What is "activism" and why do celebrities love telling everyone that they do it?
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Perhaps it makes her feel less like human garbage.
it rehab at winestain dungeon
>celebrity politics
I guess it's too much to hope she get bashed in the head then?
Just the beginning of her downward spiral and a year from now she'll be as batshit as those who have gone before her.
>at a local level
I'm fine with this. Young people could actually have some influence on local politics. That being said I hope it kills her career.
>not receiving any movie offer
>"yeah, I'm taking a year off to help other people"
I wonder if MLK would have a holiday if we had seen his butthole.
How would she get more roles if weinstein was fired from hollywood?
I'm taking 5 minutes off to image search 'Jenifer Lawrence pussy' so I can wank at her on all fours with her perfect butthole spread
that pic wasn't her you mong
>most vapid and self absorbed people on earth
>doing activism
lol fucking cunt I hope she takes 10 years off and then another 10
>she can't suck cock to get roles anymore
>takes a "year off"
Merely a coincidence
you mean the one with her face in it?
she can't seem to help but look like an absolute bitch at all times.
27 really is that age where women transition from having youthful exuberance to becoming stale hags.
Jennifer Lawrence was cool when she was younger and spunky. Now it looks like mere attention seeking from an ageing hag who wants more significance in her life.
She is an absolute bitch, Google, "Jennifer Lawrence Budapest" she basically shitted on a fan that was trying to get a pic with her
Wow it must suck being so oppressed by the patriarchy that you can afford to spend a year not working.
Activism sounds more politically acceptable than "speaking tour", which it seems presidents and book authors/researchers can do.
>what is "activism"
pic related
Was that for a movie or what?
you can't tell the diference between a vagina and an asshole you virgin?
a home movie
I hope her activism goes so well she never acts again.
inflated idea of self importance (everyone wants to know your opinion on everything) + so much money you can retire before hitting 30 + too much time on their hands (movie actors don't work much).
dragging Emma Stone with her to appeal to the public didn't work
Speaking tours is when people hire you to make after-dinner speeches at their events, or attend universities that have hired you to do a talk on a particular subject. Activism to modern women is shitposting about white people on twitter.
Supporting terrorism.
Shes preemptively laying low because she knows Weinstein is going to sink her either through a book, interview or through court records.
She should take a year to actually engage with regular people. Her acting sucks because she's been a rich celebucunt since she was a teenager.
>year off to focus on activism
only rich people can say this
They're riding the current popular waves.
It's a great time to be a Hollywood actress at the moment, you can use all these allegations to make yourself look like a saint and a role model. And when things calm down, history will show how they were focused on activism in a time of great social need and they'll be showered with roles.
Real activism
there are more uses for an actress than just making movies and films. why don't you think of some on your own, dummy?
Who would pay to have Jennifer Lawrence speak at their event? She has nothing to say.
>It's another "celebrities think that because we like their acting ability/tits, we must also give a shit about their political opinions" episode.
Jlaw and Watson miss their sugardaddy
You guys are fucking retarded. Shes taking a year off because Weinstien has all the dirt on her about how she kept fucking her way into great roles despite being fucking obnoxious.
So now that shes already said her stuff shes gonna quietly duck out till this stuff dies down and go do some "activism".
I thought she took that year off acting some time ago.
what an idiot
She's s famous actress.
When will he have his revenge?
Someone needs to fakeapp both of them into a scene like that together.
>not shooping in her chest moles
I sleep nigga
>in a time of great social need
what did he mean by this
that's code language for "I don't get any roles so let me pretend to be wise and important by riding the shallow social justice wave even harder"
Is it acting school?
she just released some soviet spy movie, hasn't she filmed anything else since then
last year was because she was getting married
Activism is code word for shilling.
>Virtue signalling.
>They have no real convictions or beliefs so they go with whatever trend is big to feel the gaping hole in their lives.
>multi-millionaire can afford to take a year out
That is neo-liberal politics.
Yeah when she was born.
New X Men movie which will probably be shit
She is a good actress and a beautiful woman. If I had her success and resources I would take time off too.
yeah to kill myself
>become famous for acting
>be an uninformed dumbass in public
>don't realize people only listen to you because you're a famous actress
>stop acting
>expect people to keep listening to you
Now this is shitposting
Whts wrong with activism? Its a lot better than just making facebook posts complaining about shit
A lot of people do tho? Its wuite possible she didnt have you specifically in mind
worked out for reagan though
Activism = Marxism with celebrities
It's exactly the same thing.
>encouraging young people to become more engaged with politics
that's the last thing this country needs
same shit
Jj watt raised like 37 million for hurricane relief. That will do a lot more good than some thumbs up
Democracy is a mistake.
Not everyone should be able to vote, half the people have absolutely no ideea about politics and elections have turned into popularity contests.
You did realise that the popular vote doesn't matter
Sup Forums really does make you think sometimes
Welp that's what I get for phoneposting
Yes it was, it's been proven, faggot.
If only we had some sort of system in place. Like an electoral process. A collage of sorts. An... electoral collage
i'm talking in general, not only the US
And this is why I don't vote. It's like that episode of Boston Legal with that smarmy little 22 year old faggot who happens to be a delegate because "lol idk fuck you"
>be a regular fucker
>vote for [x]
>52% of your district/city/state votes for [x]
>your local delegate votes for [y] because "tee-hee there's nothing in the RULES that sez I have to vote the same way you guize did ;)"
One person, one vote. Otherwise there's no fucking point.
You're so god dmn retarded. Meanwhile every other country on the world wished to have the US "popular vote doesn't mean shit" elections.
One person one vote means the 51% bullies the other 49% forever. It means New York and Calfornia decides who your president is regardless of what the rest of the country votes because they are less in number. You're fucking retarded for not appreciating the electoral system your ancestors put in place.
Not to even mention one person one vote is the stupidest shit ever. Just because Jamal has 7 kids doesn't mean he should have 4 times the voting power you and your wife's son have.
1 american house, 1 vote. Neets shouldn't vote, hobos shouldn't vote, immigrants no matter how many generations into the country shouldn't vote.
Yeah but just because your "house" votes for one person doesnt mean your delegate has to vote for them bro, it doesnt say that anywhere in the rules so just deal with it brah, thats the way our ancestors wanted it :^)
>what is "activism" and why do celebrities love telling everyone that they do it
just go look at emma watson. that's what they do. they post pictures of them reading activist crap books and make speeches that don't make any sense
It would be career suicide to vote against your parties interest
Vacation around poor people, it's the only way they can appreciate their wealth after being at the top for decades.
Here. Educate yourself
Yeah but the rules say there's nothing wrong with them doing it brah so its all good since thats the way our ancestors wanted it to be bro
>citing a source that proves me right
The section on the supreme court ruling is basically a lawyered up mealy-mouthed way of saying "dude brah you just gotta like take it on faith that your delegates will vote the way you guys voted because thats just like how our ancestors wanted it to be brah chill ok"
>electoral collage
1. They get to stay in the public spotlight without acting
2. Tax evasion
That was the joke i think
Nothing wrong with this
Is a single year long enough? If she wants to go away for 25-50 years that's fine by me.
It's when you get mad at a person for not thinkinh the same as you so you tell them it's not your job to educate them.
You probably didn't even go to collage
The butthole pic is on the same sofa with the same shit on it as the pics that have her face. They were all released together in the fappening.
It's her
the butthole shot wasn't
>faithless electors have not yet affected the results or ultimate outcome of any election for president and vice president.
If this was your point what are you on about
>to focus on activism
So tweeting about Drumpf then, got it
Its only wrong because anons think theyll disagree with her
It used to be throwing molotov cocktails at police and forcing the state to stop ripping people off.
Now it means being an annoying bitch on "twitter" and teaming up with the media about some gay ass shit
It's because the work like the cocks she can suck on to get it will have dried up, so leaving for a year she thinks people will forget that she sucked cock to get jobs and the claimed rape.
I didn't t to collage I went to scrapbook
Oh it shows
Trump really does have an effect on these spoiled rich people with no problems.