What are happy merchants like? I live in eastern europe and have never interacted with one

What are happy merchants like? I live in eastern europe and have never interacted with one.

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like white people but even more neurotic and nervous

They're happy.

Normal individually, weird in groups.

>What are happy merchants like?



Like a tick that burrows under your skin to suck your blood and causes fever, nausea, and an immune reaction.

Dude, they're everywhere. At least the conservationnist, rapefugee-hating kind.

I only met a Jew once - he was a cobbler and seemed quite poor.
But he was really stereotypical otherwise, like he was taken out of a meme comic, both in looks and in how he talked. He even wore yarmolka.

Do you have shifty used cars salesman?


seems like they're dead because all of their cemeteries here are unkempt

most of them hate muslims but are still open border marxists

like the kind you don't want to have to deal with, like arabs, but with attitude and """"superior""""..

>be me at hotel desk, merchants family come in and ask for price(also shows passports)
>I say its 80€/night, sir
>he is like WTF, I give you half
>sir, it's 80 euro
>well then, the best I can give you its 45 euro
>sir, 80€, but maybe my boss can arrange something, let my call him
>he looks me like I insulted him or something
>sir, it's not my hotel and I'm not entitled to making offers or prices, I'm sorry but we're pretty full this time
>he is like heh, you suck, we gonna find some better deal
>me: thank you, have a nice day

different culture I suppose, but you get the idea..

>What are happy merchants like?

Contrary to the name they are never happy until your society is in complete disarray.

they take the money but they don't give you the change. If they do, they give it incorrectly(rare case)
That's it.

You don't beat people who give you incorrect change?

Many people get sent to the hospital that way here


They're just like you, only more successful.

Annoying. The nicest jew in the world will still be annoying in some way, either grubby/cheap (like, make a million a year but still fill their pockets with sugar packets when they go to restaurants) or they'll complain about everything constantly or be hardcore OCD or something like that. They can't not be annoying, try as they might. The best ones will at least self-deprecatingly acknowledge this fact

A lot of them are pretty nice, smart, well-meaning.

But the kike stereotypes always come out sooner or later. And if you get a bunch of them all in one place the tribalness comes out and then they turn into like an ad hoc super-kike collective. It can get pretty unbearable if you're not a kike yourself.

Not really. Only when it comes to pay the coffee's bills. There and then, the friend who came along with you insists that he will pay the bills instead. This small conversation becomes hotter until you and your friend engage on a fist fighting for just one coffee bill.
The incorrect change case, usually happens on summer days. The merchants increase their item's prize and pretend to be clumsy when it comes to give you the change.

The upper-middle and middle-class ones are just like white people, really. Liberal, but for the same reasons as your average liberal white persons.

The truly rich ones are giant cunts.

t. NYC


>The when denied your birthright

I've never met any Jews either.

I've known nearly every other race and creed, but I've never met any Jews.

I knew one, they called him "The Moocher", and for good reason.

Jew here. The jealousy is pathetic. You wish you were jews

I realized why I've never met any Jews, money, I don't have any, Jews are only parasitic to people with lots of wealth.

So I meet lots of Muslims, Blacks, Asians et cetera, but never Jews.

You've met them but they hid it well

Maybe when they realized there was no gold behind this leprechaun, they left uninterested.

You're fortunate that they only seek foreskins and blood of innocent children.

Im rich and no jews bother me. But im Jewish myself so who knows

I have the cure for Jewry, don't accumulate wealth, and they stay away from you.

Also don't be born in the US. I was born without even a shirt on my back, let alone any money, and they still took my foreskin.

secular jew gals are goofy and laid back. religious guy jews are tight asses. only experienced those two demograpics. oh yeah male teen jews are fucking nerds

they are the future

is it true that the chinese are like the jews? do you guys get along?

Or just don't show it

In my experience SE Asians are more just tightwads with a penchant for soulless lying and cheating.

Even though some Jews are day to day cheapasses, they seem to be more inclined toward sophisticated scams (they have to outjew each other don't forget), it's all rooted in their satanic woe-is-me religion and they're just so fucking Jewish about everything

I come from Jewish family and sadly I have a pic related nose.

I am not rich, I support Trump and closed border policy

well no one knows

based jew



Iv actually never seen many in person
> Used to go to a 0/10 art school
> small attached cafe
> owned by the most stereotypical old Jew you ever seen
> ugly, fat, old and hunched with a big nose and Jewish accent
> every time I went in there he was angry at an employee of on his laptop working his money
> if he was working the register he always try to get you to buy more then what you intended
> 50 cents per plastic fork

They complain A LOT.

Bulgarians killed them

i see. i just always hear/see the comparisons.

what is this meme that non-american jews on here always have to randomly state that they support trump? its fucking hysterical. what was used to be said before trump even ran for president?