Ana de Armas

Is it true Dennis Villasboas only picked Ana de Armas because he masturbated furiously to Lexi Belle and found Armas to be a look a like of his favorite pornstar?


I was convinced the hologram advertisement was lexi belle.

I think thats plausible

so why not casting Lexi directly, you retard

Why do people obsess over pics of Hollywood actresses when there's an unlimited supply of hot women online, many of which are far more stunning? What's the point?

she might take up in the ass like a champ but reading lines is not her forte.

That's what my friend's dad who works for Nintendo told me too.

shes old and fat now

there's obsession left for every other hot women. dont worry.

I guess people perceive famous people as relevant/powerful, and that makes you want to fuck them more?

Lexi Belle's voice is even hotter.

Yeah well you're adopted

Post that blog from that guy that found out that Lexi is his cousin.

I don't get this Ana looks like Lexi meme, am I faceblind?

Taco Belle

Because imagination is sexier than reality. You'd know this if you weren't a fat virgin loser closet homo

>he doesnt know

>Dennis Villasboas
>Ana de Armas
>Lexi Belle

I have no idea who any of those people are. I know the name Lexi Belle and know she did porn but I couldn't pick her out of a lineup.

source? i want to read that

probably. i watched a lot of porn and she looks a lot like her. specially the hologram version.

Somebody's buttflustered

still too fat to be JOI

great job, you entered a thread about 3 people you know nothing about

do you want a reward for your ignorance?

Any good Lexi Belle Joi videos?

She was only fat for two videos and she still looked good with meat on her.

>there are still no BR2049 porn parody

cast pic related


lel, go back to Sup Forums, tv doesnt even get the reference

lily labeau

I want to see a porn scene where Lexi doms Ana.

they dont even look alike you stupid faggot
stop trying to force this shit on us

>do you want a reward for your ignorance?

such exquisite taste

Probably a little too thicc nowadays.

She is average as fuck, manface and normal not-fat body... 6/10 at most.

>lily labeau
she's ugly but she's also cute and hot as fuck.
how is that possible?

Are her elbows too pointy too?

average as fuck? cmon man.
i have a theory that ridley scott has fucked her.

Oh you must be american and used to your various types of creaturas. Here in eastern europe she would be perfectly average. Not ugly, mind you, but not worth drooling over. Celebrity worship is truly the greatest cancer of our time.

Lexi should cum out of retirement and do a br2049 spoof porno


More importantly - who will play pic related?

danny d

come on guys this is too easy

i have heard that aswell

I was deeply disappointed she wasn't cast as Joi, all she does is act like a groupie in hot outfits anyway.

Could work. British guys are good at the burger accent.

yeah i can see it

What is the top one from?

one of her million scenes, idk man

mostly i just watch her 'daddy' scenes


i dont want to sound too picky but her face is just weird. cheeks are way too round.

>mostly i just watch her 'daddy' scenes

>knees too sharp

She has the chad face

Bryan Gozzling

Haley Reed

i bet this fucking faggot hasnt heard a single burzum track

get him out of my sight

those scenes are always great, the girls get genuinely wet and are into that sort of shit

jenna haze was frothing under just 20 seconds of penetration because of the nasty shit she was saying

More like Brianne Guzzling

Her face was cuter when she was younger
it's like the bottom part of her face started growing at some point

>Haley Reed
that's the Amber Heard look a like
Elon Munsk also masturbates furiously to her movies.

thats a good call


Lexi Belle’s first recorded professional porn scene was an interracial gangbang done under another name


she started from the top.

Why does everybody on this website have an encyclopedic knowledge of interracial porn?

and then never again, whats up with that



/gif/ fags all have extensive collections of BBC porn, also some Sup Forumsacks like to 'ironically' watch it



Probably. BR2049 was pure trash. No one liked it.

links to videos pls

Because porn or escorts is the closest any one of us here usually gets to a woman. It's why Sup Forums always knows when and where a former star is now escorting, what the rates are, and if she's worth the cash.

t. /r9k/
read his post again

Sup Forums has UN tier discourse when it comes to porn. Just the best

Attraction isn't just visual.

Yes, he mentioned that in the director's commentary in fact.

This is.... huh, wow

where can i read porn escorts on Sup Forums?