Why is the ocean so fucking scary?

Why is the ocean so fucking scary?

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It's the only place on Earth where you're literally helpless.

Because it isn't on instagram.

Because its deeper than the tallest building in the world is tall.

we haven't seen the bottom
we've seen near the bottom and there's fucking abominations living down there

The sky? Desert? Tundra? Arctic?

Imagine being lost at sea... waiting for a shark or hypothermia to take you
I think like 3 people have been to the bottom of the Marianas trench user

>Imagine being lost at sea... waiting for a shark or hypothermia to take you
this is precisely why i installed a cyanide pill in one of my molars

You're still on land.


>not just giving up
>not slowly sinking into the black water
>not savouring your last moments on earth floating at the seas mercy

Drowning is meant to be peaceful once you accept the fact

You can be helpless on land


There are Na'avi down there.

But you won't drown.


so if I offered you some taffy it would be your last?

fuck dat shiet


really obvious puppet

There are probably millions of fucking insane aquatic animals which we will never see or know about because they have recently become extinct.

what was it, lads?




If you can still walk, breathe, and see you're not helpless

>he's never heard of a goblin shark

goblin shark

Iceberg calving.

fuck you drowning is horrendous and no amount of training or peace-of-mind will suppress your body's reflexive urge to unfuck itself while your lungs are forcibly penetrated by water and your nasal cavity floods water up into your skull

Shadow of a cloud

they have clouds underwater?

i got your joke, user
don't worry

You can survive, even thrive, in all of those places except for sky which I don't even understand what you mean by. Do you mean flying in an airplane? Flying is one of the most common phobias, dipshit.

You can't breathe water. You also don't know what is in there, it's deep as fuck, visibility is low, and it's very difficult to defend yourself from anything that attacks you since you have to concentrate on just staying afloat, you are more encumbered than if you were just on land, and things that do attack in the ocean can generally swallow you whole.


if i ATE some taffy it would be my last
but i'd make sure it was salt water taffy

>that video title

Boy you're a retard

have you ever gone swimming at night in the edge of the Pacific? I did once in SD at a beach relatively far from light pollution. being in the water and seeing the expanse of the ocean before you is legitimately one of the most terrifying experiences I ever went through. This is like only 20 meters away from land, with relatively high visibility. Now imagine like being stuck hundreds of miles in the middle of the ocean in almost complete darkness.

>that fireworks scene where you see how fucking alone and helpless they are

its literally the abyss. cthulhu resides there


Motherfucker you can drown in the sky

Stuck at the top of mount Everest is helpless af

It really is a great movie. I don't know why everyone calls it a chickflick

This 100%. Way worse than being stuck in like a forest or a tundra desu. Your mind plays with scenarios in those settings and it's terrifying, but imagining what's lurking under the ocean is like 1000x worse. No wonder the jews were absolutely scared of the sea.

It was another drunk Russian submariner trying to let off his missiles and forgetting about the safety protocols which led to the missiles exploding in the tubes and sinking his submarine.

Indoor water is comfy

You always have the option to compose yourself and climb down provided you're nice and bundled up. If you're stuck in the middle of the ocean, no matter how you're dressed, you're fucked. You will die.

nothing to worry about

James Cameron has been near bottom of Mariana's trench. Their vessel's window cracked mere feet away from the very bottom.

All these people saying the woods aren't dangerous...

it's safe down here

I wouldn't worry about it.

>isn't afraid of being swallowed whole by an underwater-vapour leviathan
you don't have to act so tough on the internet, buddy

maximum comfy
thanks for posting this, lads

>the beta mothman
>the chad Kraken

That's what we have ICE for

Top Lol is that a thing? Seems like you are looking for an accidental death

This seems comfy as fuck.

Because you can't do shit. The the waves can take you, the animals can take you. You can only swim so long before exhaustion. You can't really fight anything that tries to eat you and you definitely can't fight the water. You're surrounded by openness and no one can hear you scream. You can't swim towards land because you don't know where the fuck land is because everything looks the same.

I fucking hate wide open spaces. Anything could come from anywhere.

just a normal sperm whale but still spooky as fuck

Only the second half is worth watching

The first half is a chickflick

>terrified of the ocean
>still do stupid shit like swim at night and try to find creepy shit out in the distance when it's a blizzard
It's weird that I'm fucking terrified what lurks below yet I do it anyway. I don't think it's bravery, it's pure stupidity. It'll kill me one day.

rather have an accidental suicide than suffer a grueling, lovecraftian demise at sea

Not climbing down anything when you can't breathe properly. You're going to last a lot longer bobbing in the ocean then being at Everest

Fuck off, first half is 10/10 historykino

What an epic story.


>sperm whale

What did this poor creature do to be named that

fuck that there's probably colossal squid somewhere near that vicinity

literally impregnate the ocean

woman detected

I don't think the ocean gets that deep that quick.

>bobbing in the ocean.

Fat fuck detected.

Whales are so fucking based. Everyone should read Moby Dick

this is actually relaxing though
if you get tired or anxious or something just lay down and put your hands behind your head and gaze at some puffy white clouds until you regain your composure

Are those scratches?

>he doesn't know about blue holes.

Narwhals Narwhals living in the ocean


From fighting forty foot long squid

As beautiful as they are with the grasses and what not. No. Fucking tornadoes and shit. Nowhere to fucking hide if something is coming after you. Nothing to make a weapon out of. Miles fucking better than being in the ocean though.

cockeyed squid, deep sea

I assume they're scars from whatever life experiences that whale has been though, maybe from spears, attacks by other aquatic life, swimming against a sharp rocky range. They live a long time.

what movie about ocean Sup Forums

If all life came from the ocean, are monstrosities like the squid and anglerfish the purest form of life

It isn't, Been on 3 cruises and everytime it was fucking incredible.

lightning storms and warm showers are comfy as fuck, faggot
go on, keep making the plain sound infinitely more enticing than the ocean

>Drowning is meant to be peaceful

You will fight against it no matter what you do. Like trying to keep your eye open while someone pokes it.

Sure it is, because you're relatively safe on a cruise ship. I've been on a cruise ship too and it's actually quite soothing watching the water rise and fall endlessly. It would be far less soothing when you're helplessly splashing around in the water by yourself.

also doesn't change the fact that you can get caught in a worse storm while being in the ocean literally going through water torture

Most people that have died in the ocean also experienced this at the time of their death.

Real comfy until you get hit. Thunderstorms with no shelter suck dick.

Fear of the unknown. So much of the ocean remains uncharted compared to land.

Also you can drown in it and lot's of shit can kill you in the ocean. On land you at least stand a chance, but in water you're pretty much helpless.

>It would be far less soothing when you're helplessly splashing around in the water by yourself.

Not him but when would this ever happen.
The oceans not really scary because I'm never going to be super deep where all that spooky shit is and I'm never going to randomly be floating alone in the middle of the ocean.

I guess being hypothetically scared of it is sensible, but still.

But the real abominations live on land. Mostly.

>floating around in total blackness punctuated by the occasional blinding flash getting smashed underwater by big waves every now and then


If this ship crashed or some shit. Though you'd likely drown on the boat. You say it like no one has ever been lost in the ocean before though.

I hope someone pushes you overboard on one of your cruises and nobody notices lol

Good way to murder someone, has this ever happened?