Join teamspeak with a few friends

>Join teamspeak with a few friends
>See guy sitting in channel by himself below ours
>Hop into his channel start chatting away
>Warns me he is inviting his radical friend into this chat
>ask him what he means
>starts saying that 9/11 makes no sense to him and unironically he believes that bush did 9/11
>Shoot down every one of his points
>The conspiracy theorist begins to bubble inside
>Claims that the second plane isn't a 747 but is a military plane
>Layer the planes on top of each other in photoshop and show him
>Doesn't believe it: all a lie.
>Discusses that he believes that "drones" existed around that time and claims that robots steered the plane into the towers. There were no terrorists on board
>Explain GPS was not that advanced/accurate at that time and computers could barely support themselves and couldn't do complex calculations to that extent.
>Conspiracy theorist continues to say it is all a setup and lies.
>sends me tinfoil hat websites dedicated to investigating 9/11
>sources are biased as fuck
>state that just because people signed on the petition to investigate 9/11 doesn't serve as evidence.
>his friend finally comes into the chat
>starts rambling about new world order and unironically says "jet fuel can't melt steel beams"
>Calls me a sheep and a moron for not agreeing with everything he has to offer
>two other guys come in, co-conspirators: start laughing whenever I try to explain certain events and cause-effect
>conspiracy theorist circlejerk: 4v1
>constantly claims he has proof behind his arguments
>ask for evidence
>"go look for it yourself user, you have the internet. I'm not going to wipe your ass for you"
> tries to prove a point
> claims evidence
> tells the audience to find the evidence by themselves
> wat.jpg
>Conspirator feels threatened
>starts taking out the insults
>calls me a moron and closed-minded
(to be cont...)

Other urls found in this thread:

>calls me closed minded
>refuses to listen to logical explanation of the events
>or even consider my viewpoints
>conspirator feels his brainwashing isn't working
>starts talking over me
>conspiracy theorist friend speaks for 10 minutes at a time repeating memes about 9/11 over and over unironically
>I try to respond, only to be told I am talking over him.
>conspiracy theorist calls me a lost cause because I am closed minded
>starts screaming and squealing over mic like a pig because I am skeptical of his bullshit
>ragequits under the pretense that he has to go
>find out the next day that he wrote a tumblr post about how closed minded people are and they clearly don't see the truth

>wastes his time arguing with a retard

have you nothing better to do OP?

America used to be beautiful

Did you have fun at least?

Certainly. I was moreso impressed by how stupid some people are. I know another guy who unironically believes the holocaust never happened.


You sound like a close-minded moron. Nikola Tesla had RC boatds. You don't think the government had RC planes in the 90's or in 2001? PLEASE.

We have had supercomputers for "weather prediction" for a very long time. Who knows what crowd-based simulations are run. For all we know the entire city was grounds for a top-level secret op involving hundreds if not thousands of people. We are at the point in time where nothing is "ridiculous" as it sounds.

Power and control are all about theatrics. 9/11 conspiracies is one of the realest. Look at the ball theory. Ouch!

>everything outside of your mind isn't real

This is true, but it has nothing to do with 9/11

or you could just pay the saudis a couple of thousand US bucks to convince some religious whackjobs to hijack a plane

you can get the same job done without Rube Goldberg

I just think 9/11 is one of those conspiracies of my time. I remember it through childhood. The Federal directives of "remembering the event" in school.

The things that happen around us are often Federal-level psi-ops. Obama authorized FULL SCALE propaganda so they don't even have to hide that, which makes their subtle social manipulation tactics that much easier.

9/11 was the beginning of the so-called FEMA camps age.


His claim was that there was an autonomous pilot on board, GPS was not accurate or responsive enough to hit the tower with that little room for failure. if the plane was off by even 100 feet, the attack would have failed. Also the fact that the cabin wasn't pressurized and that the plane was specially built for 9/11 since a normal 747 would have been torn up from the air friction at such a low altitude long before it hit the towers.

Unless there were explosives I highly doubt the plane would have gone through the beams like that. Many structural engineers, given data, agree that the full-fuel tank theory is plausible.

Then again, given the strange nature of the attack (Trillions disappearing soon after the Clintons leave, a terrorist's passport being blown out of the plane (which exploded INSIDE the building) onto the ground, the wrong sized holes everywhere, the fact that no building as such has ever been knocked down by a plane alone, the "art project" which occurred on the same floor as the attack; involving Israeli students with utility tunnel access passes who no one recalls seeing there.

I agree that it wasn't GPS or even an autonomous system, but have you seen the footage of the ball descending toward the first building? Looks guided to me, like it's on a string perhaps?

Considering these are Jihadists on a mission to kill as many infidels as possible, the plane very well could've been loaded with explosives in the cargo bay.

I'll take things that didn't happen for 1000, Alex

How about how the third tower fell despite the 3rd plane not hitting its target?


As much as I would say that it didn't happen and laugh it off, sadly it did. People like this actually exist.

>Explain GPS was not that advanced/accurate at that time and computers could barely support themselves and couldn't do complex calculations to that extent.

Well that's just patently untrue

>he thinks 9/11 wasn't an inside job


The buildings surrounding the south and north were also destroyed despite not being hit by a plane either. The blast from the towers collapsing destroyed them. Building 7 was not much further away than those and suffered structural damage maybe not even visible.

Drones did exists in 2001 though.

why the hell would you randomly to go another channel with just one guy sitting in it

Sneaking that much explosive power onto an airplane requires you to suspend disbelief a lot more than thinking our government or SOMEBODY had a hand in it.

The Israeli art project and the process around the insurance claims on the buildings are far more unsettling to me. We have no smoking gun on 9/11, but there are trails of seemingly very suspicious actions that we can see and try to draw conclusions out of.

Keep in mind these are buildings that needed extreme renovations due to violations involving asbestos. How convenient they were knocked down and that lucky Larry was able to cash out big time over it.

Structural damage that caused collapse mimicking controlled descent? I'll take NOPE.JPG for $1000, Alex

Bush did do 9/11 technically.

It was the saudis, and I'm pretty sure the bushes are buddy buddy with them.

That guy is an idiot but you also are kind of a dumbass for making a blog post on Sup Forums so kys

what is your explanation then?

Not your blog, faggot

Jet's were not scrambled even when it was obvious the liner's were off course.
If the Jet's had not arrived before first plane hit, would maybe believe.
Didn't stop second one from hitting? No fucking way.

Military is not that incompetent.

The second jet was determined hijacked less than 10 miles from the target.

That it was a controlled demolition asshat.

Why would it have a delay of several hours if it was a controlled explosion instead of having it explode when the towers fell to reduce suspicions? Makes no sense. Also, no sounds of explosions were heard at the scene.

you sound blue pilled as fuck and are probably just a ctr troll. kys

>thinks Bush did it when clearly it was the jews

WTC never existed. It's all in your head.

The truth is much more simple and sinister than any of that tinfoil garbage. The government allowed 9/11 to happen, just like they allowed Boston, Orlando, etc to happen, I wouldn't be surprised if they fund a lot of it.

Just look at the bird dogging of Trump's campaign.

$2.3 Trillion missing on 9/10/01

I think you meant to post this in the other tab opened in your personal blog.

I think you meant to click Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums

You're sliding threads about politics, stop posting.

Of course he's CTR, his story sounds contrived as fuck.

nice blog post

>Implying 9/11 wasn't a inside job

Top kek, you're the faggot m8. it's painfully obvious that the US atleast new it was happening.

>Jewish owner renews insurance policy specifically for terrorist attacks
>The hijackers were known to the US and shouldn't have been allowed in
>Heavily inbred goat ducker steering a plane perfectly in to the towers
>The plane headed to the pentagon and the second one headed for the towers should've been shot down
>The perfect, controlled way the towers dropped
>Tower 7 collapses without taking any damage

I bet you believe in the holohoax as well. Will you go back after the election?

military drones have been around a lot longer than you think. we had target and recon drones in the 50s. drones as you know them know have existed since the 80s

>mere coincidences
not to mention that Lucky Larry Silverstein who owned the lease to the towers was away that day, as was the rest of his family.

>GPS was not that advanced/accurate at that time and computers could barely support themselves and couldn't do complex calculations to that extent.
Spotted the millennial

>9/11 was the beginning of the so-called FEMA camps age.

...and where are these camps?

>cash out big time over it.

he ended up losing money- after opportunity costs, clean-up and rebuild.

>mimicking controlled descent

really? then why did the penthouse collapse multiple seconds before the facade?

where were the necessary explosions that coincide with a controlled demolition?

>learn how and why to use greentext faggot
>Quit believing the MSM and think for yourself faggot

he went crying to tumblr and you went crying to Sup Forums. youre both garbage and neither of us care