What went wrong?

What went wrong?

The original trilogy was kino.

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shouldve just been one comfy movie, it was just one regular length book.
the first movie is fun and comfy for the most part, second was watchable i guess and the third was just a boring mess.

Should've just been about Galadriel walking around barefoot and pooping.

Producers happened. It was a Del Toro movie. Jackson got ahold of it and the mix didn't really work.

stretched out and green screened and the pacing was shite, also the love story that went nowhere with a made up character

jackson really had to fuck up the entire franchise by taking over from del toro. original trilogy was bad enough, why couldn't he just leave the hobit to someone else. CHILDHOOD FUCKING RUINED BECAUSE OF THIS GARBAGE BOOK TO MOVIE ADAPTATION. THANKS PETER!

>"Oy Vey, Mr Jackson, we've been hearing rumours you plan to make the Hobbit in two parts and not three?"
"Yes, it's a short childrens book"
>"Oy Gevalt, what a holocaust, Mr Jackson, we are missing out on a third film worth of shekels here"
"It'll be hard to make the source material last two films, let alone 3"
>"A shoah, right here in my office, remember the 2 billion, Mr Jackson, we demand you make stuff up, invent new characters, show popular characters from Lord of the Rings, lots and lots of CGI"
"Yes, my chosen one"
>"One last thing you Goy animal, we hear the dragon has 4 legs... it only needs 2 to walk, many shekels will be saved"

I simply didn't watch them because of that godawful bloom effect Jackson decided to smear onto every scene

Seriously, how the fuck is that visually appealing?

>you goy animal

Film gotdelayed so much, that del torro could not do it anymore. Studio wanted it anyway in the time they suddenly declaired. Peter Jackson had to make shit up as he was going.

They were right to go for a lighter tone in the narrative but they were always TOO light and kiddy (yes, ik it's not an adult's book), and the attempts at comedy were painfully not funny
All the CGI and other things that made it look like plastic
Splitting a book which is less than a third as long as one of the LotR books into three movies, while they did fine making the LotR series with one movie per book
Related: All the unnecessary non-book shit they shoved in, most obviously the extended Sauron setup shit and the dwarf-elf romance
Miscellaneous shit to extend the movies or just shit that didn't belong in the movie (dwarves running away from Smaug in the old dwarven city, and pic related -- if you can make it out; I couldn't find a single image not blurry as fuck from all the spinning and jumping around the dwarf (specifically branded as the biggest fatass of the group) in the barrel pulled off in a barrel on land -- respectively)
Already mentioned splitting it in 3 movies as the most obvious thing, but the entire Battle of the Five Armies movie. 1/5 of the book, and 90% different and invented.
Probably other obvious shit I'm missing, but yeah. One movie done well would have been great. The Hobbit was my favorite book ever when I was growing up reading. Made me so hyped then so sad. Only good scene that comes to mind is the initial confrontation with Bilbo and Smaug, which wasn't loaded with constant bullshit. Then right after the dwarves come in and it's a wacky scenic chase scene where everyone should be dead 10x over.

Also wrt the dwarf-dragon chase scene, did they have a plan in mind with that big gold statue melting on him, hoping it'd work? I only watched that shit once obviously, but they knew they wanted Smaug to breathe fire into the forges, but did they give any indication of what they wanted the forges working for at all, pre-worthless molten gold statue melting? Idr any indication that cast for the statue existed til the end.

Oops "pic related" was this.

> shooting in 48 frames per second
> Not waiting for Del Torro
> Deciding to do 3 movies from Hobbit instead of 2, and one based on footnoted material from the other 3 books
>Greenscreen too much
> Using Meme actors
>taking the narrative book structure and splitting it instead of re-arranging when needed to make splits naturally
> Having someone who has obviously moved on from LoTR and only did the first three because he liked the Bakshi come back
> Involving Fran, at all..

The blame shouldn't be placed entirely on Jackson considering the circumstances.

Production had already been going for a few months under Del Toro. Wehn He dropped out Jackson felt obligated to rescue it but he hated everything Del Toro had already shot.
So they started all over from scratch with keep the original deadline.
Lord Of The Rings had over a YEAR or pre-production and a planning. Building sets and armor and hiring extras and choreographing fights.

The Hobbit movies had around four months. There were no extras, hardly any props, the shooting script was written has the cameras rolled. THEN came the order from on high that it needed to be a trilogy, not just two films.

There is footage of Jackson on set and he just looks like he wants to die. I'm glad the movie did okay even if they fell short of glory because that man worked his ass off to get it done.
Even with its many MANY flaws, the films are still coherent and finished looking (for the most part) which is better than anyone else would have been able to pull off in the same situation

He's not quite Lucas level retarded but the fact remains that he sharted on the legacy of the original trilogy in half the time that the Star Wars OT ever did

Del Toro dropping out
Fucking hack

The production was a disaster.

Jackson tried to salvage it and An Unexpected Journey to Desolation of Smaug until the moment Legolas showed up was decent, but after that it's clear he was sick of it and just gave up.

He's still credited as script writer.

The differences between hobbit and LOTR

LOTR had a year of preproduction because it filmed all three simultaneously, had massive war scenes, and had dozens of characters with at least minor significance. The Hobbit had many fewer characters, no real need for super intense fight scenes, and should have filmed 1/3 of the trilogy if it had 1/3 of the time

>original trilogy


The problem was that it was both too kiddy and too serious.
The gandalf arch that was not there in the book made it seem like a pure LotR prequel but also it undermined the main story by making it seem irrelevant in comparison

LOTR wasn't that good

>It's Jackson's fault Del Toro fucks off halfway through half his projects

I watched the first Hobbit movie recently and found it rather comfy instead of boring like I did the first time I watched it. Maybe I just miss a time when all movies weren't made the same. I think Del Toro would have done better, but time will still be kind to the Hobbit movies.


>Excessive reliance on computer graphics
>Time will be kind to it

lmao no


That guy's only on the show because he's the best looking

An Unexpected Journey and the first act of Desolation of Smaug are actually good. You can feel that there's some of the passion that was put into the LOTR films in them.

>> shooting in 48 frames per second
48fps was the only reason to see it.

Hey, people still love Independence Day.

While he IS the best looking, he's also just the best in general. Mike does this thing where someone will say something everyone else laughs at and he'll do this intended-to-be-obviously-fake laugh along with them and stop suddenly. Seems like just a random total dick move. Idk why but just that made him drop in stature for me in a fairly big way. Other than that, he never seems interested or to care like the others legitimately either are or pretend to be convincingly enough.
If you dunno what I mean, I'm not gonna be able to look at every BotW to find examples sadly.
I assume you meant Mike. Idk who else someone would place above Jay.

Aside from being a Hobbit adaptation from Peter Jackson (if I remember right the first movie's trailer made it look like it could really be good) you mean, right? Regardless of being a children's fantasy book, I think it's one of the most fun books out there to read -- it's been quite a while for me, but I think for any age that's true -- so it could have been amazing if they'd done the films (or should've been film) properly.
The fps was the aspect of the first movie, while it was getting ready to come out, that I cared the least about by far. Same goes for while as well as after after seeing it.

>What went wrong?
>The original trilogy was kino.
Original trilogy was made from three green book. Hobbit is from 1 red book.


un-ironically nothing, and the movies themselves are better than LoTR. I'm not lying or trolling, I seriously believe this.

Jackson and Del Toro aside. My in universe reasoning why the Hobbit trilogy isn't on the same level as LOTR is Bilbo simply embellished a bit in his book. Thats why alot of the Hobbit trilogy is cartoony

>that go pro footage in the middle of the barrel scene

I still don't know what that's referring to, even though I hear it referenced all the time. But I only saw it once and had to look away during that scene. Though I have seen the most intense barrel action in history from that scene with the most fatass dwarf on land in a barrel kicking ass.

at 1:13 and 1:26

Three movies.

jesus fuck why sauron

The Red Book of Westmarch no less.

kino post

The 1st one is really fucking good. If they had condensed 2 and 3 together with a more streamlined story, it could have been pretty good too. I'm still disappointed that we didn't get to see Del Toro's depiction of Middle Earth, Hellboy 2 was fantasy-kino.

> It's Del Tacos fault that MGM went bancrupt and postponed the project again and again

>>Frodo, did I ever tell you about Alfrid Lickspittle , a servant to the Master of Laketown, in TA 2941. And later he assisted Bard during The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies and had more screentime than me and Gandalf. He was created by Peter Jackson and was basically a clone of Wormtongue. He later dresses as a woman and hides in a catapult attached to a dead Troll. However, one of Alfrid's coins slips off his corset and falls on the catapult lever. The coin acts as counterweight, throwing Alfrid inside the troll's mouth. Both Alfrid and the troll are asphyxiated, He was a good friend

T. Woman.

Not having read the hobbit (yes, a shame, but I'm not on Sup Forums for my love for literature), I enjoyed the drawn-out spectacle.

Debate me.

AkallabĂȘth series when.

lord of the rings spent 2 years in pre production to make sure everything went right.

Too boring
Hobbit doesn't have the source material of LOTR that you can pad into 3 films
Shitty overused CGI everywhere
Hamfisted Legolas everywhere
Dwarf-Elven romance for some reason
Overall, it's just very boring and pointless

Hobbit wasn't generally bad, it was just bad compared to LotR

Rushed production because del taco pulled out
We have this discussion every time LOTR were filmed back to back with huge periods of time dedicated to crafting a story for 3 films

The Hobbit was rushed and pushed into becoming 3 movies instead of 2 and suffered because of it

I'll just leave this here: maple-films.com/faq.html

You know...for folks who might want to see the hobbit trilogy as a single movie...and with some of the garbage removed.

nostalgic pasta, haven't seen this in a while, thanks user