200 B.C. Risk Thread

>Pick a Nation
>Add any appropriate bonuses

Once at least 5 players have rolled I will post the first mupdate

I cant read the map

>can't read
Open in a new tab a zoom in

Doesnt work (mobile sucks)

Picking Carthage

Hmm ... well that is a shame.

>more than 5 people currently active in chat
>only 2 join
>person who suggested this map isn't even one of the 2

big red in russia

>big red in Russia

yeah on phone can't read

>Can't join because mobile

Feels bad man

What kind of phones do you guys have?

Fill in rest of Syria and kill that brown I guess

Huawei Honor 4X, using google chrome

March on athens

How many players until we start OP?

Same happens on firefox too (also op i notice those extra flags

5 ... and you still need to roll

They are meant to be noticed.

Oh, didn't know we rolled on first turn
Invade Numidia

Tribe: Sitones
Religion: Germanic
I dont know the rest

Roll please

If I can use the trips, then I want to invade the suitones

- you cannot but nice pali

I knew this map wouldn't get enough players. I can either temp claim to get us to 5, we can just start with 4 or we can switch to a different map

I would like to start with 4 and just wait for a fifth player

wait like 2-3 mins, if not, switch to a different map

Hey Manisk, I'm up for a game, gimme dat Hibernian tribe nigga

Roll please

and :( my phone is dying... cant charge for an hour or so. shit, im sorry man. i know i want this map and all.... why does life suck

Invade Albany.

going to roll til i die tho

Good enough ...


invade the suitones, aka the blue guys south of my territory

Continue invading Numidia

Conquer the blue and more of the brown. Take Crete and more of Anatolia as well if I can.

Fill Alba!

march further on southern greece

ay lmao
fill Brown under me

- apologies, I didn't think you were playing

fill more brown

Keep invading, move to Denmark if possible

Take the isles!

Build port in northern Tunisia and if allowed, build boats

Kill the last bit of the blue, advance on the yellow east Africans.




Did your phone die?
>3 mins

march on epirus spill east toward byzantium

guys, what are you objectives on this map?, like, what lands do you want?


I'll decide.

Hispania and Italy are my main goals


Do you guys have a trade route established then?

Continue south!

Kill the last bit of yellow.
I guess?

Send a fleet to Spain,Sicily and mainland Italy

Keep filling Sweden, move to Denmark if possible
build ports, that'll be 2 dens because of my religion

build port 4-3 is 1 denarii left
finish thrace, spill agean islands

>because of my religion
You don't have a temple yet

Let's establish one, it will bring prosperity to both of us


fug, I'll remove my bonuses except the dens

Nice, don't forget to put your income and denarii in your name

What is mine?

>build port
Which sea region would you prefer?

Income - 2
Savings - 5

You get 1 per tern automatically and you now get an extra 1 per turn because of the trade route, you have 4 denarii and your income is 2 per turn

Messed up, you have 5 denarii

Sweden, how do I make that white dot my nation color?


By conquering it with a fleet

You sail to it and if it is neutral conquer it


>if forgot how annoying fleets can be

Conquer the isles!

Conquer the last bit of yellow.
It seems a bit stupid to just roll that alone so conquer more of brown as well.

did I built the port? also fill last bits of Sweden and move to Denmark

continue attacking brown in bulgaria

>did I built the port
Yup, it's near Gotland

Use fleet south of Sicily to invade it, use fleet next to italian mainland to invade it and use my last fleet to conquer the sea region

well, I get the bonus dens right? the next round how many territories I must roll to get to the white dot?

Yes and 1

But you need a fleet with at least 3 boats first

>conquer sea region
>at least 3 boats

well, are the bonus dens gifted to me like normal dens?

Yes, it's added to your income

how do I build boats?

Roll to build them and based on your roll you get a certain number of boats

Alright, just send the last fleet to spain

alright, thank you, I am a bit noob in this massive risks, I preffer the normal ones

No worries. Most do but I stubbornly wish to convert you all.


Move to Denmark, spills go to build boats

You must dedicate your whole roll to building boats so which is it?

Continue to control The Isles.

Build a temple in mainland Italy dedicated to the Phoenician gods, keep expanding n mainland Italy, send fleet south of Sicily to Sardinia, send other fleet in Italy to Corsica and send last fleet to Spain

Kill the brown. Build those white spots near me.

>3d pali
does that mean I get 11 boats?

remove rome rome the balkans, spill the Adriatic coast

No, it means you get 4

Maximum 4 boats per turn

>build those white spots near me
... huh? Claim neutrals?