‘Black Panther’ Smashes Records With $218 Million at Holiday Weekend Box Office

>Disney-Marvel’s “Black Panther” is heading for a super-heroic $218 million debut over the four-day President’s Day weekend at 4,020 North American locations, estimates showed Sunday.

>That number means that “Black Panther,” starring Chadwick Boseman and directed by Ryan Coogler, has doubled its original tracking in less than a month. The film, which carries an estimated $200 million production cost, had been tracking to bring in between an impressive $100 and $120 million when first estimates emerged on Jan. 25. Since then, “Black Panther” has become a must-see movie for many moviegoers, underlined when Thursday previews brought in $25.2 million, the largest Thursday night preview gross for a February opener and the second-largest preview gross for a Marvel film.

>The film’s estimated three-day gross of $192 million is the highest debut ever for a February film and the fifth highest of all time. Combined with an estimated international debut of $169 million from 69% of the international market, the estimated global debut stands at $361 million through Sunday.

>“Black Panther” has demolished the record for the largest Presidents Day weekend, blowing past “Deadpool’s” 2016 mark of $152 million. Overall North American moviegoing for the four-day period should hit $300 million — far above the $278 million mark in 2016, according to comScore.

>The audience skewed slightly more male, with 55% male moviegoers compared to 45% female according. Adults made up 73% of the audience, with families another 17% and 10% teens. According to Comscore, the audience was 37% African American, 35% Caucasian and 18% Hispanic.

But I thought Sup Forums said it would flop?

>bu bu bu we meant it would uhh not do as well in foreign markets as it did in amerifat1

T-This can't be happening!!

I-I'm in charge here

I liked it, I am not black

also its like everyone forgot about blade and spawn

But Sup Forums said if we made enough fake attack stories on social media, it would tank!


Why are whites like this?

>37% african american and 35% caucasian
>"m-my theater was 95% packed with black people, white people don't give a shit about this flick!"

Good question


Sup Forums is mostly self hating shitskins and literal foreign agents

Awesome, i'm going to see it again next week.



Oh fuck off u cunt

Why are white nationalists so insecure and pathetic. Why obsess so much over a movie that won’t actually change anything in the world

>le 35% face

>18% hispanic
When will they learn.

It's funny because jews were the main drivers of the slave trade and still all these years later they're making money off blacks lol

Oh and it's great that Black panther will probably cross 200+ million this weekend because the Jewish guys who own Marvel/Disney race baited a bunch of self-loathing white closet faggot SJW goy suckers and African Americans into hyping this flick, based upon a comic book created by two white guys, as a cinematic milestone with ridiculous praise which gave it tens of millions in free advertising.

This movie changes nothing and you'll all be virtue signaling next month for the next shiny thing that you want to use to brandish just how much you hate yourselves while corporations will be waiting to take your money.

And you know it!!!FACT!!!

The age of the white roastie is over

the age of the mulatto goddess has begun

Has this guy heaped unremitting praise on the movie yet?

I live in a small oil town in ND with almost no blacks. Opening night literally every showing was sold out, same with the next day. I think this might actually open a floodgate of non white Hollywood movies

when mestizos take over the US how do black people expect to be treated

do they think it will be better than it was under white people

>4 day weekend
>sells more than a movie in a 2 day weekend

That's unironically a good thing. Hollywood has gotten real stale. Maybe they'll try even more new things now.

Gratz, Americans shown to be most cucked nation in the world.
Future of blockbusters is doomed, expect them to push more and more niggers, not only in Marvel crap.
K, thx, bye. Goodnight.

>two white guys
>stan lee and jack kirby

Are you legit retarded?

This desu
I'm sick of every superhero movie getting articles about how it's "smashing" some niche, specific record


I still won’t see this movie

The journalists writing it are probably owned by the same people as the studios

why do americans care about race so much?

nobody in europe even talks about shit like this, especially not in mainstream media

Voting for your daughters death is more retarded imo

>has doubled its original tracking in less than a month
So they just did officially admit they are buying out tickets?

Why does she have mouthes for hands?

>over the four-day President’s Day
Wait which weekend?
>President’s Day
And...who's the President?

It probably would be yes. Is that what you think happened? You seem very confused.

I'm sure he'll get to it most of the poor suckers who joined DC are recognizing based marvel's superiority


Sup Forums on suicide watch

White people are honestly really funny. Like, why do this? Lmao

to give three white men bjs at the same time

Also, you're absolutely fucking demented if you think there's anything "important" about this the same way you fucking morons went on about Wonder Woman. You and the rest of the White Guilt brigade here are wound soo tight by Herr Trump that you desperately want this to be a hit because you think it validates your self-loathing SJW values which are based on belittling your own ethnic group and sex because you're own failures as men which is why you cry and scream about the "WHITE MALE PATRIARCHY" which, as I said, is really about you rebelling against your fathers who view you as losers.

As I've said before, most of you are probably closet fags and even if the rest of you ever managed to marry a woman she'd despise you for being soo pathetic that the only time she'd let you touch her vagina is to clean out the semen from all the (mostly black) alpha males she fucks while you watch and you'll end up supporting her children who will see you as weak dickless wankers with no balls.

All of you are the antithesis of masculinity!!!FACT!!!

The good old 'tism

>Age of Ultron

>the largest Thursday night preview gross for a February opener

If you need that many qualifiers to smash a record you aren't actually smashing a record.

Original Avengers was 207 for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

They're unirinically scared of black successes. I'm dead serious.

It's tied in with white guilt over slavery which blacks use to benefit and Jews use to divide whites!

>Sup Forums is one person

>Disney is spending their own money to make sure this movies looks like a success

>wh*Te """people"""



based KARA BOGA poster



I wish I was white desu

how can filthy wh*Toids even compete?!?

Furthermore, numale shitheads have been trying to guilt whites into seeing it the same way they did to men with Wonder Women and why you lost your fucking minds when Ghostbusters tanked and you were screaming that it was because of sexism.

For a bunch of assholes who smugly condescend to anyone who doesn't follow your talking points, before you ban them and delete their comments in the oh-so-liberal act of censoring free speech that you don't agree with and you can get away with on message boards which only exemplifies your hypocrisy, and are supposedly WOKE, you sure as fuck are eager and ready to suck corporate dick when they pander to your political agenda by shoveling out feminism and race bait to lure you into filling their coffers with your money like the fucking suckers you are.

Anita Sarkeesian did it with video games, Warner Brothers did it with Wonder Women and now Marvel/Disney has done it with Black Panther.

Are you not men? Because you sure as fuck don't act like it!!!FACT!!!

>Getting back at whitie
>Literally throwing all your funds at mostly white executives.

>Adults made up 73% of the audience

What a nice generation

>four day weekend

Soon we will have two week weekends so movies can break records.

I love black tits.

>Sup Forums suddenly considers hollywood execs to be white instead of jews when trying to save face after being btfo

Nah, white girls will still be the standard of beauty because they're the ones chased by even non-whites hard as fuck, and I say that as a non-white.

Even in a mixed up nation like Brazil, mulatta girls still aren't the ideal standard. The vast majority of Brazil's super models and entertainers are the European Brazilians. The Italians, Portuguese, Poles, Germans etc.

White girls got too much universal appeal.

Where are the screepcaps saying this would bomb?

I love seeing Sup Forums and Sup Forums get btfo
there was a guy who was predicting $50 mil opening

Forgetting the fact that more than just Jews make up the majority of the white execs. What in the blue hell would you call them? Jews in America identify as white. Likewise Ashkenazi Jews (most American Jews) overlap genetically directly with Europeans. Just because some neo-nazi fucktard on Sup Forums believes that only super blonde blued eyed Scandinavians are white doesn't make it law. That's the problem with yall on both sides. Taking what some deranged users on the web say as gospel.

>larping this hard to save face

Why do you come here? Are you paid to?


This was clearly not written by a White person.

So Jews and asians didn't go. Makes sense. Rest are dumb dumb.

Get BTFO just lol @ Sup Forums not wanting to accept Jews as white but just recently yall tried to make a Mexican school shooter white and before that you tried it with Elliot Rodger, a hapa LOL.

>the absolute state of Sup Forumsyp damage control

It'll be interesting to see what it does the second weekend.

I wish I was getting paid, but no I just enjoy seeing faggots being wrong

nobody said he was white, he was a mutt. Sup Forums is just mutts trying desperately to pawn one of their mutts off on another race.

I have a racist as fuck friend who types that all the time lel

So your whole point of coming here is to be combative? If that’s the only reason you come here then that’s a really sad life to live. I honestly feel sorry for you

Indeed, they do the same shit yall do. Jews, Italians, Greeks, Armenians and all of em even Mexicans become lily white niggas when they benefit your agenda. But when you wanna get back at big bad KKK virgin loser from Sup Forums shit changes right quick.

I honestly don't care.

>The audience skewed slightly more male
Disgusting cis MEN I bet!

>my racist black friend types like a black person
wow shocking

Insecure beta faggots, it's no wonder their women want nothing to do with them.

B-but only white male protag movies d-do well...Disney must be buying all the t-tickets it must be that!

/poltv/ is getting utterly BTFO lately, I love it

Good for them. Shit movie but so is all top grossing ones all time, shit wars avatar is nr 1 lol garbage titanic... I would rather this movie takes their place. All shit anyway but at least it has something going for it, it isn't blue aliens.


>Getting back at whitie.
>Most of the audience is white.

That body.

lol why are you so mad Sup Forums mutt? you were still btfo by a movie. doesn't matter how much money da joos get.

>jews make money exploiting niggers
>Sup Forums btfo
Oh sweety

>my racist black friend

Lol where did I say he was black you dummy? He's from northwestern Indiana and white as hell

Indiana is the South of the Midwest

Because America is 56%

>it's a Sup Forums gets objectively destroyed and pretends it a good thing episode
Seeing this rerun a lot lately.

>Projecting this hard

This is a disaster! Genocide!

Holy shit! Only 89% of movies will have white male leads now...

>muh jews this and muh jews that

That’s racist. Bit of a hypocrite aren’t you? What makes you any better than Sup Forums?

She's 6'2"