Both continents are literally rectangles

>both continents are literally rectangles

bravo GRRM

This shit really bothers me too. Maybe they're connected like a square? That would be funny

Wtf essos is basicslly turkey without the european part.

Westeros > Essos

How is Westeros a rectangle? That looks like a natural landmass. essos looks like shit tho

Why is the "known world" so small? You'd think with dragons and magic someone would've mapped out things more than that.

Dragons arent the most powerful thing in the world, and only Valyrians had them, its possible they knew alot about the world but you know, the doom and stuff

>That looks like a natural landmass
lower half of it is just copypasted Ireland

Westeros is Britain with some stuff north of scotland

is this world flat? is there a reverse side?

gurm has stated that westeros is similar in size to the entire US. Sothyros is supposed to be really big too


If you keep going north on the left continent you eventually will come from the east of the right continent. It's a mobeius strip.

The only people that owned dragons were a small group of lords from one country. Same reason our own world was barely mapped/known even though ships existed.

And? That's the best way to make a fictional landmass -- just copy real shit.

source? cause the only comparison he's made is that westeros is roughly the size of south america

You are dumb

GRRM is a hack and I regret reading ASoIAF. He won't ever finish the books, and if he does, it doesn't matter, he didin't have a vision for the series as a whole from start to finish, and his fame and the production of the show with the show spoiling the books and probably even changing his perspective on character/story events, means that the integrity of the series has been compromised.

The expansion of the world map is a small, but noteworthy example of what a hack he is.

How can we feel like the story of The Others vs the living is large scale, epic, or meaningful if these events only truly effect a small part of the world and the people who inhabit it?

>the cold sea
>the warm sea
jesus is this for children?

Essos is great, the lore fragments about not!China or that stuff about the giant gates are a hundred times more interesting than anything happening on GoT.


>And? That's the best way to make a fictional landmass -- just copy real shit.
Not when you just mash two islands together without a thought

The best way to create landmasses is to start from the very basics of plate tectonics.


He did have a vision, but it got haxxed up by his publisher and forced him to revision everything and add a whole lot of bullshit to expand his original idea.
An original manuscript for the whole series leaked a few years back.

>Tarth is literally off the cost of Storm's End
>when Brienne tells Stannis in S5 that she's Brienne of Tarth he doesn't react at all

shouldn't he have gotten slightly excited at learning the person in front of him is from a House that is sworn to House Baratheon? Even if he didn't recall exactly the details of the War of the 5 Kings you'd think he would have a split second of "oh shit I'm saved".

Imagine Robb laying dying and a big woman from House Mormont or House Manderly shows up. He'd be like "oh shit nice"

fuck the shows

The original draft is fucking god awful and expanding/fleshing out the story was the best thing he could have done.


yeah i think you're right after a bit of googling, I must have remembered it wrong. If anything it just makes westeros even bigger

Yeah. The thing that made him write it even slower and ruined book 4-5 was a really really good idea.

>continent in the west is called westeros
>continent in the south is called sothoryos
>continent in the east is called essos

bravo cant wait till we go to northoryos

really activates the almonds

The difference is at that point half the stormlands hates him for killing renly

Expanding the map was the best thing he did and the Others are supposed to be insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
He's a fucking hack but at least introducing fantasy Asia and fantasy Africa was a good idea.


I dislike the show too, but it is a well known fact that Brienne is a fangirl of Renly and Stannis may have known that.

There's taking inspiration from the real world, and then there's this shit

>roughly the size of south america
my ass

the whole southern continent is jungle full of dinosaurs, giant apes, and super diseases

hard to map that stuff

It took me a while to realize what this was.

Assuming the earth is a similar size and climate works in a similar way, the map makes sense by lining up climate zones, with the equator being somewhere south of sothyros

And people tend to forget that Westeros is much bigger and extends to the North and North-East. The lands beyond the wall are the "size of Canada".
Eerybody in these threads like these assumes Westeros is just the 7 Kingdoms and that is supposed to be the "size of South America" when in fact that part is much smaller.
The Southern Cone would be the 7 kingdoms wile Brazil and the rest would be the frozen wasteland.

4 and 5 aren't bad cause of the story
4 and 5 are not as good because of shit editing

>he doesn't know

tbf the caspian sea and spain have been edited to oblivion



>4 and 5 aren't bad cause of the story

Nigga where did spain go

has anybody notice the sheer quantity of lovecraftian inspired names, Carcosa Leng K'Dath to name the ones i see on plain sight

>The Thousand Islands

Is this real?

idk what to tell ya, cunty. i already made my point: almost all the complaints are a direct result of poor editing from stretching one book into two

its just a name you fool

are you surprised? dude would rather eat than write the next book


there is nothing wrong with those names

>dude flip the british isles then scale it up to the width of north america then write 3/5ths of a book series about it and never finish it lmao

I hate GRRM


woah also what does ireland eire mean?

Speaking of which, what the hell happened in Valyria? Did it always look like an asteroid hit it or did the Valyrians manage that?

I liked the stated idea that the maps, like actual medieval ones, weren't totally accurate. Annoyingly everyone in the show has identical maps to the opening credits, waste.

You know damn well what happened in valyria

>not wanting to go to bonetown

shit taste

4 & 5 would be absolutely fine and the pacing wouldn't be an issue at all if only he could pump out a book like that in a year or two.

>Cannibal Sands
>Cities of Bloodless Men
>Bleeding Sea
>The Dry Deep
>Land of Shrykes

That part of the map sounds like a metal album cover.

This hack literally just took British medieval history and pasted it on his book.
>Large landmass next to a large continent
Great Britain
>The people who were already there
Celts, let's just call them the "first men"
>ethnicity that came later
>people who want to be independent on the west
>old civilization on the other side of the sea which was more advanced than the current time ; Valyria

It's hilarious how you can even see his fatass sitting on the toilet making this up by rolling his tongue.

>Anglo... Angl.... Andl.... Andal! Briliant!
>Ireland... Ire land... Irn lands... Iron Islands! Perfect!

literal volcano explosion that the chimp ass retarded people in the world think was an apocalypse

don't ask me how a volcano explosion wiped out 99% of the dragons and valerians (both of which should be immune to fire) because I didn't write it

>and climate works in a similar way

It doesn't, though, right? The world of ASOIAF has variable seasons so the planet must work pretty differently.

Speaking of which, are there any good fan theories for how this works? My headcanon is that the planet tilts its hemispheres towards and away from the sun like ours, but has some extra thing that makes it tilt for irregular periods. I have no idea how that would happen though.

Also, the central conflict of the books is based heavily on the War of the Roses.

>hm hm.... lord of the normad horse fucker
>Khan... Kha... Khal? Got it!

There are probably elaborate Valyrian maps of the entire world that were either lost in the Doom or are now tucked away in the most forgotten corners of old libraries. They were pretty baller before their civilization got wiped out, I bet they could have mapped everything.

Neither dragons nor valyrians are immune to fire so idk where you got that from. And no one knows what the doom was. The most agreed upon theory is that a chain of volcanos erupted, meaning the gasses probably killed them before the fire did.

That's funny because in my headcanon I realize I'm not fucking autistic and not every generic fantasy world is written to be hard science fiction.

It's fantasy. There is literally no logical reason for the seasons to be the way they are. Don't look for a reason. There is none. The old fat man thought it would be cool to have 10 years of winter at a time, even though such a thing would wipe out 95% of the life on the continent any time it happened


Hey wait a fucking second, bottom right;

>The Shadow Lands
>City in it called Stygia

He fucking stole that straight out of Conan's world. Stygia is the place all the evil demon-summoning sorcerers come from and they sometimes called it the Shadowlands from what I remember.

>Dothraki sea
>actually a land mass

Maybe an extra large Jupiter ^2 planet that sometimes orbits next the ASOIAF planet and pulls it orbit slightly closer to it and farther from the sun, thus extending the duration and a intensity of winter. Also a larger sun and respectively larger orbit to begin with.

What I mean is that there are different climate zones based on latitudinal distance to the poles and the equator. Westeros seems to follow the same pattern as earth, with a polar icecap, into tundra and forest, then more temperate regions, then a desert and finally a tropical climate on the summer islands and in sothyros.
If you look at the map the other user posted, the climate zones match up with Earth's climate zones fairly well. That doesn't necessarily mean anything but you could assume that Westeros is earthlike in at least that regard.

Ireland Ireland.

>Naath is way in the fuck down there south of Valyria

That's where Dany's black slut friend came from?
For some reason I thought it was down in the Stepstones between Dorne and Essos

slightly annoyed by the racial distribution of the show. whites in westerns, literally everything everywhere in essos

andals are clearly named after vandals
open a history book faggot

That's basically the UK which is what he wanted, right?

>steal the map from Ireland
>steal the continent name from Sweden
>steal the town names from fantasy fiction

>The Dothraki "Sea"
>it's fucking RAW
bravo gurm bravo

such originality

Why don't White Walkers just sail around the wall?


What's funny about Robert E Howard's worldmap is that those places actually weren't called those things yet. The name "Iran" was formally applied to what had previously been known as Persia in 1935, a year before he died and well after starting on Conan; "Iran" is what its own constituents always called it but it's not the name the average citizen would've known it by. Modern Zimbabwe only had the word Zimbabwe added to its name in 1979 when it became Zimbabwe Rhodesia, and then the following year became Zimbabwe.

From what I recall, he probably made it "Iranistan" instead of "Iran" because it's a typical move in that area of the world to use "-stan" at the end of the name of your country because it basically means "land of." So Iranistan is something like "land of the iranians" IIRC. Pakistan, Kurdistan, etc.

made me really thinnnnnnnnnk

The only ones who need to kill themselves here are GoT fans.

why do they call them the White Walkers if they actually ride undead horses? Shouldn't they be called the White Riders?

Westeros is a decently crafted continent, perhaps resembling an island more than a continent, but still really varied and interesting. Essos is terrible, just dreadful, he literally gave up after putting Braavos in there. Things just look so out of place. What the fuck is with those random forests? why is there a desert there? why does everything east of those mountains look like a compilation of every fantasy map stereotype ever? Fucking trash.

>not posting the updated version

because white people cant swim

*breathes in*


>Why don't White Walkers just sail around the wall?



It makes more sense if you think of it as a map they would be able to make in-universe, and not a 1:1 accurate portrayal.

but pirates dont have obsidian daggers?

>Dorne is part of the Westeros landmass

Funny, I never catched that from the show, it felt like its own island

> Makes Scotland and Scottish people fucking savages

This meme has to end!

>but pirates dont have obsidian daggers?

Pirates have cannons and then they can just sail away man

they're on a fricken boat, man, jesus

>This meme has to end!
That's what happens when you're a norwegian colony for hundreds of years