

28 here, what about you guys?


J-just turned 26 last month

33yo wizard here. Bask in my presence.
You're gonna be okay.

29 here
should I just get a hooker and be done with it

26 y old virgin here

Hookers don't count


Go for it

it counts to 99% of the world



you can't just cheat like that

15 more to go

sex is overrated

99% of the world is objectively wrong

based bear

Yes just do it. Honestly it's not that big a deal going to whores.


Turning 30 this July, no chance of losing it by then.

>mfw going years between having sex
Infinitely worse than being a virgin.

Fuck right the fuck off, please.

Can you imagine? 40 days without sex, is that even possible?

It's better losing your v-card to hookers because they honestly don't care about you, they just want their money and that's it. Roasties would just talk shit about you behind your back

Not bad yet r-right

No, but damn, as a 29er, it feels like just yesterday I was in college, thinking that it would finally happen for me, but it never did.

lost my virginity at 15. AMA

aren't you too desensitised by now?

Wow good point. Better go find one then.

I'm pretty sure he also had to go 40 days without masturbating. I bet you couldn't do that, fatty.

Urge to kill.... rising....

Nope. I can still get hard on from watching hentai. real porn no.

People on Sup Forums act like it's a huge deal to people but I've never actually seen any social stigma or prejudice towards virgins in real life.
I'm a 24 year old KHV and it's never really come up in conversation. My one friend knows about it and there's nothing more to be said that we haven't discussed already and nobody else has ever even asked (I assume it's because they can tell).
My question to everyone here is, is it really something that you've been mocked and derided for your entire life or are all of your fears imaginary? I've never met anyone that I believe would give me a hard time about it if they happened to learn, and I certainly wouldn't try to hide it or lie about it.

32, s-still going strong h-haha!

I've never been mocked for it, but then I work in software development so there are a lot of KHHVs here.

Same, none of my friends of family really cares. If someone's getting mocked for being a virgin, it's probably because they are acting like a sperg or being really weird and desperate.


>I can still get hard
that's not what i asked

I'm 20 and I lost mine 3 days ago. Wasn't the best experience though

Ye my co-worker this old dude. He doesn't know but he always gives me shit over not dating anyone. He's nice but can be annoying. Did it again before Valentine's. Imagine if he knew I was a virgin.

23, but I already know is futile to try.

If I can still get it up, it means I'm not desensitize by it right? In a sense I am but not to the extent where I can't get an erection.

Did the family dog put up a fight?

damn bruh, 40 years? nigga i cant even imagine goin 40 minutes without bustin a fat nut inside a white bitche's ass. how yall YTies do it?

Oh god, 40 DAYS without sex. The shear horror! How could anyone live like this?

Its not about stigma or even how unplesant it is, but how long it lasts. I always thought it was something i would have to endure through middleschool and statistics would practically garruntee that i would at least get a kiss before HS was over. Then I thought maybe college wouod be better. It wasnt.
Its like going to prison for a month vs 30 years.

30 year old virgin here....its my own fault. i work, go home, shitpost on Sup Forums and watch movies/tv. repeat x100 and only bank account is getting bigger. is this fucking sad or what, i never go out of comfort zone. i tried signing up for tinder but im so much of a loser that i cant even get a response on that.

23 yo femanon here.

I don't know why you guys make such a big deal about your virginity. If you really want to lose it just download tinder.

Realtalk if a girl finds out you're a virgin does that lessen the chance of getting laid?

Asking for a friend haha

i-it'll s-still happen

>can only match with 3/10s or lower

Fuck tinder, it's a plaything exclusively for chads

lmao i wonder if there's a correlation with everyone here being socially awkward virgins and hating women? hahahahahaha



some guys get 0 matches.

really depends on the girl. Some girls don't want to be the one that take your virginity because of the emotional aftereffect. Some don't have time for an inexperience boy. Some probably think there's something wrong with you if you are 30 and still a virgin in the modern world. But if she loves you, none of that matters.

What are the chances of the first first also being a girl that loves you?

Sounds like it's best to lie then

34 years old. 6 years to go. I don't want to go gently into that good night..


>just download tinder
Some of us aren't degenerates. Also, show pussy.

You should ask some question to gauge her opinions on virgins. Might turn out to be in your favor if she knows you only been with 1 woman, her.

What does degenerate mean?

Dude, it almost never is. But good job! Don’t let a poor first performance weigh you down. Practice makes perfect etc., and chances are that you didn’t lose it to “the one”. Don’t give up

>Turning 30 this July, no chance of losing it by then.

It's best not to say anything at all. Just say you haven't been with a woman in some time. I mean, that could mean a lot of things.

How does sex feel like?

an immoral or corrupt person.

What do those words mean?

crusty borads and bines (slight moist)

why not just pay a hooker? god damn


i always wondered, would a prostitute check your ID, they probably dont, but i wouldn't know anything about that. im just curious.

Can hookers tell if you are a virgin?


I'm a fairly good looking 27 year old virgin and everyone just assumes I'm not a virgin except a few old friends.
3 more years to go and I still havent decided what lore of magic to spec.

Welp I have no choice but to stay a virgin forever due to my orientation

Yes, usually. That's why you should pretend to take a phone call during the propositioning, and explain that the call was from your girlfriend.

do you like unicorns or something

25 and going strong

Jesus christ.

If your first spell isn't lightning bolt then there's something wrong with you, my man.

prepubescent girls

Where do I even meet woman that age? I want to so bad nowadays, but the only women I am around all day are usually like 45+(work) or are underage(volunteer work).

>My one friend knows about it and there's nothing more to be said that we haven't discussed already

Trust me, everybody you and him mutually know, knows about it, and he definitely tells other people about his loser 24 year old virgin friend.

>not invisibility
Get a load of this faggot.

I'm already invisible to society to stat with. It's an innate skill.

>Wasn't the best experience though

99.9% of the time it never is. I came in like 2 second my first time but did much better like 5 minutes later.

You are projecting pretty hard buddy.

Just speaking from experience. In my circles of friends there's been 3 virgins who missed the window. Aged 25 to 33. We never talked down to them or busted their balls about it because you don't want to lower their confidence even further (thats the only reason you're still a virgin btw) on the contrary we encouraged them gave them all sorts of tips and even spoonfed them on shit like basic foreplav and how to initiate. But I'll be damned if those fools didn't get roasted behind their backs to everyone we knew. Just grow some fucking balls man. The ugliest fuck in the world can land a woman, and so can you. Stop acting like a shrewd mose and waiting for something to fall in your lap.

Why do people put sex on a pedestal so much
>The ugliest fuck in the world can land a woman, and so can you
Maybe they didn't want one?

Sounds like your bunch is just a bunch of terrible people, then. No wonder you're on Sup Forums.

Nah, just regular hormonal growing males shotting the shit with co-workers. If we were terrible people we would have made fun of the virgins, not did all we could to help them get laid. Sounds to me like you're just a bitter virgin too afriad to take the necesary steps. No wonder you're on Sup Forums trying to argue about everything instead of just taking real advice. Looking a gift horse in the mouth, just like those virgins we tried to help back in the day.

>Why do people put sex on a pedestal so much
>Maybe they didn't want one?

This is like a textbook quote you would find in the dictionary next to permavirgin. A virgin who is so far in denial they have just given up and now trv to convince themselves that they aren't ashamed of the fact.

Legit lost my virginity thanks to this movie. Bit the bullet and told gf (? 3rd date) I was a virgin during the movie and she pretty much jumped me. Some chicks fucking love that shit. I said it a few times after that to other chicks with the same result. Started feeling a little bad after the fifth chick or so, and it was getting kind of obvious in the bedroom that I wasn't so dropped the act after that. No whiteknighting please. Girls have had plenty of cock and lie about it constantly, so fuck 'em. Do whatever works for you.

>judging people on whether they've had sex
how mature of you

So this is the power of reverse psychology...

Who gives a shit, she's a fucking hooker. She's in no position whatsoever to judge anyone.

More like judging them on why they haven't had sex. Not particularly bad looking guys or anything, just complete betas who got lost and couldn't find their way back.

>how mature

Nobody said it was you beta virgin. Growing boys in their tweens are all the same in alot of ways, and immaurity is a pretty common trait. I only bring it up because the 24 year old virgin I first replied to seems to be under the impression that his friends arent doing the exact same shit today. Facing reality is a big part of growing up son. But here vou go again getting all defensive instead of just taking the anonymous advice for what it is. DO you see me attacking virgins or making fun of anyone in this thread? Quit being a pansy little girl about the realities of life and male camaraderie.

Its not really reverse psychology, more just blatant lies. I just took note of the perverse pleasure my first gf took in popping my cherry. (At 22yo for the record).
>"teehee I get to corrupt you"
Or something to that effect. Not saying all women will react like that, or that it would fly >30, but I had a damn good run there for a while thanks to that little deception.

Original guy chiming in, I only have one friend like I said, most of his acquaintances are people I used to know but chose to stop talking to. I'm familiar enough with them to know that they're just not the type of people to do that sort of thing, if for no other reason than at least half of them were virgins until their mid-20s as well. Not every group of friends is going to have the same dynamic as yours, and when I was part of his peer group sex and relationships literally never came up in group conversation.
You're probably going to tell me I'm delusional but this really isn't an issue I'm particularly concerned with, I just kind of wanted to set the record straight since it seems like my post started an argument that I haven't participated in until now.


37 years old here, I hope nuclear Armageddon happens before I hit 40.

If you only have a small group of friends in the same boat as you it's a different story, sure. Most guys have 3-4 different circles of friends be they from school/work/gym/whatever, that's the general perspective I was speaking from.

>You're probably going to tell me I'm delusional

Don't fucking make assumptions about me you poofter faggot and if I ever see you use that card where it's not appropriate again I'm gonna be slightly miffed.