What the fuck is wrong with Mexicans?

What the fuck is wrong with Mexicans?

Rite of passage

what film is this

Eternal manlets.

>tfw that got you a bit wet

The worst part is how they hop you up on amphetamines to keep you awake and feel all of the pain

Someone post a liveleak link

ive always wondered, who are these people that end up in these situations? are they drug guys who pissed off the cartel or just random innocent people?


>kicks soccer ball


its on theync front page somewhere

the former... every single time, these videos are psy warfare like those ISIS videos so people fear to fight them.

source: im a Mexican living in Mexico.

>trumptards wants to deport THIS

>drug guys who pissed off the cartel

Pretty much


I feel like they're probably innocents.

Or rival cartel members or something

no shit


the latter... every single time, these videos are psy warfare like those ISIS videos so people fear to fight them.

source: im a Mexican living in Mexico.

Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don't let it make you cry
For ever if I'm far away
I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you
Each night we are apart

Post the one where they rip out an unidentified organ from a living mans torso. The guy's elbow deep in a hole through his chest

Guy has tattoos on his arms and back. Dead giveaway.

oh shit

From the thumbnail I thought it was a guy with sunglasses and a huge, smug grin as though to say "DEAL WITH IT"

We should really unleash Mexico on the Muslims. It would be an interpretation of a Godzilla film, barbarians vs barbarians.

I don't get why Trump thinks a wall would actually work. He's a retard who, in his senile and simplistic mind, thinks Mexicans are literally pouring over the border. When in reality it's just Mexicans and Latin Americans flying or busing in legally and then overstaying their visa.

Holy Christ just kill him you cruel scum

so when is it gonna be built?

>white guy kills innocent high schoolers
>Mexicans kill rival gangmember


Stop being so fucking racist op, and go back to /pol already. Not all Mexicans are like this.

We need to sink Florida desu.

How do you think the drugs and cartel members are getting in?

So you don't know shit and you said nothing with your post, great

why would they do this to an average, normal guy? this is 100% a rival gang member or someone that killed a member of another drug guys family / a gang member that was high up.

Is this how chicharrones are made?

how the fuck can someone do this to another human being?

That was a young boy who was murdered along with his father. And it's his beating heart that is ripped out.

Generally, they're people from rival cartels, there are also corrupt law agents oftenly, journalist and low and middle municipal and state authorities are less usual.

The worst thing is when these peoples families' are taken too.

There was a very gruesome video in Sup Forums recently, where they cut a poor guy's chest in half and you could still see him his lungs breathing.

That kid (he was definitely a teenager) was just the policeman's son who was finished off rather quickly in the same video

>white guy shoots + insta-kills some normies
>man has his torso cut off his body while he's still alive and his organs ripped out

probably killed the guys mother / sibling / child or something of the like. this looks like something you would do when motivated by revenge.

Never let anyone take you to a 2nd location. If you must perish, perish where you stand.

>white guy kills innocent highschoolers
>Mexicans slowly and brutally torture someone who is possibly a rival gangmember or possibly an innocent

Shitskin genes

The weed you smoke was once in the guy in OP's video's ass.

Embracing the true Aztec legacy. Respect.

the last time there was a video like this it was a police officer and his son

thats what you want to think, in reality they do it to people who just bought drugs from the wrong gang, journalists who reported on them, cops who investigated them, people who informed on them to another group, people they just suspect of these things or these peoples families

There was a recent one where a police officer was decapitated next to his tied up son. You think they don't do this to innocents who get in their way?
An extremely low IQ, like that of a wild animal

fuck that is a one long video

Beaners upload cp daily on xvideos
And fuck their underage family members. You think they give a shit about murdering? They have awful morals. Kids drink beer and smoke. They jack off in classrooms. Teachers smoke in classrooms. Uncles diddle their relatives. Incest. Incest. Incest. And upload it online. Kill each other over stupid shit.

It's the Aztec in them

is he ok


>This Is What Multiculturalism Looks Like And It's Beautiful

they're loco in the cabeza ayee ayee ayee

Do you think drug cartels are like the white weed dealer down the street from you? They make millions of dollars, they have private planes, boats, submarines, freight trucks going in and out every day. The only people that sneak through the border are broke ass people trying to escape

On the thumbnail it looked like they put him a vr headset on while they cut him up.

This is pretty good

Can I steal it for when I spam this webm?

Sounds no different than the white trailer trash I had to go to school with

sure bud

>live in Arizona
>lots of Mexicans and Natives
>natives are super nice, Mexicans not so much
what's the likelihood of your average Taco American doing something like this?

Thx op, just got fired from my job

this reminds me one of the rare cases when there's a woman involved
in one cartel video they kill some guy and the woman cuts his his face off (already dead) and then there's some video of another cartel where the same woman gets killed (I think they cut her head off if I remember correctly)

Wrong, totally wrong. Stop watching stupid movies and reading slate articles

violence is the most normal thing in the world
stop being a pussy fag

>huge tracts of open border with no border patrol for many many miles
>cartels would rather spend the money flying drugs in rather than just handing it over to "hikers"

get a brain, faggot

the japanese you love so much are also sadists.

Trips of truth. It has always been a land of clashing clans

>Beaners upload cp daily on xvideos


Uhh, the cia sneaks them in?

Yeah maybe in 1990. No one wants Mexican shwag. My weed came in vacuum sealed bags from Colorado or California grow houses

Plenty of people have been freed after their ransom was paid. It's been a common thing since the beginning of time.

Most of the time its either rival gang members or corrupt local cops who did something in particular to piss them off. And they're not going to let that go to waste, they'll deliver "justice" to the person and use it as a warning to others.

They don't deserve such a fate, but they're hardly innocent people, they were dancing with the devil, so to speak.

Where did you hear this? It's simply not true.

t. El Paso

Very few people actually run across the border you retard

Those that do are broke ass desert Mexicans. Most of them come here via visa or other legal loopholes and normal border crossings

If they started doing this to random normal people they wouldn't be able to operate since citizens wouldn't stand for it. It has always been like that in human society, the people hold ultimate power and leaders are only able to operate because the people tolerate it. The same can be said for criminal orginizations. If they go too far they will be decrowned and replaced.

How come I can watch this whilst eating and feel nothing but if I even see an animal humanely killed it bothers me for days?


I feel nothing

tbf as far as cartel videos go, this one was mild

>tfw too much of a pussy to watch gore videos
This shit gives me PTSD

ultra instinct

user, I....

Are you saying they need another round of Spanish rape to wash the Aztec genes away?

Before thread gets deleted, are there any actual cartel members in this thread? Just curious.

>police officer and his son
corrupt police officeer working for rival gang... is it really that difficult to realize? i would think it is not after watching so many Michael Mann movies

Which will be ended and strictly enforced along with a border wall to keep out the worst of them and the drugs that cant just come through border gates.

Reminder that the Spaniards were so horrified by what they saw that they burned every Aztec record they could find

All I feel is my mouth watering. Am I a cannibal?

>blaming spics who jump the boarder for wanting to escape this shit

>tfw I have been desensitized after all the years on the internet
>tfw nothing shocks you anymore and have to pretend that it does when relatives show me something "creepy" or "disgusting"

Yes. I work for Los Zetas

>This is what conservacucks actually believe
They mainly bring over hard drugs and they don’t do it in small amounts. They ship millions of dollars worth at a time. I lived in Texas and every other week there were semi trucks being caught with literslvtons of dollars worth of shit

>he didn't grow up with faces of death videos

Hello FBI.

Mexicans like to tell themselves that it's always bad guys but it's not.
Maybe it's some journalist who investigated too much, or a non-corrupt cop, who knows.

Depends on where they are at, and how fast they are killed.

If they are out in the country and killed fast usually innocent people who did something like stay out at night past dark. The cartels run everything in mexico, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They set the curfews, they tell the police what laws to enforce. They make sure everything stays organized. The police simply follows the rules same with the politicians. The cartels have all of the money, literally all of the money and the power. The police do as told same with the military.

So if pissed off the cartel by snitching or double crossing you, they are going to kill you slow and brutal while video taping your ass. That way everyone sees it and it keeps up the fear. If you are some civilian who stays out past curfew or hits on some cartel members family like a sister, they are going to shoot you then chop your ass up and send your hand or foot to the family.

Either way you pissed off the cartel. If you are rich and not associated with the cartel (which is virtually no one) you pay the cartels not to kidnap you and shit.

If you are an American who is innocent and not fucking around, they'll generally leave you alone, because they don't want American law enforcement agents down there (Americans are insanely hard to buy off and they'll extradite your ass to an American Prison). That's the cartel members biggest fear besides a brutal death. Mexican jails for cartel members are like fucking spas and resorts, American Jails are hell holes and no one in a cartel wants to go there. So generally Americans get left alone. Europeans are far game generally because Europeans are pussies and the cartel doesn't respect them at all. If you are an American and you fuck around or disrespect the cartel or play in the drug game, the cartels will get you, then the Mexican politicians will take the cartels side and you are fucked because mexican politicians will delay delay delay with american politicians.

Which are worse, in terms of severity of stuff like this?
Niggers, Mexicans, or ISIS? Niggers mostly seem motivated by sexual luster/power, hence the rapes, but I never hear about them doing shit like this, unless it's just not reported on to try and promote multicultural harmony.
These are terrifying situations and just wondering how likely this will become common in areas being flooded by various races.