Brit/pol/ - Put the kettle on edition

PMQ's Jeremy Corbyn vs Theresa May (26th October 2016)

>Nigel Farage getting in trouble at the EU Parliament again

>Britain to send hundreds more troops close to Russia border in largest deployment since Cold War

>"Incandescent with rage" British UN official attacks selfish, inhuman Russia

>Michael Gove and other senior Leave campaigners elected to sit on powerful new Brexit committee

>UK 'well placed' says Hammond as economy grows 0.5pc

>Brits care more about controlling immigration than staying in the single market

>New Heathrow runway may be built above the M25

>Calais Jungle: Overnight fires raze parts of migrant camp

>Former minister Nick Boles: 'Doctors have found cancerous tumour in my head'

>Exclusive: what Theresa May really thinks about Brexit shown in leaked recording

>Labour fined over 'Ed Stone' general election costs

>Zac Goldsmith quits as MP over Heathrow decision

Other urls found in this thread:

>brit/pol/ dies with no new thread
>reload catalog
>search "brit"
>loads of europeans crying about how they're being oppressed here based on something they read in the guardian


It's amazing just how much people like to talk about us

Eurocucks on here have been nuclear levels of arse ravaged since Brexit tnqh.

>it took this long for someone to make a new thread
lazy fucks

Something to mull over.

Just finished the 2nd new Black Mirror episode (VR gaming one), pretty sick actually, just a bit predictable towards the end there. Again, bit perplexed by the casting - no white women and literally one white guy, who proceeds to get boned (not just in the good way).

Morning lads

What's for dinner lads?

only some of them

most of them are pretty kl desu

>tfw all this tranny shite has been making me increasingly conservative

>-gender shaming

We don't need that American shit over here . . . .this needs to STOP!

>tfw will never propagate the anglo race

Just kill myself already

It's just chocolate. If there was a type of chocolate bar that I wanted that had a pink wrapper I'd buy it because I'm not buying it for the wrapper, I'm buying it for the chocolate.

It's the same path of thought I had with Yorkies For Girls - no one is going to fucking stop a woman buying a blue Yorkie just because your a woman, and no one is going to stop a man buying a pink Yorkie for the same reason.

It's almost as if some of these people have never heard of critical thinking.

>most of them are pretty Kuala Lumpur

>mother makes £5k from mail exaggerating story that no sane person would care about
>"I'm outraged they didn't pay me more for this shit" said Houghton while booking flights to disney land florida

>What's for dinner lads?
I made a bolognese sauce yesterday but tonight I'm going to pour the rest over some Jacket spuds

It's a fucking tragic existence isn't it. I went from being a "let every refugee into the UK" to what I am now in the space of about a three years. It's been a hell of a fucking trip so far, and I'm hoping it gets a lot fucking more mad in a month or two.

>some tea after some overtime edition

The more than 2 genders meme is a european invention.

Europeans invented homosexuality. Americans are strict religious adherents that do not abide by such inappropriate behavior.

Popped past the chippie and got a battered sausage, chips and a freezing cold cherry Fanta

Not sure what angers me more, the actions of the mother making this into a news story or the Daily Mail publishing it as though it were a news story.

Poor kid looks mortified.

>It's just chocolate.

It contains a toy. The pink one contains Disney Frozen toys and the Blue ones Marvel superhero toys.

>It's almost as if some of these people have never heard of critical thinking.

Or learnt to read.



Don't talk shit.

This transgender shit comes from your Universities and pathetic, placid population.

We now have BLM in Europe thanks to you cunts.

you know who to vote for

I love how salty Spaniards, Poles and Snowniggers get.

Look. You are in an ANGLO thread. We know all of the tricks. They are our tricks. You have no power here.

Consider me retarded then.
They didn't have any.

>battered sausage, chips and a freezing cold cherry Fanta
Cool beans.
Not sure that would fill me up, I often order a pie with the sausage and chips.

Why do you care? Little shits are annoying

>Tell someone I'm pleased that bennies are getting slashed by the Tories
>They get angry and say they bet I've never been on benefits and if I did I'd know how hard it is
>Say I was on them for 2 months a few years ago
>"omg 2 months isn't enough to form an opinion try being on them for years then you'll realise you difficult life is and how unhelpful it is in the long run".

Do people not understand that being on benefits is SUPPOSED to suck?

Big boy, huh?

Had a chicken legend

First McDonald's I've had in months.

This place does a shit ton of chips, tbqh.

Anyone tried those new Jalepeno cheese bites at McDonalds recently?

I was with a few friends earlier and was going to order some but I left my wallet at home and couldn't be arsed to go back.

This man knows his shit

t. nicola "put it in my arse and" stir-on

>it's the cuck who tries to convince us to let our bloodlines die


>Live in black country
>All chips are battered chips

fuck yeah

3 shredded wheat.

They "die" all the time. In 100 years nobody will know or care about you, regardless of whether you have kids or not.

So what's the shit about Nissan lads?

people still give a shit about 'benefit scroungers'? I thought the government had moved from the British underclass to all foreigners as the target of hate in their divide and conquer initiative.

Foreigners are a type of benefit scrounger

A little part of me will live on forever in my descendants.

And you still have so far to go

>go to black country museum
>do fish and chips the traditional way, fried in beef dripping

top draw grub tbf

So how much did they pay, or promise to pay Nissan to stay?

Reading that back it sounds a bit harsh, but you'll never earn your yank trolling merit badge if you don't know the basic kinder surprise facts.

>implying the hatred for foreigners is government manufactured
Believe it or not, people don't like increased competition for jobs and homes in combination with the erasure of their culture.

>muh divide and conquer

I bet you think a load of suited white guys meet up and cackle while putting these nefarious plans together

Probably a tenner and a bottle of Irn Bru

That's what they said to Hitler not one century ago today.

>ywn be Corbyn
>ywn cover yourself head to toe in Vaziline and slide your entire naked body through Diane Abbot's moist beef curtains

They're "little shits" when they're raised by cunts and scum (e.g. your parents)





Steady on lad.

It's probably due to the fact that I haven't bought a Kinder egg since I was about 6.


the hatred exists, but it has been propagated by the government

it's a time tests tactic, nearly every group or person of power throughout history has used it if possible.

They've said they'll stay as long as the govt doesn't go full retard after leaving the EU. Basically we'll charge tariffs on imports and use that money to shore up domestic manufacturing. Mercantilism 101. Loads of countries do it including the EU itself when trading with the rest of the world.

You own group uses anyone with 2 pennies to rub together as the enemy, for example.

>the hatred exists
And it is completely valid, for the reaons I just stated.

The toys are much better these days.

>t. paki benefit scrounger.

Sounds good then

Pretty much what I expected. They were never going to leave.

Battered chips? never even knew that was thing tbqhwy.

Kek. My parents are great and I'm a good person. Still have have absolutely no desire to have a family.

Good goy, Mr Bergowitz needs more wage slaves.


I used to collect the green frogs from the Kinder Eggs.

completely valid, but a fringe opinion not held by any sizeable amount of people, or with any real conviction up until recently.

Hitler is instantly reviled by the overwhelming majority of the world. Only on Mongolian throat singing forums is he praised. Not a great legacy.

Scared the shit out of me the more I thought about it afterwards. Probably going to be the only decent episode as it's actually set in this country.

>go to pub last night
>get into a conversation about "British pride"
>reach the conclusion together that just because some bad things happened in the past doesn't mean you can't be proud of being British

Glad I wasn't too hammered or I might've let slip that I want us to take the colonies back.

Still, hearing that from a black guy is neat considering the amount of Guardian race baiting you have in society these days. Honestly I figure a lot of people are just traitors.

If (((they))) want wage slaves, they'll use shitskins since they're too poor and stupid to complain. That's why they want more of them and less of us.

It may not even be in the form of direct support, but in say corporate tax cuts, some from of tax break on payrole taxes, or heavily subsidising research into some new part of a given sector like electric cars or batteries (something which Nissan and others would benefit from but may not bother to fund themselves).

It's actually quite exciting because if done right you get the sort of German/American/Japanese levels of innovation and the knock on effects. Fingers crossed.

Episode 3 and 6 are both set in Britain too m8.

the guardian is among the least popular papers in the country.

Pubs are a fairly solid bastion of English right wingers.

Plot twist: he's a black liberal drama teacher.

Nonsense. Normal English people have never wanted immigration, just a few cucks and businessmen looking cheap workers.


It was always meant to be.







looking *for*


>you will never kiss this plastic


>fringe opinion
No it isn't. You were trying to spread this meme yesterday libcuck.

>muh chilluns
>muh ebul ASSad
>muh they need to no bomb now
>muh we need to bomb!
Fuck this government and the fucking media, utter fucking retarded shilly mcshill shill heads.

The only people that want to get involved in Syria are CEOs and shabbos goys






Then to balance it out I nearly got in a fight with a Moslem in the off licence and made them cry when I called the cops on them, shit was hilarious.

This whole gender identity shit is a fucking goldmine for these women's gossip mags. Before they had to find celebrity stuff or people with actual stories like "I married my stalker" or "I had to amputate half my body after cutting celery", but now they can just print some crap about "Someone misgendered me" and it's somehow a story.