not many black people here until recently

> not many black people here until recently
> used to think black people were alright and just like everyone else
> constantly annoyed at Sup Forums leaking to other boards
> eventually give up and visit Sup Forums just to see how random xD it is
> 2 years later
> fucking hate niggers and told all my friends

thanks a lot

You're welcome!

Well you guys started it

> from Jew

Why don't you change their culture instead of chimping out you fucking jew, you're in power yet claim to be a victim of bbc culture you created lmao

Is he making the hitler mustache with the shadow?

I really hope the sand niggers around you kill more of you kikes.

bad goyim

Not intentionally, but yeah. That pic made a big stir when it was first taken

In Israel?

What happened? I thought you had a very aggressive policy against foreigners?

The whole BLM thing especially has probably created more racists than anyone would like to admit.

We got flooded by Erithreans (media called them Somali war refugees). Basically they would pay Bedouins to get them to the border and once they crossed it, our cu.cked army would just drive them wherever they wanted. We eventually closed the border but half of Tel Aviv is now Uptown Erithrea

I think you're right. Sometimes I think this whole diversity experiment is just mass shock therapy about the dangers of third world immigration, Islamic jihad and social marxism

The alt right internet war is creating alt left

No it's just Jews being massive fucking retards, there's correct and incorrect ways to integrate. Times when you can and can't, and the Jews just shove their 'everyone's the same' bullshit down everyone's throats.

Left isn't the only one guilty of cultural Marxism,


Don't kikes naturally hate niggers?

When are you going to deport these Eritreans? Why don't you?

The European Ashkenazis probably do. But we had a pretty successful Ethiopian Jew immigration here and they are pretty bro tier. Most people who served in the IDF (aka most Israeli jews) had to deal with them every day and saw that they were literally normies, except not as good looking and with kinda weird last names and traditions. Not same for Erithreans. They rape, molest, steal, break, brought tuberculoses (a previously dead disease here) and AIDS with them. They take over public gardens and make it their home and defecate everywhere. All the while (((NGOs))) who of course don't live anywhere near the Erithreans protest and give them rights and gibs.

its a real feeling

Supreme Court is far left controlled. They closed down the Holot illegal immigrant detention center and are sabotaging deals. But we actually are slowly removing kebab, slowly but surely.

Why you put niggers to us skype?

You need more diversity. Hey, is this the prayer you guys say at Kapparot?

"Chickens! Chickens! Please come home to roost!"
