What the FUCK was his problem?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Looks like he wasn't moisturising
Javier bardem went from kino no country for old men to the dumpsterfire Pirates of the Carribean
Can't remember a carreer that sunk THAT low in recent years
Oh look, the underage Sup Forumsdditor is here, trying to force his stale "meme".
Skin irritation and a bad leg it seems.
he had 1 problem
Bad hair day
Pie Rats
Fucking pie rats.
Ay hombre! When eye tap meh swoard one of yee will deye! Eye suggest yee tell meh where de Sbarro is quickly.
I think he just did it because he thought it sounded fun - being able to do whatever you want sounds pretty good to me.
Don't use an image of someone with more personality than you
He hammed it up so nicely, the only good thing about this piece of shit movie. I love it.
post your yagesbaro's
So, why didn't Will Turner / Davey Jones just show up and fuck this guy's shit up?
So basicly a newfag
>1st attempt
>2nd try
>final take
Jaview Bardem is a newfag, or I'm a newfag for thinking he might enjoy doing something he finds fun?
How do you feel about Raul Julia's final role?
You're both newfags user
Wheeze is good, but you need to up your pitch and sound more desperate
>What, are you?
this, he's still up for Frankenstein role in Dark Universe, he said
>I am very interested and also, they know that I have the head size, so they are not going to waste a lot of money in makeup, which is good.
thank you, gonna work on my yagposting as hard as bane voice years ago
el stupidido....
i literally dont even remember the dudes name
literal autism
NO treasure one
He’s a good actor though. Only worthwhile part of the movie
he got nominated to Razzie
>Captain Salizar: Yag Ezbarro...
>Captain Salazar: Do you know this pie-rat?
>Henry: ... Sorry. Could you repeat the name?
>Captain Salizar: Yak. Zbarro.
>Henry: One more time?
> Captain Salizar: Yuppurro!
>Henry: Nope!
>Captain Salizar: Yagsbarro!
>Henry: Still not getting it ...
>Captain Salizar: Jagz. Burro.
>Henry: Almost!
>Captain Salizar: Jagsbarro!
>Henry: No, that was worse...
>Captain Salizar: YUP! ZZBURROO!
>[slow zoom out. Fade to black]
We need a good list of names to Salizize.
and some YAGUA
>Previously on "Da Valging Det..."
>hates pirates
>destroys royal navy ships, literally the biggest opponents of piracy on the seas
what did he mean by this
He doesn't sunk careers, he sunk pie rats