What does Sup Forums think of Lauren Southern?

What does Sup Forums think of Lauren Southern?

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I'd cum on her toes.

Fuck off lauren.

>hurr jew!

Shes alright

I'd cum on her eyes

she's getting fat

She uses her looks, and our memes to make money, not sure how I feel about that. We don't even get her nudes in return.

shes gotten fat, and is bordering on too old for marriage

I'd cum in her pussy like a normal person.

Boring. You pathetic losers just can't get over the fact that one ok looking woman vaguely subscribes to your batshit ideology. I'm sure she love having a bunch of dorky incels drooling all over her...

Sage btw.

Over idealized because of her politics and that conservative field journalists that are women are uncommon in American / Canadian media.

Would like to see her feet tho.

I still can't believe >she used to be a dude.

Literal mudbrained mudeye

Would marry and impregnate on honey moon

We've had the same thread the last few days almost on a hourly basis. What's the motive with these threads? How is she even relevant at all for making some youtube vids?

She needs to take the black pill.

not naked enough

I'd put a baby in her.

literally who

you damn kids and your youtubers

She is so sexy, I hope we would have sex.

Beautiful conservative blonde. NEEDS BBC.

I would give anything to prep the bull and watch that big black nigga dick tear her tight White pussy up!

Would liberate her

Well after a valid get and no tits in her last shitposting thread, i don't think much of her at all, anymore.

I'd definitely put a baby in her.

underrated post

also, stop making threads about yourself Lauren >_>

she is 6 in Russia

She is a woman who is vaguely close to me in political beliefs. And she is attractive.

too much face make-up

and dyes hair blond for political reasons

Demonic jewess.

Are Russian years like dog years? That would explain how your women age.

I feel like she is bait

Didn't she just turn 21?

she's not even rich lol

Rebel flies her around everywhere and pays her shit. You can tell she hates her brown eyes too.

Stop making these fucking threads, they're aids and she's an attention whore.

This thread again, fuck off shill.

saged in all fields.

I'd cum in her arsehole considering thats the only one left so far.

>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Sup Forums.org/rules#global7

She's getting fat

She keeps denouncing rape culture in the West, which is a good and valid thing to do.

But I'd like to see her get gang raped by a horde of niggers and see if she still says the things she says.

She's getting thiiiicccccccc. Just hope she stops before she gets too big.

>that cosmically awful feel when you will never wife Lauren Southern or probably anyone like her

>Sup Forums

choose one faggot

Hijacking ur thread!

considering all holes have already been taken, I'd probably cum in her ears

attention whore but im an autist so maybe everyone is an attention whore.

yep, you figure 2-3 years of dating before a proposal, 6m-1y engagement, would put her at 25ish for marriage, then a 2-3 honeymoon phase before children only leaves about 7 years for child bearing, at 1 child every 2 years means she can only have 4 children max at this point

pro white extermination kike

Pics or it didn't happen

Fuck off Lauren
Do you really have to ask that every day?

Apparnty she's Jewish.

So, where the nose, Sup Forums?

i like it when her bottom lip quivers when I throw one up her muck hole

>she's 5'7"

Manlets BTFO as always.

Women don't have a place in politics.

Just because this woman happens to agree with me doesn't change my opinion on the matter. You see what the liberal movement is composed of. Women being allowed a voice in politics is both a cause and a result of people like them. Just because she is 'on my side' doesn't mean I like her or I think we need to put her in a pedestal because she's one of millions of women who actually agree with us. That's what got us into this mess.

She is hot and she uses it to pander at our demography.
She makes money and fame our of it while she gave a respectable face at some of our ideas.

Good deal overall, she just needs to stay at her place and not trying to hijack things like the other greek-jew faggot.

I'm convinced that she's the one making these threads. She's definitely used meme arrows on Twitter.

salivating at the mouth just thinking about how hot the contrast of her white skin and a bbc would look as its being smacked against her face, then sucked off thoroughly, and then, finally, ending with a thick load of hot African spunk gushing out of the bbc while inside her.

Her sister is the patrician's choice even thought she is apparently a degenerate who goes to raves.


I hate her and all beautiful women because she's there to tease me.

Why does this semon demon live in cucked safe zone Toronto, home of many sjws?


Attention whore and controlled opposition. Also, Lauren please get off Sup Forums. sage

Would bang

pretty good looking. I have a higher then average level of skepticism when it comes to her actual beliefs though

She should uncake the make up and go back to natural hair color

shes bluepilled on jews


whats her details

That's a handsome man.

>sweden hiding behind proxy



All these Youtube fucks create these threads and the mods allow it

>Stefan Molyneux
>Sam Hyde

And now that skinny anorexic fuck with long hair is in on the act the past few weeks. You wouldn't have heard of these people otherwise.

I like her. I'd hold her hands, cuddle with her, whisper sweet nothings into her ear and finally give her a really soft kiss on the cheek

Hows her foot game?

Can't remember, Lauren posted her sister's snapchat once saying it was her birthday and she wanted followers, I don't use snapchat though as I am autistic.

She's a fucking leaf.

looks like a whore
does she fuck black guys so something?
the only white women i see who put on makeup like that are nigger fuckers


really REALLY looks like a trap in this pic

All women use makeup, you just don't realize it. What you think is """"natural"""" is just a more natural amount and type of makeup

Dude... i thu¡ought it was a fish.

She needs crowdfunding to fix that shit.

I love Lauren


I dont know what you are talking about, my wife doesn't.
The only females around here who load up on makeup like that are coal burners or sluts.

Nice proxy (((Lauren))). I hope to see you in a camp soon.

Why Sup Forums loves girly men so much?

Blaire white, Lauren Southern, they are all trannies.

no one cares about your fat wife

How do you know she's 5'7''?

I have a eternal hatred for cucks.

I sincerely hope you both die in a fire

Barbara is a Jew too. I wonder if there's a pattern of Canadian Jews dying their hair

and lay off the peroxxide

When she trolled the state ID place to change her sex on her ID card a few weeks ago, it showed her height as 5'7".

you do know most fat women put on tons of makeup right?
you sound like a virgin

By "all women" you surely must mean "ugly american skanks".
Of the dozen women I work with, only two wear any noticeable amount of makeup (an even then, just a little), my wife doesn't use any makeup, my mother never used any makeup, my sister only ever used makeup during her edgy teenage years.

t. skinny fat LARPer

She isn't shy around bbc men. I would love to watch her get ravaged by a pack of tall, feral, muscular African bucks, equipped with those big, erect, suckable cocks that they are known for carrying.

Looks like a man in this one OP

110% would bang if when lived in my city.

I want to impregnate her, blondes are one of my biggest turn-ons


Although, wtf is an incel?