Luke, did I ever tell you about my girlfriend, Qi’Ra...

>Luke, did I ever tell you about my girlfriend, Qi’Ra? She was a powerful female figure in my life and accompanied me when I took on the Kessel Run. She was the only person who knew what I really was. And she was a good friend.

I know that this is a meme but I like to imagine Sup Forums denizens obsessively telling every single person they meet every bit of backstory and never concealing anything. It probably explains the loneliness/misanthropy

I don't know what you mean by this

>every bit of backstory
>one long run-on sentence summarizing both one of his most important relationships and one of his most pivotal moments
He even mentions the Kessel Run in ANH.

I got a bad feeling about this

Since Sup Forums doesn't know how writing a movie works, Solo will obviously end with Qi'Ra either leaving him or dying tragically, galvanizing Han into the kind of dick he is at the beginning of ANH. So yes, he wouldn't mention it

>writing a movie
You write a script, not a movie.

Writing only a script is a good way to get a shit movie

I didn't want to use terminology beyond your means. But as a literal, actual screenwriter, yes, "I'm writing a movie" is a fine way of saying it

>beyond your means
I think you meant to type "beyond your comprehension" or "beyond your vocabulary"

Gotta retroactively fagify everything.

They aren't even milking this thing right. If you're going to grind out mediocre side films for an old, popular franchise, you could at least go all the way with it. Make a Kessel Run Trilogy, with the first movie as a heist movie, the second as a race movie like Cannonball Run or some shit, and the third one as a buddy cop thing. At least shred up any dignity the series had left with some enthusiasm.

Why would a guy who's Bragging about his ship to 2 potential customers mention his dead girlfriend

lol! So dumb. Han Solo is definitely not the kind of guy I would think of as some horny chad.

And that's when Mr Morden decided to serve the Shadows. It's all Scotty's fault.



oh my god

>Luke, i have a confession. Qi'ra was the one who did the kessel run. not me. I was knocked out cold and she saved me from some bandits

>back when I got the best time on the Kessel Run, I had this smoking hot girlfriend at the time.

Do we actually know queen of dragons dies or is it speculation?

Deep B5 cut, there.

Their screams haunt my nightmares

>when models posing for Dave and Busters adverts are more emotionally convincing than you

Will going to Dave & Busters make me as happy as those people look?

You’ll be like jack Nicholson in the shinning, in the pic screaming for eternity

That doesn't sound too bad I guess

I would be up for this. After all rogue one is praised for being a war movie in star wars and breaking the genre boundaries. A pure heist movie would be great.

i feel like i've seen that open mouth smile before