We're seeing Morty get darker each episode this season. I believe that this season is a prequel...

We're seeing Morty get darker each episode this season. I believe that this season is a prequel, showing how Evil Morty became the way he is.

That sort of goes against how "time travel" works in the setting though.

Time travel wouldn't be involved. It would just be showing events prior to season 1.

but he is indeed getting darker what is behind this

Season one showed Rick moving in.

And the new episode had Jerry implying Rick moved in SEVERAL years prior. I'm not saying that I 100% believe OP, but that line could be evidence in his favor.

Counterpoint, Gearhead's cameo. Another counterpoint, The Citadel or Ricks was destroyed in episode 1 of this season, which was intertwined with the events that spurred Beth and Jerry's divorce.

Jerry said Rick moved in a couple years ago. Which would be the case if show time is keeping up with real time.

>Evil Morty has an artificial right eye
>Rick has an artificial left eye.


Im Back thanks to all the sonic fans giving me love Now i have my own game again I LOVE YOU ALL

I'm loving that we are seeing Morty become this thing that is slowly gaining knowledge from Rick, and moving to being this evil bastard type of person. I mean he cares about family still but it's getting closer I Rick levels where he's starting to show that he resents them but still loves em. Even if the last couple of episodes were really weak, I really like the characterization I'm seeing

I feel like Robot Morty would be a good choice for Evil Morty. Paint him as a "what if" for Morty's growing cynicism and pettiness.

Evil Morty could be from a reality where Rick moving in and the events of this season happened well before C-137s Rick showed up.

It's more likely setting up to reveal that Morty is actually smart like Rick and takes after him to an extent. I mean, he was revealed to have disarmed several Neutrino bombs single handed in the previous episode and this one has him figuring out how to use an advanced piece of technology that his mother couldn't even comprehend by himself over the course of a short car ride. Then you have him acting very Rick-like in this episode with his talk with Ethan then being petty and turning him into a horrible monstrosity.

It's a theory that's existed for a long time and I think it's going to turn out to be true. Morty is just as smart as Rick but just has less experience and knowledge so Rick is doing everything he can to try and stop Morty from realizing his potential because he hates himself and doesn't want Morty to end up like him. So he constantly calls Morty stupid and undermines his intelligence and confidence. The reason Rick is so attached to Morty is that Morty is the only person that he can really relate to because the similarity lets Rick see himself before he became thee jaded genius that he is today.

If that was the case, then Morty would be 18 and Summer would have graduated years ago.

Evil Morty probably belonged to Rick at first, but the main Rick's nihilism infected him and he grew to despise Rick. The replacement Morty is just going through the same thing, because Rick will just keep repeating his mistakes.

But the galactic governement was destroyed. This could be another rick aND mortey

i would love to see them do something similar or with the "ticket theory" that not all episodes are about c-137 rick and morty revealng that we are watching the adventures of multiple sets of ricks and mortys and certain episodes link up while others do not and have them reveal a way to tell the difference.

then we'd have to go back and watch all the episodes in the new correct sequences that correlate to each other, could be really cool if they planned it right.

Remember Rick switching bodies all the time? Don't you think rick could be inside a mortey?

remember they ditched a universe

Love you Bubsy

Oh, fair. Very fair. We don't know just how different this universe is from the last, only that it is a very similar universe.

>tfw no Evil Morticia gf



I just saw the commercial for the next episode, and it look like Rick is pushing him to a breaking point.


I really hope not, that would be a huge cop-out

>Season one showed Rick moving in.
No it didn't. Episode 1 started shortly after Rick moved on, but we never saw the exact event.

Different Rick. It would explain why C-137 was willing to sacrifice himself for his Morty while this one was content to throw him away in the post-apocalypse.

Have they referenced S1 events at all yet, other than the premier?

>Other than the time they did reference it recently, have they ever referenced it?

no, there wont be any consequences or follow on

Or maybe he just want Morty to remain as human clocking device.

>it has been mcguffin all this time

Do you mean a red herring?

No I'm saying Justin had no clue how famous his show might get and he did not have long term plot line to follow after. He's keep referencing Rick's revolutionary past and accidents that made him nihilistic but I don't think the show will ever clearly explain that. They'd rather let us autists weave the lore darksouls style.

>Or maybe he just want Morty to remain as human clocking device.
The galactic government is gone so Rick doesn't need him for that purpose anymore.

citadel is not the only enemy of Rick. And Tammy/phoenixperson is still looking for him.

>looking for rick
>not going to his house which they've both been to

>fighting Rick in his final form

If this were true, where would the prequel have began? The second episode of this season?
Obviously it couldn't have been the Morty who becomes Evil Morty in the first episode of season 3. They destroyed the federation.
Evil Morty would have to be from a reality where his parents got divorced and all of the events of this season from episode 2 and on, happened before season 1. That's the only way I could see it.

i agree, this would be awesome as fuck

have we seen a rule63 universe yet?

One episode description is about Morty learning some secret truth about his past. Take that as you will. The episode is called "Morty's Mind Blowers".

People were speculating after the season opener that Morties that survive become Ricks. It's looking more plausible by the episode

The very first episode.

We've been following two different versions of Morty, the deception is the show switches between the two and arranged the stories to make it seem like a linear narrative.


I think Morty's becoming more like Rick rather than evil. Evil Morty was cunning, planned everything, calm, and calculated. The Morty we follow still shows that he has morals, but the lengths he's willing to go to do what he perceives as good, or to get payback are getting darker and worse. Not just that but he's having moments where he just snaps into violence, like the Purge episode, or the Mad Max one, granted in both scenarios he was perfectly justified in the rules of both worlds to do what he did, which might be telling us he let's himself go easier when It's not as wrong to do those things, showing his morals.
Regular Morty is also passionate, thinks more like Rick, and cares deeply for his family, something we don't really see most Ricks or Morty's do, except the two the show follows. I think that might also be Rick rubbing off on Morty, both in a kinda good way, but also in worse ways. I think this Morty is just to compassionate and has too many emotional issues to be as calculated and cold as evil Morty, I think that this is basically the origin of a Morty becoming a Rick, so to say. He's not acting more evil, he's acting more like Rick.