Did anyone else get really frustrated with some of the characters' decisions as the series went on?

Did anyone else get really frustrated with some of the characters' decisions as the series went on?

Knowing that Tuco and Hector Salamanca both appear in Breaking Bad completely dissolves all tension in their storylines.
Mike has no reason not to kill Tuco; it's significantly more money, less hassle, he will remain anonymous and he shows later that he has no aversion to killing when he tries to assassinate Hector over a grudge
Nacho even asks him why he didn't do it and Mike just looks at him blankly and walks away as if to say "because the script needs him to stay alive".

I also can't believe that seasoned conman Jimmy would completely sabotage his thriving business in order to cheer up an old woman who he has no connection with and will likely die in a few years anyway. Again, because the script needs him to. Where was that remorse after bankrupting your father

Mike didn't kill Tuco because he's still clinging to some semblance of morality, shown in the way he solves all his problems in BCS so far

Same for Jimmy, they're both trying to hold onto their belief in good as they slowly slide down the slippery slope they've stumbled onto.

The Chuck/lawyering arc was the highlight last season, with that resolved they'll need to bring something big to fill the void.

I've already forgotten this show.
Jimmy needs to become Saul already, and Kim needs to get her tit out so he can suck on it.

i got frustrated when bob odenkirk made that jewtube video begging the electorate to switch their vote from trump to hillary. i'm fully aware hollywood is left leaning and i don't let it affect what i watch. however, when you're enough of a scumbag to pull a stunt like this and advocate for something that could spark civil conflict i have to drop you. it's a shame because i do enjoy the show. can't support odenkike

No. Season 4 when?

I got really frustrated towards the end of season 3.
Jimmy forgetting he had his mic on him when he went out to speak to that HHM girl - it just seemed really out of character. I can't believe I used to think Vince was talented.

>hey, let's steal from my father, driving him to the point of financial ruin
>let's make a living conning strangers in bars out of money for the best part of a decade
>I better make sure that known murderous drug dealer is completely exonerated on charges of extortion
>maybe I should forge some documents and sabotage my brother's business so my girlfriend can get a break
>can't let some old woman be sad though, that would be wrong

>he has no aversion to killing when he tries to assassinate Hector over a grudge
Hector sent The Cousins after Mike, showing that Mike's family is in danger. It's not over some petty grudge.

that was intentional, it was part of his plan to clear Irene's name

The assassination attempt comes long after the matter regarding Tuco's trial is settled. Nacho even says that Hector had completely forgotten about Mike. Mike's family is completely safe and is of not interest to Salamanca yet Mike continues to pursue him.

Surely he knew that he would run into such troubles if his plan to get Tuco arrested worked.

>Knowing that Tuco and Hector Salamanca both appear in Breaking Bad completely dissolves all tension in their storylines

I get that people want to see familiar characters but the Salamanca family could easily have been replaced with another criminal group and averted this problem. Hector collapsing at the end of Season 3 has no tension because you know he must survive (maybe this is how he ends up as an invalid)

> and i don't let it affect what i watch

Clearly you do.

>that was intentional, it was part of his plan to clear Irene's name

It's a Sup Forums BCS meme. Just letting you know, incase he keeps going with playing dumb about obvious plot points

one of my biggest gripes with the show is that c(h)uck is supposed to be jim's brother. he looks old enough to be slippin jims dad wtf

it's entirely possible for brothers to be 10 years apart. jimmy seems to be in his 30s and chuck in his 40s

>i don't let it affect what i watch

that's exactly what you're doing though.

That actually makes sense in the context of the show considering that Jimmy looks up to Chuck his entire life as Chuck was an established lawyer from the time Jimmy was a young man. It shows why he was willing to do everything for Chuck without even asking for a thank you.

almsot like he is doing bad things, but has not reached the breaking point of becoming a bad person. Hopefully they make it more obvious for you by changing his name or something when that happens.

There is tension though - don't pretend you didn't feel tense for Nacho and his father during that arc.

enjoy your canceled show

surely all of those aforementioned actions would cause substantially greater internal moral conflict than making an old woman sit apart from her friends at Bingo yet Jimmy brushes them off without a second's thought hurting his loved ones in the process.
Doing all of those things without questioning yourself or feeling remorse indisputably makes you a bad person

I felt no tension when Mike had a sniper trained on Hector's head
Nor did I feel any tension when Nacho was trying to slip the fake pills into Hector's jacket. You know he's going to survive

It's coming back, that was confirmed before the last season even ended, shit for brains.

The first examples you gave are from when Jimmy was much younger - he's been to jail and has since changed.
Why shouldn't he feel bad about Irene? It's not just "sit apart from her friends" - it's "feels guilty about making a previously joyful old lady miserable because her trust in his goodwill has left her completely isolated from her entire community."

>You know he's going to survive
Want to know how I know you're a BBfag?
Not everything comes down to whether one character dies or not.

>Not everything comes down to whether one character dies or not
It is when the tension is supposed to come from one character's attempts to murder another.

>Mike dismantles a vehicle down to it's frame
>Estimate: 10:23 mins
>Mike watches Gus or Don Eladio from his car
>Estimate: 14:54 mins
>Mike waits for a battery to die then sits by a window eating peanuts
>Estimate: 15:01 mins
>Mike waits for a car with a broken muffler to pass by
>Estimate: 4:45 mins
>Mike sits in a parking booth waiting for someone to show up
>Estimate: 7:19 mins

Total elapsed time: 51 mins 42 seconds
Typical total episode length: 50 minutes (Source: breakingbad.wikia.com/wiki/Season_2_(Better_Call_Saul)

It's not that he shouldn't feel bad, it's that feeling bad is not logically consistent with his character when he's carried out much worse acts without remorse.