Woah, maybe I should go to the movies to watch BP

Woah, maybe I should go to the movies to watch BP

this is what he is talking about






That looks wretched.

Is that a PlayStation 2 game?

Black Panther (2001) for the PlayStation 2.

It's a metaphor for how African cinema has to have really bad special effects because they're impoverished, I wouldn't expect a white man who's never seen kino like Who Killed Captain Alex? to understand.

>geopolitical commentary
I like getting my political commentary from people who voted for Biggest Loser in the Universe, Hillary Clinton

He's right, even though people here don't want to admit it.
The geopolitical commentary is not the one you're thinking of, between black people and white people. It's a commentary on the race relations between Africans and African Americans, and it's message that would be more obvious to you if you were a minority.

Certain African sentiments are that African Americans have 'lost their way', due in part to the type of Americanized, and generally angry, belligerent and combative culture that has developed over there. Black Panther is a message to all people of African descent, reinforcing the fact that they have a common heritage and should not be as divided as they are. That's the geopolitical commentary. Not that WHITEY ENSLAVED US AND IS ENCROACHING ON OUR LAND. Frankly speaking white people aren't even a factor as far as the movie is concerned.

>dood did you pay for this african weapon or did you just take it?
>*murders innocent British woman*


Can't be for fucking real...

>that CGI

I used to play it with my bro, disc 3 had a bonus interview with Spike Lee who supported the idea.

wow never thought about it like this... really makes you think

>geopolitical commentary
Wait, so the Russian hackers work for Wakanda, too?

It looks better in the movie but it's still bad

This is not even the worst CGI in the movie. The rhinos man, the rhinos...

10/10 stars. The Citizen Kane of our generation


>people are making more out of a capeshit movie than actual black movies about the black community

Bread and circuses for the braindead populace.

It's even worse with sound.


lol that is some 90's era CGI quality

You watched that whole movie and that's your summary? Not about the geopolitical disagreements of intervention vs isolated nationalism (still relevant today) or the clear MLK vs Malcolm X debate of when violence is necessary (still relevant today) or that MBJ's character has an understandable motive and isn't just some "this world is so impure" bullshit you see with nearly every villain like this? You don't have to like the movie but your response is so thoughtless and juvenile as to make your opinions completely irrelevant.

>shitty by the books marvel movie
>because it has black people the hamfisted lowest common denominator message is somehow genius
Right, and captain America: first avenger is so inspiring, I think it may be better than Don Quixote for telling you to do what’s right no matter the core

That’s how stupid these people sound, it really is just like watching a kids movie- because that’s what it is- and comparing it to adult works.
>tfw sub-Saharan African will never get a good, thought-provoking movie
>only racebait until the end of time
i take that back, blood diamond was really good

>geopolitical commentary
When did politics become such a joke?

>Right, and captain America: first avenger is so inspiring,
>but this other movie
Please actually try. If you're just going to say "b-but nignogs! White guilt! Race realism!" just go back to Sup Forums. This forum is for talking about movies, not getting butthurt that a fucking marvel movie was too complex to dissect for you

Jesus , he said none of those things. Stop seeing pol everywhere, it's so annoying


Holy shit this reminds me of the zord fight at the end of that shitty '95 Power Rangers movie.

>tfw faggots like this are why the man in the OP's pic can get away with describing braindead Marvel trash as something higher than it even attempts to be.
>tfw Hollywood is no longer capable of making anything remotely cerebral so ends up having to black mail the intelligentsia through intersectional politics to turn the garbage candy flicks into gold think pieces.

this should be posted in reply to every single twitter post praising this piece of crap

Poptimism was a mistake. I wonder how long it will take people to realize this.