Can Ridley Scott redeem himself?
Can Ridley Scott redeem himself?
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Why the fuck are tobias menzies and ciaran hinds in everything together?
caesar and brutus are forever linked
Brainlet here, is this show about an actual Yeti or mental illness? I couldn't quite tell from the trailer. I'll watch it if the Yeti is real.
looks kino thanks op
>they're actually making a big-budget series set around your favorite historical sequence by a creator who can get serious work done when he wants to
It will either be very good or I will finally kill myself.
I fucking wish it was just a manifestation of insanity. It's a polar bear spirit kept at bay by Inuit shaman magic.
yeah I'm glad the youtube Recommended bar did something productive for once
Close enough, guess I'm watching it.
Seems cool but is this a show that can go on for more than a season? Or is it just a miniseries?
>I fucking wish it was just a manifestation of insanity
found the psued
Finally something to fill my Black Sails and Hell On Wheels hole
>Black Sails hole
>take my favourite character in almost any show
>completely change his motives from war against the world to wanting to be with his gay lover
season 1 is still kino
I think it's supposed to be a miniseries. It looks like one of those kinds of stories where everyone goes crazy and dies.
is there any Purefoy tho?
Fuck yeah Lovecraftian horror with Caesar and Brutus, sort of wish Antonius was in it too
>>completely change his motives from war against the world to wanting to be with his gay lover
Wow you fuckwits read that so wrong
This show was too good for liquid shits like you
Trailers didn't do too much for me though...
he doesn't give a fuck about you
prometheus and covenant were alright
historically everyone died and no one figured out their actual fate until like 130 years later
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
>a fucking trailer
>in 2018
it's a "the Franklin expedition" meets "mysterious Arctic yeti monster" episode