What's the last movie you walked out of?

What's the last movie you walked out of?

Mine was Big Hero 6.

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Raging Bull

Last Jedi

Black panther

Not physically, but mentally, I walked out of Capt. America Civil War. I fell asleep twice.


My parents took me out of All Dogs Go To Heaven when they saw the dogs gambling.

I also couldn't eat BooBerry or Count Chocula because they were demonic.

Wall Street 2.

The Hitman's Bodyguard where they started singing in the car, and I really wish I had taken several earlier opportunities to do so

great childhood,huh?

Titanic because i had diarrhea

The Last Jedi, and I was surprised that one of my friends had as well, considering she’s a shitlib catlady.

black pather
i bought a ticket just to walk out of the theatre, this is my way to show my disrespect towards the movie, and i will do this again with several movies next on my list is pacific rim 2

>walking in to begin with

That'll show em!

*record scratch*

The Amazing Spider-Man. Nothing about the movie was good. I left in 30 minutes.

Why the fuck would you walk out of a movie when you paid money for it?
Also I never went to a movie alone so it would be a dick move to walk out of it.

you sound alpha as fuck

>I'll walk out of the movie I already paid for to show the director I didn't like it.
I've never been to a movie bad enough to warrant me actively searching for something better to do, I'll just suffer through it so I can come be mad to you guys instead.

Black Panther.

Too many people talking during the movie.

The only movie I ever wanted to actually get up and leave was The One with Jet Li, I had to stay to the end to see how they were going to end the complete disaster.

I was not disappointed in how shit it was.

50/50. Only because I was with my gf, her granddad had died of cancer a few days before, and she started crying.



We went with a group if friends, and left the film decision up to someone who is notorious for making terrible decisions. None of us really knew what the film was going to be about.

She was a bit of a melodramatic cunt though, got rid of her a year or so later anyway.


This one.
When I was 10 years old, my family went to the theater to saw some movies that day. My parent saw this and thought it was just another superheroes movie for kids.

You must be 18 to post he...

>Watchmen came out in 2009

Jesus Christ, time is slipping away

holy shit I wonder if you are the kid who was sitting in front of me. When I saw it some dad and his 2 lil kids sat down in the row in front of me. He lasted about 20 minutes before he realized he had made a terrible mistake and grabbed the 2 kids and walked out

I saw this Arab family sit down nearby right when American Sniper started. They had three kids under five. Laughed my ass off when they left right after the opening scene

Way Out West


if i pay over 10 bucks for it then instead of walking out ill stay in the movie and use my phone or sleep. dont care if i "ruin the experience" for the other niggers watching it, its a shit movie so theyre not missing anything decent

I would have walked out of Guardians of the Galaxy if I wasn't with a friend

I stopped watching them after Big Hero 4

I went on a double date to see this, I walked out about 30 minutes in and went back right before it ended, i walked around the mall by myself...

after 1 1/2h h realising "just" 30min passed,
I left
>girlfriend expirience

Johnny English
first and only. it was just that bad.

Transformers 5

I mentally walked out of Last Jedi

>Why the fuck would you walk out of a movie when you paid money for it?
Sunk cost fallacy, man. If you've already paid, that money is as good as lost. No point wasting your time if the film is so unenjoyable that you'd rather spend your time doing something else.

At my church there was this one mom who used to get mad at us for playing yugioh after service. Something with protestants and hating weeb shit.

Most theaters I've been to will refund your ticket if you leave early enough. That being said, the only movie I've ever walked out on was Elektra.

not physically but closed the window mid stream.
Silence from Scorsese

never have but I wish I walked out of Hancock

don't we all?

how did you let you in?
Me and my buddies were 15 and had to try score a fake id with the hopes of even get tickets, we failed.
Had to wait a long ass time to get the DVD/bluray at blockbusters/
Shit man, 2009 truely was the best year of my life and that was fucking 9 years ago

lol, what were they expecting the movie to be about?

jesus grandpa what are you doing here?

i fell asleep tbqh
it was a little ambitious to go to a midnight double feature sceening on a weekday tho

Unironically a great idea

Skyline and 10000 BC. Funny enough I couldn't tell you what exactly me and my pot-addled friends saw after we walked out and into a different showing, but I remember those

Smarter than the dad who brought 2 five year olds to Piranha 3D. Dumb fuck sat through the entire beach massacre scene, then decided to pull the plug when the 2 porn stars started topless swimming

Black Panther, too many niggers

Fuck yourself.

a movie called "Blackhat" that a friend and I saw. It was a barebones mediocre "hacker" film, but at a certain point two of the characters started to have a serious (and out of place) discussion about 9/11 and we had to leave because we couldn't stop laughing

Well, it was my parents who bought the tickets and tbf I lived in Asia and in my country nobody really cared about the age restriction thing at the theater. I'm able to go see rated r movies on my own when I was 15.
I don't really think that 2009 was that special desu, it's just that things got progressively worst from there.

im only 37!

>Voiceover: Now you're probably wondering how I got to this shit opinion

I walked out of The Rocker (starring dwight from the office.)

Iron man and 300 can't remember which was more recent..

I never walked out of a movie, theatre tickets are expensive. I did however stop watching some movies halfway through when I was at home. For example Terminator Genysis. I stopped when John Connor showed up in that hospital or police station, whatever it was. It was terrible.
I also stopped watching Fight Club after half an hour or so but that was because I was very tired and had a headache.

the one was alright man. what were you, 45 when you saw it?

Pic related.

It's all over.

You think there's still a chance things might turn around and work out in the end but the truth is the groundwork should have been laid 15 years ago.

>Score fake ids
What the fuck just buy tickets for a different movie and sneak in you retard.

youll be here one day, mark my words

Transformers 2

Movie was fucking awful and borderline offensive

Bridge to Terabithia, gf picked it expecting some fun fantasy movie, made it half way through before we just walked.
In her defense, trailer was mis-leading as fuck, still never let her pick the movie again. (she never asked to either)

Iron Man 3
Went with a friend and he wanted to see it, but even him couldn't stand it after 40 mins
Made him buy me a pizza for the time wasted

Independence Day 2, also the last time I've been to a movie.

Never. Im poor and dedicated to whatever every time im getting out of my house.
bh6 was kino, btw.


Some transformers movie. But it was at a drive-in with three movies showing the first was one of the planet of the apes movies and the second was transformers. It was bad so my gf and I decided to leave since I already fucked her in my car

Only movie I’ve managed to fall asleep twice through

Thor Ragnarok was the closest I've gotten to walking out. Honestly thought about doing it about 20 times before I gave up and just watched the shitty movie

don't remember, probably was some sort of 7 samurai remake

Baz Luhrmann's Great Gatsby. The party scene where a hip hop song by Fergie is playing during a 1920's period piece... Fucking tasteless.

Grew up Penny, can confirm.

Religion is some bullsht.

I haven't gone to theaters in a very long time (too many people and I hate people.) The last movie I simply stopped watching was After Earth with Will Smith.

I did it for Suicide Squad. Terrible movie, got a headache halfway through.

right? the movie was EXACTLY as advertised too. If you went into that movie and was disappointed by what you got then you're an idiot

The revenant and TFA

That Monkey King movie with Jackie Chan. Im pretty sure thats the only movie i have ever walked out of.

Pearl Harbor because the projector literally exploded. As long as the theater is comfy I see no reason to leave a shitty movie. They already have my money and I can drown out the noise and take a nap.

OK who has walked out of the most movies? i don't think i've walked out of any

Your parents sound like faggots. Good luck with that

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

I've never walked out of a movie. Closest I've come is sleeping during The Haunting remake and me and my friend came REALLY close to walking out on Hollywood Homicide.

We used to go to 2-3 movies a week, plus rent tons of videos.

We lived in the sticks, so during the week we only had time to go to pleb busters at the multiplex - couldn't go into the city for Kino.

One week there was basically not a single fucking thing worth seeing. Hollywood Homicide was like the only thing approaching watchable.

So we went, and during a foot chase scene we actually quickly discussed if we should leave.
But we figured it was past the halfway point anyway and stayed.


Just kidding, I enjoyed it

You fuck my wife?

I went to see Three Kings with my friends at about 11 in the morning.

Some guy came in with two little kids, who proceeded to freak out during the first battle scene and he had to walk them out.

I also went to see Observe & Report with my gf, and after the drugs sequence where they beat up the skateboarder kids, a bunch of teenagers behind us said something like "Fuck this retarded shit!", got up and walked out.

The best walk out I ever saw was V For Vendetta. Some slut just kept talking on her phone, LOUDLY, during the film. Packed opening night. Wouldn't shut up. Eventually someone told her to shut the fuck up and she went APE SHIT. Stood up, screeching, yelling, accusing everyone of being "faggots", and so on. Then splat - she got hit with a fucking frozen coke (it looked like that - might have been a milkshake or something) and she started screeching at her bf/husband to do something, screeching she was gonna fuck everyone up blah blah blah, and her bf just grabbed her arm and began dragging her out of the cinema, at which point she switched to bawling her eyes out.

Think I walked out of one movie because I was drunk and just fuck assing around, even managed to get my money back. Slept through The Avengers.

across the universe i walked out of

Why are jew shills pushing this 20 year old show so hard?

Haha. Same here. I made it about 20 minutes in.


Ant Man