Anyone else here watch it? It was entertaining but definitely didn't need to be 6 hours long

Anyone else here watch it? It was entertaining but definitely didn't need to be 6 hours long.

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What's dafoe's part in it? I didn't take him for the degenerate type

Is this what liberals watch for """""entertainment"""""?

Go out and get laid lmao!

15 mins of sex is better than this.


worst girl

No, liberals didn't like the stupid ending.

Haven't seen it in a while but he isn't in it too long, and from what I recall doesn't even do anything sexual.

only a matter of time before the contrarian pseuds start sucking this movie's dick

Uma Thurman looks like a dead fish while everyone else is at least trying.

I loved it. Ending and all

It's 6 hours of garbage surrounding one 3 minute scene of absolute beauty.

The fucking Bach polyphony is the only scene with an interesting intent.

BBC DP was good but other than that it was boring as shit.

lmao these plebs haven't even heard of Antichrist

>Ending and all

Only part I thought was dumb, but it didn't ruin it for me.

Part I was a cool, visceral, vulgar, and artful movie. The chapter setup, the way that each part of the story was given a different filmed technique, from a small vignette filmed with Eisensteinian montage to a black and white emotive arthouse flick, was great to watch and I felt the story was towing the line well between something genuinely touching and something needlessly shameful. Seligman's intelligence and naivete contrasted quite well with Joe's well worn street experience. I was completely enraptured.

Part II was trash. The chapter setup was all but gone, along with the stylistic flourishes, and the story veered into total depravity with little concern for the artful. This slow collapse also leads to one of the most unsatisfying endings I've ever seen.

The fact that this is all basically one movie is astounding. It's like the creative team suffered a stroke halfway through production.

>Time jump
>Joe is now played by older actress
>Jerome is still Shia Labeouf


I want the Jo poster.

He has full on screen penetration in Antichrist. At least I think they don't use doubles.


What was the reason for showing the cameraman shooting the mirror? Seemed so random

Are you on drugs? Older Jerome was a completely different actor.

There's a span of the movie where old Joe is the old actress but Jerome is still Shia.

This bothered me a lot.

>I didn't take him for the degenerate type
Why the fuck "type" DID you take him for then?

the /ourguy/ type

I like Jamie Bell's part, but it was kept short. But at least i've learnt something

Gotta keep you in the movie when you send in a sex tape as an audition video.

The beginning when the schoolgirls on the train were having the contest of how many men they could seduce was the best part. It all went downhill after that.

I watched it because sex haha
Weird movie

its says everything about humanity that that was the beginning of the film. Placed there with intent and care, to hook the viewer. Knowing it would.

what scene friendo

someone tell me what the ending is

Gonna be honest I don't remember Thurmans part.

How many times did you guys fap through it?

>3 tasteful faps
>One untasteful fap when she was peed on

I love this scene. Some people call it wankery but I love the construction of it, how the pretentious interrogator introduces the protag to the golden ration and the film reorganizes her sexual experiences into a polyphony on screen. It's beautiful and shows some of the demented warmth inside Lars von Trier.

I'm not sure about him, as a director. Sometimes he's divine, other she's typical.

How has no one posted the BBC scene yet? Sup Forums is slacking tonight.

It was just an excuse to shoot BBC porn into a mainstream film.

The uncut version was best, the niggers are just standing there with erect cocks for 10 minutes arguing over which one fucks her first.

So the movie itself is like watching a young virgin go from Stacie to Roastie?

T. Faggot that didn’t watch it

LITERALLY judging a book by it’s cover

After finishing her stories, Joe falls asleep.Seligman tries to have sex with Joe as she sleeps, she wakes up, shots him, and flees

>75% and 60%
So technically that makes you the pseud contrarian, retard

well you're just a stupid person, what can I say
he's been acting for ages. his filmography isn't short or ambiguous.

Clearly you don’t know shit about Dafoe then. As a teen his parents let him bring home girls to fuck, has “Euro” sensibilities about nudity and sex and most of all he’s got a huge dick

The movie was decent but the 2 hour long segment on why its ethical to fuck kids was a bit much

>30 scenes of white in white sex
>like one scene with a black guy

Nothing was really arousing to me honestly, this is coming from a pretty big horndog too who originally watched it to do just that. I was honest to god more interested in dialogue and characters than any actual sexual scenes.

Did they photoshop in a right arm? That couldn't look more mannish if it tried.

>being this much of a fucking pleb
i bet you like shizune faggot lmao

Wow, what an awful, awful ending

>Literally a nympho
>Hurr durr don't fuck me

>nice man takes you in after brutal assault, gives you food and drink, a bed for you to sleep on, talks for hours about sexual exploits and how it fucked her up physically and mentally, then says goodnight to you, turns off the light and shuts the door

>comes back moments later to try to ram it in you forcefully in the dark saying 'you've fucked hundreds of guys' with no regard to anything that they just fucking discussed

Yeah I don't know why she wasn't dripping and spreading her legs for him.

yeah? He literally did nothing wrong, maybe she shouldn't have been such a fucking slut. This movie is absolutely retarded

>yeah? He literally did nothing wrong

I agree
up into the end where the ruin his character entirely by having him do that

Lars just can't help himself, the fucking faggot.

This really happened? The fuck. Why? Isn't the main character of age..

>Slut gets fucked but because it wasn't on her terms its """"""""problematic"""" and le rape meme
Fuck off roastie apologist
See for yourself, along with the totally epic artistic aspect ratio changing

>it's ok to rape girls because they've had sex a lot before

>Slut gets fucked but because it wasn't on her terms its """"""""problematic"""" and le rape meme
Yes, correct

There is no point in the 6 hour fucking film that alludes to his character doing something like that. In fact he's a timid fucking virgin. The end is stupid, not because he didn't get to fuck her, but because the sudden aggressiveness is completely out of character and the movie could have solidly ended when he closed the door.

Being a nymphomaniac does not mean you have sex with everyone at anytime even when you don't want to, it means you like having a lot of sex.
Stop being a dumb fuck edgy teen, you stupid nigger.

Is she sergies daughter?

People like you need to be shot. She isn't required to offer up sex just because she likes to have lots of sex.

Until the sun came up and then poof! Turned them to stone

>These are the people posting on Sup Forums, they probably didn't see Black Panther because they're white

I can barely remember but I think he's kinda a mobster type.
I know that the main character ends up working for him for a time.

>the absolute state of a retard

she was hot as fuck

>No actual arguments given
Hello american, you probably thought this shitty movie was a deep artistic masterpiece despite its glaring technical and writing flaws

Yeah. Serge Gainsborough made this music video with her when she was 13.

And people wonder why she grew up to do movies like this.

>I can't read

Every response to your idiotic post was an argument against your stupidity. Keep digging your hole though you ignorant nigger

You think for some reason we should respect the nymphos wishes, because women control your soy life. You realise most women have rape fantasies right?

>At least I think they don't use doubles.
Of course they used doubles.

Both Antichrist and Nympho have porn star doubles for all the sex scenes

God I wish that were me

Serge is a Jew, they are all degenerates. None of them identify with the lifestyles of the countries they inhabit

"European" sexual attitudes weren't a thing until kikes fully infested Europe after WW2. Serge wouldn't even have a career if not for this Jew to Jew nepotism, his music is fucking awful