ITT: actors/actresses who should appear more as main characters in movies

ITT: actors/actresses who should appear more as main characters in movies

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All cuties whomst I'd like to see more of!

That's some patrician shit going on in this thread

strong women are the best

my waifu





How can one person look so attractive and unattractive at the same time?

the uberwoman, the perfect specimen

She stole Halt and Catch Fire.

The episode where they steal Mutiny from her is pure Kino.

>ywn be her slave
Why even live?


by having an attractive eyes/upper face and also having an unnattractive masculine jaw.

A lot of strong jaws in this thread. Weak jawed women should just give up.





mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm post more necks

>Pretty face
>skeletal body
why did god curse us like this




>not pits

It was for a role and she's the only woman on the planet that can actually pull off that haircut well.

didn't mean to offend your waifu, was just trying to be edgy to fit in

Oh my god that arm fur, amazing.

Don't do that in waifu threads. Waifu threads are all about love.

Based neck poster.

Do her breasts not get along? Why are they trying to get away from each other?

That's what small breasts do when not in a bra. The more you know.

She's Spiderman actor with a blonde wig

does she have fetal alcohol syndrome?

No, if anything her features are overly sharp and defined.




Top that

>those arms
>those pits
>those delts


Yeah, she was extremely attractive.

Why did her career die?

these two should really get those masculine jawlines shaved down if they don't want to be clocked so easily

facial feminisation surgery is easily within the means of working actors

>suggesting to ruin perfection
Had it not been for your trips I would have slaughtered you

Married to Justin Timberfake

So she's a beard. Gays marry beards quite often.

Is this one Actor or Actress?

Antje should be lady Jessica in the upcoming Dune remake.

She needs to do more naked scenes


she has no brebs

she would fit well in lady gaga biopic

flat tall girls make my dick hard

she should appear more often in my bed

nah, if nut Lohan says he fuck her.... well he can be bi but not gay

and Felicity too

I... what. Context?


5'10 is tall for women.

Canada average height for females: 162.3
United States average height for females: 161.2

Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.

she'd be perfect for my spaceship

More full frontal

She's without question on the taller end of things but she's not a "tall girl". "Tall" people aren't just taller than average, they tower over most people of their gender. People too liberally throw around "short" and "tall" which diminishes the meaning for people who are actually huge. A man who is 6'1 ain't that tall, he's just on the higher end of the norm, a man who is 6'5 sure as fuck is though


Well excuse me for wanting words to actually mean something.

Your autism is not excused. Post less.


In another Alien movie?

Ask anyone that works in the industry

Juno Temple is a fuck puppet for any producer/director/actor of sufficient reputation.

Look into the eyes user

Tell her you love her

Actually The Tall Club International (the largest group for tall people in the world) says that 5'10" is the minimum height for women and 6'2" is the minimum height for men. Thus Mackenzie passes by the skin of her teeth.

Dutch women are best qts.

For me? I's Biel.


Having been to South Africa I concur.


The Americas were a mistake

And that's a good thing

>being a retard
ok I'm not judging you

she's really got that ethereal star look

will never understand why her actress career never took off

there's gotta be something to do with those videos of her being anally penetrated all over the internet

I think everyone who wanted to fuck her already had, so nobody would cast her plus the casting pimps like to desecrate innocents and it's very obvious she's as far removed from that as a person could be. Great ass though.

I'm glad she never made it.

Never give hope to pornwhores.

Let them wallow in their own misery. There is no going back, once you suck on camera it's fucking over, you bag of wet fish.

Great ass though

idc she's cute and slim. if she wanted to, she could get boobjob too

This. Porn stars are worse than hookers. Hookers fuck for money in private, they have one client. Porn stars fuck in front of a camera, the clients are hundreds of men who buy the footage.

wanna raise some smell in her pusy

I love you Felicity


That's Biel? Impressive

You have to be able to act to be an actress

or just be hot and good at hiding the sausage

Since when?

>Amber Turd

Choose one of the offered options pls


watch anything shes in
she literally just cant act for shit

pick one