>in an anonymous survey, more than 15 percent of women aged 18-35 admitted to having had sexual experiences involving animals
What is causing this?
>in an anonymous survey, more than 15 percent of women aged 18-35 admitted to having had sexual experiences involving animals
What is causing this?
i thought horses sleep standing up
I sometimes wish I was a woman so that I could have sex with my dog.
That horse is dead
Where was this survey done?
No way its as many as that - there there only a few niggers in my town
You don't have to be a girl for that Wikus
Women are sluts.
sometimes, sometimes they lay down like cattle, other times they ley on thei sides, or roll around on their back like a dog weanting its belly scratched. showing its cock to you with its expanding knot
i think itts mostly doggos and peanut butter videos
>dem legs + feet
absolutely hard
I don't believe that. That anonymous survey was found by some group having a giggle and they rigged it. There's no way it's near that many.
>in an anonymous survey, more than 15 percent of women aged 18-35 admitted to having had sexual experiences involving animals
>anonymous survey
thx Sup Forums (or Sup Forums)
obviously online
Let's ask the Canadians.
In a bogus pipeline study it'd be even higher than 15%
And other research shows woman (all women) getting aroused from watching animals have sex
I'd peg the figure at more like 30%
You ignorant fuckwit, horses don't-
>american flag
Ah yes, right.
>Women wears ankle bracelet
>Woah 10/10 feet
Like fine pottery.
I like to think the woman were so pure they answered yes to it because their dog once tried to hump their leg, or stuck its head in their crotch and took a sniff.
Bitches love the knot and horsie shake.
Animals are friends, you shouldn't do bad things to them.