Trump doesn't stand a chance in Florida

Isn't that what CTR said?

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Let's all start edging ourselves until election day.

kek will surely bless this

Texas won't go blue

>look guys trump is losing by double digits teehee :)
>1 week later

never seen such a more transparent attempt to try and get libs out to vote. too bad they probably won't

Let's edge each other ;)

You edge me i'll edge you

No one thinks TX will go blue this time. But the fact that Clinton is so close in TX without even campaigning there means the Dems can take TX next time and turn it blue sooner than anticipated. Everyone knew TX would be blue by 2040 because of Latinos but now it might be blue 20 years sooner.

saw this kind of shit with the brexit vote ii wouldn't be surprised if it bit clinton in the ass a bit too

Romney was up by five in Florida last election cycle. Even if he does win Florida he has to win either Wisconsin or Pennsylvania and the same polls you're citing right now give Clinton a big lead.

So is this the part where they push Trump back to actual numbers so it looks like he suddenly surged last minute and they can say they weren't lying the whole time?

Not unrealistic that both WI and MI go red.

A principled family oriented hard work ethic low taxation platform will capture most latino votes. they know what corrupt government looks like, because they fled countries that let people like Hillary take over.

Why is the MSM so focused on this poll?
It's like they want to make sure and scare the dems into voting

No, because the next republican candidate will be a libertarian/cuckservative/hispanic.

To have an argument prepared for when they inevitable will be called out on their bias. They know exactly what they are doing, the masters of manipulation and spin.

Any room for a circle jerk here guys?

It's the first poll in months that looks even a little bit good for Trump so it's getting a lot of attention.

One thing no one realises either, is that if they see the dems shit on the white voter, the latinos and blacks know they'll shit on them when the time comes to.


Kek bless you fucking yokels, Kek bless you.

If CNN says it is 2 then it is most likely 15-20

>But the fact that Clinton is so close in TX without even campaigning
>being down double digits is close

Semi-related, which swing states should I bet Republican on? Give some reasons why if there are any.

More like they're afraid that their narrative means that shitlibs won't go out and vote due to complacency.

>A principled family oriented hard work ethic low taxation platform will capture most latino votes.
That explains why latino's vote solid blue.
You really Cucked my Record!

>which swing states should I bet Republican on?

You should worry about your muslim infested shit hole first and foremost Reginald.