Netflix's Punisher

Is it kino? Worth my time?


nah it's soynisher

It's boring.
Stylistically and story wise it's cheap but they didn't even went all out on the action and

You will be entertained enough to watch it through

At least this isn't superpowers and aliens attacking NYC again

Just watch the fight scenes on YouTube

capeshit is the antithesis of kino

soo boooring, so looong, its really bad

This show is really bad. Crazy how how they always fuck up the punisher.

What was up this Arabic qt's asshole? Why was she so upset all the time?

>Is it kino? Worth my time?

It's a Netflix original

of course not

It's the only Marvel shit I've been able to sit through. It isn't a pathetic beta male circle jerk like the rest of capeshit. Even the guy who is supposed to be the nerdy comedy relief ends up pretty useful. 10/10 can't wait for season 2.

>It isn't a pathetic beta male circle jerk like the rest of capeshit

and this is why Sup Forums dislikes it

It's ok but his bit in Daredevil was better.

it's basically cop outs: the series

why is frank going to meetings, he doesn't believe there's anything wrong with him. that's character- essential.

the murder of frank's family is supposed to be a random act of violence, it's that way for a reason; so castle can have and excuse to wage war on crime itself, forever. also essential.

fucking with those two alone, you don't even have the same character it's just a shitshow

I'm on ep.3 and this attack montage of him shooting a house full of turbines was pretty lame desu. Idk what they were thinking with the editing

it's much better more mature and better than the comic. The average movie goer is about 30 times smarter the average comic book "reader" so they have to alter the stories.

some brown women just go through life in a constant state of seething anger and resentment. it's hormones, i guess.

we want comically-bulked frank shooting knives out of a gun at drug dealers. there's too much drama in everything else

She was mad because the feds killed a guy who was helping them to cover up their own drug smuggling.

Only barely

She's Persian, dumbass

Jon Bernthal is over-rated, and a trash actor

Brilliant man