>calls out BP for being another MCU dumpster fire that tries to seem "hip and cool" but just being the same trashy capeshit for children
>calls out BP for being another MCU dumpster fire that tries to seem "hip and cool" but just being the same trashy capeshit for children
She literally says that African culture is "cool" and africans are smart and powerful
GUARUNTEED if you told her about the bell curve she'd call you a WAYCIS
based black man shadilay my fellow jewish PEDE kek deus vult
Fuck off Sup Forumstard resist capitalism and buy a ticket!
yeah black panther sucks like capeshit all sucks and none of it warrants positive or negative discussion
>I want the alt-right audience
>the only person people can find to trash the movie is a literal clickbait bimbo slut
after watching that the next video that loaded was Joe Rogan talking about Black Panther.
He said something about Elon Musk being "African" towards the end that made me cringe harder than I thought possible.
And what were those 3 reasons? I really don't care to watch some 8 minute video of some random person ranting on jewtubes.
Just watch it? Jesus how old are you? What a baby
>#1. I get more money for clickbait
>less endearing Simba
My sides.
I think I love this lady
Honestly? She is right, but we will never admit it because she is black.
she could practically store a spear in that cleavage, barely enough space for mine though but prob could fit 3 of your guys
she definitely got her material from Sup Forums
Link me the Sup Forums threads she ia referencing, since its ao obvious it should be easy for you
at no point did he say she got them from specific threads, trumpanzee.
What exactly did he say, was it positive or negative
>waaaa watch my shitty fucking Reddit video look at this strong black womyn waaaa
So no sources? No evidences? Not even a "when she said X, sue got her knowledge from Y, you can find those type of posts in Sup Forums"? All we have is your word?
So we are suppose to believe you know Sup Forums, juat because you say you do even though you can't pin point what are the relations between her speech and Sup Forums?
Figures, I assume you will convince a fellow low IQ fellas here that you're right, but not me. To me, it sounds like you're posting bullshit because its funny to you(Is it funny really? Where is the punchline?). The fact you pretended to be someone else right now, and not only that, but you're a literal Simpsons poster. Proves you're completely incapable of critical thinking.
Have a nice day, and don't forget. You didn't prove shit here except that you're a boy crying wolf because you are too racist to accept a black woman can speak her mind and be correct at the same time.
Holy shit based black woman
What a fuckin hot head you are, why are you defending she didn't get this shit off of pol?
>So we are suppose to believe you know Sup Forums
i know sperg mouthbreathers.
you're being a really good case study.
literally who?
let me guess, the comments are filled with Sup Forumstards
I saw Black Panther just to annoy Sup Forums. Don't much care for capeshit but this felt good.
>no arguments
>no evidences
>just some "your LE autistas!"
Like I said, Simpsons posters are incapable of critical thinking, and expect you to believe their bullshit without any evidence to back it up.
In short, not an argument. NEXT
pol enjoyed the movie
>spending money on something to spite people you don't even know
you really showed them comrade
keep up the activism and the good deeds
I asked you why you think she didn't get her shit off of pol, stop projecting so hard you sperg, also you are
>pic related
What the hell is wrong with her.
It looks like her arms are totally deformed. Leg a fucking lego person and a huge head. Weird.
1) no idea what that pic is...a shoe?
2) I asked first why you thought she was, answer me
3) I can't prove something is not happening, only factual thinga can be proven, if it is fact she browses it, post prove. Innocent until proven guilty, ever heard of that? You're legit asking me to prove God doesn't exist when it is Christians such as yourself the ones that are suppose to prove he does.
4) Your post is a non-post, and said literally nothing at all. How does that make you feel?
On a side note
>when the Simpsons poster tries to bark back but doesn't realize how dumb he looks
No critical thinking. You should stick to sneed posting.
Pretty much this. The part they loved most is how Black Panther decided to start opening up to other countries and provide foreign aid at their own expense.
I got down to your 2nd bullet point I'm not reading all of your spergy shit, I just asked you why you think she didn't get her info off of pol
He’s from South Africa; not sure what your point is.
So no evidence? Is that all you got to say? Okay thanks bye!
Don't forget you're a brainlet on your way out. I will be here, waiting for the next asshole to insult her like that so I can defend her.
Elon Musk is African.
So...did you not know that Africans can be white? Like Charlize Theron?
That's from the comics. Happens there too. The moral of the story is to not be a BLM nigger. Instead be like T'Challa's sister.
dont expect too much of Sup Forumstards
brings back memories of THE_Donald back in 2016 wew lad
>white girls not racist/agrees that there are some serious problems with the american police force
coal burner
>black girls self hating/sucks up to rednecks white boys
typical Sup Forums brain
Can the tons of arabs and africans in europe be european then?
>black man or numale
lol nigger/soyboy
>same black man or numale but with a maga hat
she looks like she fucks black guys
This you?
Iant that the richard spencer shit? Doesn't pol hate him?
That’s pretty damn good.
Can you answer my question at least instead of acting like an actual autist?
Calm down adam
She looks like she fucks white guys.
1: Wakanda sucked because it made no sense to have tribal shit in such a futuristic society. For instance the "you killed the king, now you're the king" shit
2: T'Challa is boring, due to having a bunch of skills + no flaws like a Mary Sue
3: "Standard MCU schlock" aka she's too good for mainstream movies
as you might expect, I think she's a moron.