What's wrong with this movie?

What's wrong with this movie?

It's reddit

The dialogue doesn't seem authentic

Nothing. Normies love it, cinephiles love it and critics love it. It's only underage "arthouse" "fans" who "watch" Tarkovsky and Bresson on their laptops who talk shit about it here.




It seemed as natural as Bill's Superman monologue... you're crazy.

It gets a little pretentious at times, especially SLJ's diner scene. And Tarantino's scene was so masturbatory it was hard to watch.

what's wrong with watching them on a laptop

Nothing really

The royale with cheese scene has zero humor, probably not intended even to be a joke (the fuck is the punchline?) But people laugh at it every time because they heard other people laugh.

"Royale with cheese" har har hilarious


It's THE greatest piece of cinema of all time. It's THE postmodern film and postmodern film is the most important movement in film. It's a masterpiece. It also has elements of La Nouvelle Vague... In a way it's like Tarantino is taking the torch of cinema and carrying us to another level.

We all came here from reddit. Don't pretend otherwise.

Nothing, it's great.

It's a character establishing scene. Not everything needs to directly advance the plot.


It’s not a joke it’s just dialogue you animal.


That doesn't make it funny

>Tarantino's scene was so masturbatory it was hard to watch.
Your Mom is so masturbatory it's hard to watch.

>everything has to be funny

>everyone laughs at the scene
Ironic you used that image

It's not a joke dork

So why do people fucking laugh at it? Have you ever been to a showing? Everyone roars and laughs at the scene like it's comedy gold.

What was in the briefcase?

The punchline to the royale with cheese joke

*dabs on the plebes*

the funny part is the way Travolta says it, kind of extending the two E's in cheese, which iirc Quentin didn't even ask him to do

A foot

You live in a country of idiots.

that tbhdesu

You're not wrong


This. It’s one of my favorites of all time. The movie that really got me into films when I was younger.


Roseanna Arquettes character was pretty lame. It's a sex thing? A white trash junkie doesn't say "fellatio"

The part where Uma Thurman draws a square with her hands is out of place


Too many film school students tried to emulate it.


its more out of place in Kill Bill
>muh referencecs

>We all came here from reddit. Don't pretend otherwise.
I was on Sup Forums before reddit even existed, and I've never posted there.

knowing Tarantino, that was probably a reference to another film


>We all came here from reddit
you redditor types always think internet = reddit
speak for yourself fuckface

