I’m about to see this

What am I in for?


Unironically one of the best movies in the MCU

>Best villain
>Best sidekicks
>Worst CGI
>90% less shitty jokes

I’ll admit the CGI was shoddy on the costumes but in the background it wasn’t noticeable.

>Worst CGI
Why doesn’t Feige return Joe Johnston’s calls?

Saw it yesterday. It's suuuuuper overrated. People are giving it the positive reviews just because of the black cast. The story is super predictable. The action scenes are shit and the CGI (especially in the final act) is some of the worst I have seen in a long time. The CGI is definitely worse than Justice League. 5/10

Best movie ever. If you disagree you're racist and should be sent to prison forever.

Bad African accents.


Kike created WE WUZ KANGZ propaganda

True, but in the final battle and that persistent shot in the casino it's really front and center. There's almost definitly a MCU movie that does it worse and I just can't remember it.

Shit CGI, shit action scenes, but everything else will be surprisingly good.

It's okay. One of the best Marvel movies imho

All the political shit aside, well above average among the Marvel flicks imo.


A slow and boring movie. With the benefit of constant references to Martin Freeman as "white boy" and "colonizer," you know, much like Thor referred to Heimdalla s "porch monkey" and "nigger."

Weird shit.

CGI is shitty
Technological advanced Country based on
1. It's ruled by a King
2. Who controls everything making it a Fascist country
3. The king is decided by hand to hand spear fighting
4. The nation is an ethnostate where there is only one race allowed
5. Any other races are branded and tortured that come in
6. Race War is justified by past ancestors
7. It just gets weirder from there if you break it down

It's like a Nazi propaganda film made for black people. It's some weird shit


OwO what's that?

Also all the small time thugs black panther beats up are all white.

If you're into african culture and mythology of superhero nations and stuff like that then you'll enjoy this movie. It's a cool movie with just enough black culture references to make black people pop and just enough MarvelUniverse-isms to make this a MCU movie. It's really cool movie.

tldr; Black Batman007 from Africa

Yeah, cause black people hate white people. That was the point of the movie that Wakanda is right wing and hates people of different color and they don't like refugees in their country. Obviously it's not offensive cause it's a black person saying it but I liked that Wakanda had the right ideology.