Would a Buffy remake be good under the current political and culture climate?
Would a Buffy remake be good under the current political and culture climate?
If the original was released today Sup Forumscucks would complain about muh male oppression and le strong woman boogieman.
I'm sure they will eventually remake it, but it will never be as good. First off, they will never again let a pretty girl have the role. Second, the culture that the original movie was mocking, no longer exists and current audiences have sense of humor or irony
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is trash. The movie is horrible and the television series is undescribably bad.
no because buffy has always been a female character and feminism is about breaking new boundries. Not much else to do with Michelle Geller anyway. The jews already made her fuck a nigger in curel intentions so they already perverted her.
If the original got released today /reddit/soys would complain about muh non-LGBT lead and le have to make Buffy white boogieman.
Hi, I'm Angel.
hi Angel im Buffy
If it was released today it would star a black lesbian in the ghetto fighting exclusively white vampires (both corporate and literal) with the help of the "watchers" council which is also entirely black and uses african witchcraft to send messages via lightning.
don't forget willow wouldn't only be a lesbian but a trap lesbian with a fucking deep voice
Angel(except s4) >>>> Buffy
I tried to rewatch both of them together and ended up dropping Buffy and just watching Angel. Super comfy show.
buffy is constant with the shitty jokes, angel is more timeless.
don't mind me just posting the only good character in the show
Not with Whedon. If it's on CW just give it to Julie Plec
I agree, the jokes in Buffy seem really forced compared to in Angel where the characters seem a lot more human and the jokes flow naturally from their personalities interacting and from the world building. Buffy also has a lot more shitty melodrama episodes than Angel does, and a lot more unlikable characters. All the main cast of Angel are good, about half of the main cast of Buffy are annoying.
90s sitcom tier trash
edgy cunt
boring (would later become great in his own show though)
>Seth Green
fine for what she is
not bad as the mean Stacy who turns good
decent as the wise mentor archetype
god tier
That's the first level of enlightenment. Most patrician people eventually realize Angel > Buffy However, they are both part of the same thing.
Next level of enlightenment is realizing Angel S4 is not really that shitty and people only hate it because of Connor.
Connor is an instrumental part of the season though, you cant just rate it without him
It would be hilarious how both sides would hate it. Sup Forums would hate it for strong wimmins and any hint of diversity, while soyboys would hate it for showing those same women with some form of flaws and weaknesses, and just hating Xander/Angel/Spike in general. Also all the episode metaphors would be bound to trigger someone somewhere.
He was great when he became Angelus though.
No Buffy remake. Focus instead on a future slayer. It respects the original while working as a soft reboot/sequel.
Angel 4 is great
Spike is the best character, but not the only good one
>god tier
>Angel > Buffy However, they are both part of the same thing
the patrician state of mind
>just hating Xander/Angel/Spike
Xander was awful though. He was like some boring sitcom stereotype straight out of Friends.
Spike was great though and Angel had his moments.
No fun allowed these days, get with the programme.
But you can. Think why does people hate Connor? Because he was fucking Cordy and that was way out of place, and he was an edgy teen.
So what is left to love about S4?
>Tortured Wesley
>The Beast
Tortured Wesley alone is already one of the best things on the entire show according to some people.
don't forget
>Gwen Raiden
>the Ra-Tet
>Wolfram & Hart getting caught with their pants down
Angel 4 changed me from a Buffy-completionist-casual-viewer to an actual fan of the show
ay wassup I'm Spike
what a comfy thread
also if there are SPN anons here, you are welcome to join us in
>Would a Buffy remake be good under the current political and culture climate?
It would all be blacks, muslims and trannys. Even Joss said flat out if he made it again he would have completely changed the cast to make it much more 'diverse'.
>Buffy The Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon has admitted he feels he did not do enough to represent diversity on the show.
>Speaking on the cult teen series' 20th anniversary, he said he "missed some of the point" when it came to hiring cast and crew of mixed genders and ethnic backgrounds.
>He told The Hollywood Reporter: "I was definitely unaware of how things affected people, how representation was lacking.
>"I didn't help out. I didn't make a point of hiring female directors, I didn't make a point of hiring people of colour
Can people educate me why Buffy is highly regarded by so many people? I tried to watch a few episodes but from what I can tell it's just typical teen angst with a monster setting to keep the boyfriends from complaining. Just like black sails.
>shitting on your own creation to get some good goy points
These people have no self respect.
>just typical teen angst with a monster setting to keep the boyfriends from complaining
the monsters are metaphors about shit you have to tackle growing up. a chick can punch and fight. the early episodes are very shaky but they have heavier arcs later on and many characters develop pretty well. lots of shows these days would not be where they are if it weren't for Buffy/Angel
he's a nutty guy, i don't even think he realizes firefly was a libertarian themed show
>Making behind the scenes politics the main focus on the show
That worked so well for star trek, black lightning, stargate, the arrowverse, star wars etc. etc.
>I didn't make a point of hiring female directors, I didn't make a point of hiring people of colour
I always found this kind of thinking to be even more racist/sexist than flat-out hatred. If women/non-whites really are equally as good then you don't have to give them a job out of pity. It's almost as if he thinks they're children or pets.
Why don't we ever see you people at Amy threads? They were conceived to work as a Buffy/Angel general as well, and show talk is highly regarded. Not even Sup Forums ventures there, it's just endless comfy. Not to mention some of us watch Supernatural too.
I have been posting on those threads but recently, not only was I busy at work, I also found that the most recent threads included shows I had zero knowledge about and didn't want to feel out of place nor did I want to keep steering the thread into the few shows I know. And I read some posts that SPN isn't as welcome as the other shows listed in the OP or something like that so I just passed
Eh... I don't mind personally. Sometimes I miss talking more about Buffy, since Angel is more fresh, could use the memory talk to refresh Buffy too. If by other shows you mean PoI, yeah I guess... But jumping topics is also something we do there... (You)s for everyone who wants to talk. As for SPN... It's not my absolute favorite, but I do watch it, and it's one of the comfiest things I've ever seen. Even more than Buffy/Angel. Still want Andrea back though
I've watched both series countless times and still prefer Buffy, sorry.
I said "most"
Other than that, to each, their own.
Dunno about that. I've posted on buffy forums and discussed these shows online for a few years. Sup Forums is the only place where it seems like more people prefer Angel to Buffy.
>Buffy and Angel have 12 seasons' worth of combined material
>TDVverse shit has 13 and might get more
No, just you.
>that lip gloss
would you let Buffy paint your dick with her lip gloss?
Their reasons are their own, Sup Forumss reasons are their own
triggered already? trying to pick up a fight?
sorry m8, not in the mood
I don't care if you like Buffy more, that's your deal.
>when angelfags and buffyfags start shitflinging instead of just enjoying the thread like two sides of the SAME COIN
what did buffy mean by this?
This and so fucking this.
I never get tired of saying it. I consider BOTH to be part of the same thing. Just because one enjoys one more than the other shouldn't create a divide. It's a personal thing ffs. Its like people who like the same movie fighting cause one likes the beginning more than the end
who's your fave villain across the two shows, Sup Forums?
No one ever says they enjoyed x more. They say X or more popular than Y, which is a right/wrong thing.
Post champagne gif plz
>Trap Lesbian?
You mean a hetero man?
The CW is putting out what will essentially be Buffy 2.0 as their Supernatural spinoff.
>Strong blonde monster hunter, group leader
>Psychic friend who will probably end up magical as well to help
>Normal sister
>Older mentor monster hunters
The backdoor pilot (Supernatural S13e11) was pretty good. Monsters looked stupid but the dynamic of the group was pretty great.
I want SMG to cameo on Supernatural and I love SPN and the Buffyverse but I don't want them competing with each other
that's hot
This started on a comment that says "most" people like X over Y. That is the way it happens on Sup Forums. Personally I like X over Y
I'm sorry if this triggers some butthurt faggot but are we really at a point where you have to worry about being politically correct about such meaningless shit, on this place? 4-fucking-chan, really?
I meant nothing else by it. You can like whatever the hell you like and I'm not gonna fight you. I don't think it's wrong to like Y over X, it's just personal. I can't imagine X without Y but I do like one more than the other, and again, it's personal. Under your same logic, am I "wrong"? Because if you think so, you're not being consequent. To each, their goddamn own, that's my point.
Now, I tire of talking about this, and I don't really care.
Nice try.
Sorry, I'm responsible for that. Mainly because I just got kind of sick of talking about Angel and Buffy, so when it ends up branching off its usually because of me.
We've had hundreds of Buffy and Angel threads, I just dont got anything left to say about either show.
I dont see why Supernatural wouldn't be welcome, I loved the hell out of the first 5 seasons, but I stopped watching after that so I cant really keep up with any discussion about the later seasons
There were quite a few blowjob innuendos in that show, if I remember right.
>that colour on the blu-ray/digital release
SO triggering. How do you fuck something like that up so badly.
SPN already did a backdoor pilot years ago and it was proper garbo. I don't expect this will stand on its own any better.
Now, if you wanna talk upcoming shows with Buffy potential, you gotta mention Sabrina.
it was just to start a discussion, user
quite a lot, you mean
Buffy wasn't shot/filmed for hi def
Bloodlines was shit through and through. This one was decent at had an intriguing potential big bad
No, Buffy would stay white so they could push for racemixing.
Amybro is that you?
Well... provided there's interest, I don't have problems talking about some of the classics topics like:
Does W&H count?
I mean the entire organization, considering the Senior Partners as extradimensional horrors, puppeteering the whole thing, the perfect corporate world analogies, "evil wears a suit now" etc...
Post full webm
The initial Bloodlines episode was very poorly received and the series was set to have no established SPN characters to help it launch.
Wayward Sisters is already in production and the backdoor pilot was very well-received. It has multiple Supernatural mainstays including a fan favorite in Jody set for the main cast. The crossover potential is insane. I think it will work out pretty well.
I did read that Netflix is trying to go "dark" with their Sabrina reboot, so there could be some potential there. Honestly not sure what to expect, I've only ever thought of Sabrina as comedic.
This show was so stereotypically 90s/early 2000s in the way they were just edgy enough to have sexual innuendo but the characters show guilt and shame in it. If the show came out today that last tiny bit of innocence would be gone completely and they would proudly celebrate their degeneracy instead.
>Does W&H count?
yes but it seems unfair to lump them all together, some execs were better and more memorable than others
And meh, I'm pretty sure thats something thats already been talked about a ton of times in these threads already. Like I said I just got nothin left in me. I hope you guys have a very nice and comfy Buffy thread though
how did he not impregnate her here?
Buffy wasn't shot/filmed for hi def
the fuck are you talking about? It was shot on FILM, that means it can do to whatever buttfuck resolution you want.
Using a 16:9 frame where it wasn't intended and transferring it to digital without keeping the original picture quality (which is fine) was completely an artistic choice that looks fucking horrible and makes dark scenes look like the middle of the day.
Even if we put aside the awful re-done CGI, it's fucking awful.
Well I was going for the SP as "the Wolf, Ram and Hart" as technically, they're the final boss, and ther are similar to Old Ones
But for executives, I think I like Lindsay the most
It's not an easy question for me though, since I like many villains for different reasons
Just look at what they're doing with the Charmed reboot, making the main characters all mixed-race with one being a lesbo.
Now imagine what they would do with Buffy
Angelus (mostly in s2 torturing buffy, but angel s04 was also great and even more satisfying if possible)
The Beast. He often gets overlooked, but his absolute dominance over everyone, from the angel gang to W&H and the rain of fire creates an atmosphere of doom that is unique to S4. It feels like the darkest, most dangerous arc in the whole show and it unites the gang in order to fight him.
SMG wasn't that pretty
she had a good body and a decent face, nothing extraordinary
reminder that Buffy already had the first on-screen lesbian kiss and eventually showed that the Watchers and the Slayers originally came from Africa
in her day she was stunning.
>she had a good body and a decent face,
right so what's left to object to? you don't like her thumb?
I should have made myself clearer sorry. I meant they deliberately made scenes dark to hide the lack of budget in many scenes so when they edit it ro hi def the color balance gets all shit like what you said. Sorry man im watching the show right now and posting in the SPN thread so im mostly posting in rapid fashion with half my brain on
The Beast is one of my all time favorite characters in this universe
best girl
they can change anything but Buffy must be white at all costs or white liberal girls and women won't be able to identify with it beyond "that progressive black show" instead of "omg i looove buffy!"
>The Beast is one of my all time favorite characters in this universe
Same. Partially just because he was played by Vladimir Kulich. That guy is cool in everything. pic related
Another character who had their best arc in Angel, and she was only there for a few episodes. It's actually insane how well they handled the crossover characters in angel, all of them turned out even better than buffy.
This too
The Beast deserves more love. Doesn't deserve to be caught along the general hate S4 gets for just one angsty teen
he mentions representation there, the idea with that is basically that without someone who looks and sounds similar to you to look up to, you'll be sort of lost growing up, but if you have a role model you can closely emulate who's a good person then you'll turn out fine
I can see where they're coming from but like so many things it's majorly over-simplified
Faith should have gotten more episodes in Angel and should also have gotten the spin off she deserved
>”feminist” director abused his wife and continously cheated on her with people from the show
Outspoken male feminists are generally huge creeps.
After watching Face-Off I wonder why shiws and movies like Buffy has such shit monsters. The judge on the show was even the make up artist for Buffy. I know some of the stuff they make can't move well but these literal who's are making shit on a super tight deadline essentially by themselves or with the help of on or two people.
wow, do you mean that they're actually making something similar to something else old but they didn't called it the same or "x reboot" or "x 2"?
I agree on the extra episodes, but she had to go to jail so idk. Plus the supporting cast of Angel was great regardless so it doesn't matter that much.
Spinoff then
He was the beast? I never realised, he is one tall motherfucker