicted.

>not liking J Lawrence

that's apparently what they're doing with this series but it might not even get made into a TV show lmao