>sci-fi movie
>everything takes place in the "future"
Sci-fi movie
>Sci-fi movie feels the need to tell us the exact year it takes place in, as if they think that's what the world is really going to be like by then
>watch sci-fi movie
>set in the past
Turn that trash off immediately.
>as a kid think it takes place in our future, but the past for the “storyteller”
>now think it takes place in our past, in a galaxy that is futuristic
>Sci-Fi movie
>sci-fi movie
>everything looks "futuristic"
>sci-fi movie
>has anti-gravity and cold fusion and FTL and room-temperature superconductor
>completely glosses over much more realistic and attainable real world technologies like self-driving cars and embryo selection
>sci-fi movie
>the whole planet is multicultural but almost no asians
>sci-fi movie set in the distant future
>white people still exist
>70s or 80s sci-fi
>in the year 199X
>sci-fi movie
>space nazis
>sci-fi movie
>flying cars
>sci-fi movie
>takes place in two timelines
>sci-fi movie
>some faggot says no its a space opera
>another faggot says nah it's a space western
>sci fi film a mere 30 years in the future
>200-300 advances have somehow happened
No movie ever.
>sciene fiction
>no, it's science fantasy
>completely glosses over much more realistic and attainable real world technologies like self-driving cars and embryo selection
Logan, I Robot, and Gattaca cover these
>sci fi video game
>the future cures everything except running out of bullets during a gunfight
God this movie was bad.
>whole planet
Oukay? Still more diverse than BR tho.
District 9 was awesome, his other movies were watch 0-1 times.
>sci-fi movie
>single biome planet
>sci-fi movie
>it has fantasy elements in it
>sci-fi movie
>single nation state planet
>futuristic setting
>currency is called "credits"
>90s sci-fi movie
>takes place in the future
>futuristic technology like flying cars and holograms
>everyone still uses bulky CRT screens
You mean as in then-future, now-past?
Or like Star Wars?
Nigga you serious? BR is basically set in Neo-Tokyo in all but name
>22nd century
>there are still white people
name 3 flicks where this happens
So? Sounds fine by me.
>dystopian scifi movie
>it's always night and raining
No problem with the setting but you claimed it wasn't diverse.
>movie about ancient immortal heroes
>it is dystopian scifi movie and it's always night and raining there
>sci fi movie
>everything is controlled by 'the fucking company'
Nevermind. I'm a retard and replied to the wrong post.
Kill yourself frogg fuck
>thread hidden
>High tech futuristic society approaching type 3 status
>black people everywhere
Ah. I don't really know about Neo Tokyo backstory. And frankly, i had BR2049 in mind when i posted this and forgot about those diaspora scientists from original.
>futuristic society
>blacks everywhere
>race is still a hot-button issue
>failure to colonize more planets
>even if they did colonize more planets, the shitlibs would demand blacks and muslims be part of the outbound trips
>futuristic society has time travel capabilities, but doesn't use it for temporal eugenics program or to save adolf.
why is that anyway?
>futuristic society
>NEETs past the age of 21 aren't executed
Because of the aesthetics I guess.
>future sci-fi
>its a post-apocalyptic dystopia
>200-300 advances have somehow happened
>sci-fi movie
>hey, do you know that famous actor will be the president of USA?
>sci-fi movie
>all aliens have a world government except the humans of course
>ayy lmaos
>humans with body paint and maybe some facial prosthetics
Hey, space nazis are cool.
The dream lives on
In the future everyone still hates Hillary
>scifi movie
>amerimutts are still the laughing stock of the universe
Hmm.. it`s almost our times.
>futuristic utopia
>turns out it's actually a dystopia
>turns out it's more of a fruitopia
I can name 9 existing films and at least 2 upcoming ones.
just do it
Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, The Force Awakens, Rogue One, The Last Jedi.
Solo, Episode 9, and who knows how many more are yet to come out.
Bonus: The Clone Wars film.
isn't star wars set in the past in a galaxy far away
New blade runner suffers this