ITT: terrible casting decisions

ITT: terrible casting decisions

>Reacher is a giant, standing at 6' 5" tall (1.96m) with a 50-inch chest, and weighing between 210 and 250 pounds (100–115 kg). He has ice-blue eyes and dirty blond hair. He has very little body fat, and his muscular physique is completely natural (he reveals in Persuader, he has never been an exercise enthusiast.) He is exceptionally strong but is not a good runner.[3] Reacher is strong enough to break a man's neck with one hand (Bad Luck and Trouble) and kill a villain with a single punch to the head (61 Hours) or chest (Worth Dying For). In a fight against a 7 foot, 400 lb steroid-using thug (Persuader), Reacher was able to lift his opponent into the air and drop him on his head.

>Reacher's demeanor is stoic, and he does not talk much. He has a propensity for saying "that's for damn sure". Reacher frequently does not answer when people make statements or ask questions, nodding or shrugging, preferring the other party to fill the silence. A recurring line in the novels is "Reacher said nothing".

sounds like a comic book hero

I like Tom's.
Can't bruise the Cruise.

Orlando bloom in Kingdom of Heaven

Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman

Isn't Hollywood's fault the the writer was dumb enough to create a character that no decent actor could play.

so they changed shit from the book. who cares?

That just sounds like a terrible fucking character rather than a casting choice.

Are these books good? How the fuck can they be with a mary sue?

Hollywood in general doesn't hire tall actors. only ones I can think of are Hemsworth, dwayne johnson and Liam Neeson

>He is exceptionally strong but is not a good runner.
Oof. A casting blunder indeed.

No one gives a shit about the artistic integrity of your schlock trash book.

generally they end up going insane and the characters with actually personality work alongside this guy

Imagine being this asshurt that your shitty book was improved.

Keep chugging that soylent faggots. Tom is a Manlet queer that should never have played Reacher.

kingdom of heaven was doomed from the start because ridley scott has a massive hate boner for christianity, had potential to be a masterpiece though
tom cruise was perfect for this role

Your books and movie are shit user. No one cares.

>doesn't care
>posts anyway
Be gone soy.

Tom Cruise is 5 ft 3, trust me my sister stood next to him

Judging by that description the book sounds like pure reddit......disgusting


Cruise did a good job. He gave a lot if physicality that few actors would've. He's small, but I believe he captured the character's aura;knows what to do, and confidence in his ability to do it. Too bad the sequel was shit.

Sounds deviantart tier.

Name one actor who looks like that Mary-Sue and has the starpower, and ability to act for that role in a movie.

We'll wait.

>That just sounds like a terrible fucking character rather than a casting choice.

It's because he is. if you take Brock Sampson but play it straight. it's fucking retarded.

>masculine character
>but he talks and isnt 6'5
>and cant literally kill people with one punch
>so he is soy

Lmao okay man. Cruise is based. The movie was solid silly fun even if he could have been a bit taller and built. He acted great.

I like 1 and 2 and I'll never read the books.

The first book, "Killing Floor," was entertaining. The author tends to really pad shit out, at least he's honest about being pure Airport fiction.

>6' 5" tall
>50-inch chest
>ice-blue eyes
>dirty blond hair
>muscular physique is completely natural
>kill a villain with a single punch to the head (61 Hours) or chest (Worth Dying For).

Holy shit. I thought this Jack Reacher thing was a vanity project but it looks like Jack Reacher is just a massive mary sue.

He also back hands a woman once, killing her in the process.

sounds like a shitty boring character
>he's stronger than everyone
wow how interesting