i just watched this movie it was fucking brilliant
I just watched this movie it was fucking brilliant
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Well it does say it's kino on the poster
calling it brilliant is a bit of a stretch
It's really good, one of my favourite German films
It was okay, but some of the comedy fell kind of flat.
>remember kids, if you agree with anything that hitler would also agree with, you're an awful person preparing germany for another holocaust, so remember to feel bad and vote refugees welcome!
yes what brilliant kino indeed, very merkelesque
>I'm Kino
What did they mean by this?
I read the book and loved it. Afraid to see the movie since it'll probably disappoint.
Die Welle is better.
i like the part where he shot that dog
The ending was really forced. They spent the whole movie having Hitler saying agreeable stuff just to realize that'd it be original to actually subvert the Hitler as Hollywood villain caricature, so they backpaddle immensely by putting in some half assed le Nazis are still in all of us message. I'm not even a le Sup Forumslack, but this was just incredibly predictable.
>thinking this is how films are written
>missing the point this much
Never change Sup Forums
True, but Die Welle did the 'fascism can still be popular despite what you think' thing much better.
Die Welle also put forward a much more convincing case.
>inb4 but it's just a comedy user
Comedy is supposed to whisper truths we all know are true but are unspeakable in normal conversation, like the jester being the only one who can say the emperor has no clothes.
It's a book adaption, the story was there beforehand,. It obviously was put in as an afterthought. I'm not saying adaptions shouldn't put in their own ideas, but here it was so blatantly obvious.
Yeah, "Die Welle" did a way better job of actually making a case for that,as it felt like the movie actually built up to something instead of changing its mind halfway through.
>this and Die Welle
>it's another "Germans try to make fascism look bad but instead portray it in the most appealing and convincing manner possible" episode
"Die Welle" made it look unappealing because of all the faggy as hell student actors, though.
how is this?
why did Hitler shoot the dog though?
to point out how evil he is?
because the little shit was biting him
You are a retard.
Jewish lies. Hitler loved animals.
hitler loved animals and pretty much all animal right laws in germany and some cases even EU are leftovers of the third reich
PETA also "loves animals", yet they euthanize them in masses.
it means "in cinemas"
You know who also euthanized people? Adolf Hitler.
Eugenics originated in the USA and theres nothing wrong with it
unintentionally* brilliant
cause white people love animals and its a fact that Hitler hated animals. oh wait
Kind of a gross error for such a major plot point. You can’t tell that they couldn’t think of anything legitimate.
It's really astounding how animal rights laws were more progressive in Nazi Germany than first world nations today. Hitler even hated Jews in part because of how cruel kosher butchery is. Confuses me why Sup Forums loves animal abuse so much.
Because Sup Forumss entire philosophy is looking at fascism as an ideology and asking "How can we make this even more inhumane and petty?"
wtf I hate animal rights noe
Hitler was also in part vegetarian wanting to make that form of diet a more common thing. Not to the point of never eating meat but also not that we have to mass produce and abuse animals like we do today.
I mean back in the day meat was a special thing mostly served once a week with leftover being spread out over the week or processed into other dinners
I watched up until a little way through him going cross country talking to the people.
It seemed like it was getting into some specific satire of modern German politics that I was missing out on by not being German or following their politics. There were also elements of cringe humor that I find hard to stand.
>Sup Forums loves animal abuse
the fuck? since when?
The entire point of having him be reasonable throughout is to show modern people could still be won over by him, even if he's literally saying he is the real Hitler.
But that's not the point at all you insufferable brainlet.
The point was that Hitler said alot of stuff that people l, even Germans of most stripes and any generation would agree with, especially if they didn't know it was Hitler who necessarily said them. This doesn't make the German people bad humans. It makes Hitler especially evil as a human because he can get broad base of people behind him with generally populist common sense arguments and them walk them down any twisted bizzare path he chooses. This same phenomena could happen in any country, it just takes an orator of Hitlers particular charm and dark charisma. Such people are capable of appearing in any nation at any time in history.
The Germans, even those who are fooled by Hitlers appeals to the common man are not bad people for wanting a stronger, safer, and more prosperous Germany. People will always be fooled by this type of leader.
The main protagonist couldn't handle this fact and it triggered him.
no the point is to discredit an entire spectrum of opinions by implying that hitler is their inevitable end result.
They constantly have threads about how "based" some slav knuckledragger or filthy chink is for torturing /eating animals but the claim they hate niggers for doing the same thing.
Why wouldn't they? He was right all along.
Can we stop pretending that Hitler was a "evil" person? I think 70+ years of contradictory allied propaganda were enough
the singular of phenomena is a phenomenon you god damn american
Are you sure of this? ive never seen a thread like that, most of Sup Forums has always been hugely pro animals, this is really out of leftfield
Are you retarded? That's not true at all.
>think you're bullshitting
>it's fucking real
>There was widespread support for animal welfare in Nazi Germany[1] among the country's leadership. Adolf Hitler and his top officials took a variety of measures to ensure animals were protected.[2] Many Nazi leaders, including Hitler and Hermann Göring, were supporters of animal rights and conservation. Several Nazis were environmentalists, and species protection and animal welfare were significant issues in the Nazi regime.[3] Heinrich Himmler made an effort to ban the hunting of animals.[4] Göring was a professed animal lover and conservationist,[5] who, on instructions from Hitler, committed Germans who violated Nazi animal welfare laws to concentration camps.
Literally never seen this.
Soon you will learn to see user
>Confuses me why Sup Forums loves animal abuse so much.
But Sup Forums doesn't like animal abuse.
Slavs have no specialty in severe animal abuse. No foei gras, no koshery. We only kill to eat, and we do it with as much respect as the animals that feed us deserve. Or are you going to tell me what the rules of my people are?
>Confuses me why Sup Forums loves animal abuse so much.
Have you been to Sup Forums even a single time? That's completely opposite of the truth. Everyone on Sup Forums hates animal abusers, especially Sup Forums.
I dont think Hitler is any more evil than anyone else. He just wanted things other people didn't want.
I was trying to explain what I view as the point of the film. German people are not bad. Hitler was. I dont agree that the film was trying to make Germans feel bad for following Hitler or being tricked into it again by his time traveling self and thus implicitly make them feel guilty and force them into uber leftist progressivism.
My German wife agrees so "NaNa NaNa BooBoo."
>My German wife agrees so "NaNa NaNa BooBoo."
But what does her son think?
yeah but Hitler loved animals and nature, its ironic that the ONLY bad thing fake Hitler does the whole movie is something that the REAL Hitler would never do
But I'm arguing that the Hitler phenomena is not singular, but a very common possibility and repeatable phenomenon. I think we should just move on mate.
it's always slav who beats dogs to death with shovels, two slav girls who bought dozens of dogs and cats to torture them, slav who dissected live puppy on stream. nice try Sergei but everyone knows your vile people's sick pleasures.
Is that Howard from Last of the Summer Wine with a tache?
Source on these? Pretty sure I can give you a number of videos of American mutts torturing animals.
Russians are not slavs
>I'm arguing that the Hitler phenomena is not singular
then you shouldn't have said "this phenomena"
it is you brainrotten libshit kikepig
Yes, some sick Amerimutts will torture animals, but it's more prevalent in Slavic shitholes.
He is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler.
Look, I hate the slavs as much as the next guy, but if you think people in any country (except maybe the slant eyed fucks but nobody besides weebs likes those) actually approve of animal torture then you might want to take a break from the internet fella
Thanks for that. Truly.
Post hoc ergo proter hoc fallacy. Those people are considered the lowest of scum. It's not a "rule" that we implement in our lives. Also, ruskies are animals and shouldn't be considered slavs, and it were russians who did these
No, it's not. Dog fighting, animal torturing, abuse are news that always come from America. There was also that faggot Ice Pick Killer that filmed his cats getting eaten by a snake and uploaded it to Youtube. Predominantly, it's always chinks>niggers>american mutts who torture animals (in that order)
>hitler dindu nuffin
So that the soviets wouldn't try to rape it.
>the ONLY bad thing fake Hitler does the whole movie is something that the REAL Hitler would never do
Really rises your fire
Yes and Oldboy is the best korean movie, Intouchables is the best french movie, Pan's Labyrinth is the best spanish movie and Night Watch is the best russian movie.
Also don't forget Red Cliff, international cut ofc, is the best thing from China
>Yes and Oldboy is the best korean movie,
That's not Memories of Murder.
the filmmakers fucked up and made Hitler more likable then the dull as shit MC. This made the ending weird becuse it makes the MC look like a complete asshole who kills hitler for no reason
And it was a mistake becuse if it was on purpose the movie would of been banned in every form and memory holed out of existance.
There's nothing inhumane about wanting to make the strongest society possible for your children.
Was not the first result for "Movies from Korea" when I typed it in :(
Sup Forums, like the rest of Sup Forums, will laugh at people getting blown to smithereens...but they fucking hate animal abuse.
Did we watch the same movie? Hitler doesn't die.
>walk them down any twisted bizzare path he chooses
What twisted, bizarre bath would that be?
Are you saying kicking out Jews was a bizarre choice?
the main protagonist was a 30 something soyboy loser who finally got his dick wet in some degenerate jew pussy and that's what triggered him; if frau bellini had been fucking him he would have gladly shined hitler's shoes forever
What is the concept?
I liked that together with the movie they put forward news articles stating that when the actor for Hitler walked around the streets in his getup a lot of old people would come up to him and tell him that the country needs a new Führer.
He was more the straight man to Hitler's antics, they give him a little story and all but everything felt 'nebenbei', or maybe as a reason for the weird-out ending. Those bits all disappointed me, but the movie is hilarious for the scenes with Hitler alone.
source please
>Can we stop pretending that Hitler was a "evil" person?
No? Why would anyone who isn't demented do this?
Those were mostly young people.
I was presenting the view point OF THE FILM as it seemed to me.
I personally would gas kikes with glee. I would pull the lever, the trigger, press the button, or whatever it was and shimmy shake with the giddy of a school girl. Does that clarify things for you.
Is this legit unscripted? People just throwing salutes right in the middle of Germany?
>Dr Mengele I'm Kino
Imagine living in a nation where there are so few problems and a thriving debt free economy that you can think about animal welfare budget.
I think you are evil.
stop user I ain't fappin'
anytime anything related to animal abuse comes up (usually in nigger hate threads) there's always at least a few people talking about how you only dislike it based on irrational human emotions and it's no different than how cows and pigs are treated in first world countries etc
You'd be surprised.
>During the course of 29 April 1945, Hitler learned of the death of his ally Benito Mussolini at the hands of Italian partisans. This, along with the fact the Soviet Red Army was closing in on his location, strengthened Hitler in his resolve not to allow himself or his wife to be captured. That afternoon, Hitler expressed doubts about the cyanide capsules he had received through Heinrich Himmler's SS.[25] >By this point, Hitler regarded Himmler as a traitor. To verify the capsules' contents, Hitler—who already intended to have Blondi killed so that she did not fall into the hands of the Russians[26]—ordered Dr. Werner Haase to test one on Blondi, and the dog died as a result.[27] Hitler became completely inconsolable.[28]
>Hitler's nurse, Erna Flegel, said in 2005 that Blondi's death had affected the people in the bunker more than Eva Braun's suicide.[30]
Great until the last 5 minutes