Select all squares with street signs. Interlinked.
Select all squares with street signs. Interlinked
Traps aren't gay. Interlinked.
Bottom most right
Bottom most left
Maybe top most left
Way off your baseline.
Can someone explain to me how this works?
This was the most interesting scene in any movie released in 2017, correct?
Watching it in the middle of the night in a nearly deserted theatre while extremely sleep deprived and strung out on substances made me feel like I was going to have an epileptic fit. Sensory overload
If you're in a stable mental state you follow the instructions clearly and precisely. If you're fucked up (off baseline) you will become confused, respond increasingly slowly and inaccurately and instructions will appear to be contradictory.
It's like a word association assessment ramped up a notch. They do this sort of shit irl in things like special forces (Delta,DEVGRU,SAS etc) selection to test your aptitude and endurance. If you break down because of confusing Instructions, loud noises and flashing lights then you're not cut out for functioning at a high level in a firefight.
They do a lot of this sort of thing you know, and not in a comfortable way. They'll keep a guy awak for days with no food and sleep doing constant physical drills etc, then they'll have to do a test like this without warning.
you could say it was the only good scene of the movie
Soy detected
shut the fuck up. you have no idea what you're talking about.
no john, you are the soy
In addition to this, I think it's an updated voight-kampff test which guages your reaction to stimuli. Similar to how in the original deckard used it observe subtle muscle twitches, blushing or pupil contractions, all which are natural for humans when given the test, but presumably wouldn't be present in a replicant.
The brief sequences of him walking around LA were awesome, and the first scenes with Luv and Wallace were, memes aside; actually really interesting if not overdone somewhat.
The sequence in the Vegas theatre was pretty cool as well, playing hide and seek in the dark while Elvis glitches out was kino
And don't forget this scene...stop meming m8, there were at least half a dozen great scenes in this movie. My big issue with BR2049 is the pandering to the audience and the pacing, not the scene quality
If he's still emotionless and perfect goodboy replicant, those sentences before and after cells and interlinked wouldn't affect him mentally. There is an eeg scanning his brain and any abnormal responses to the stimuli would be recorded and he would have to be sent in for reconditioning or be put down himself
If you say so. Let me guess, you're an ex-delta operator with firsthand knowledge, right? Why don't you share with us your profound knowledge of psychiatry user, seeing as you know so much about it.
I'm telling him what that sort of thing is used for irl, if it's used for something else in the movie then idgaf.
It's a new version of the Voight-Kampff test from the original, the difference is in the original they tested to see non human responses while here they are testing to see if the replicant is showing any human emotional responses by asking him highly personal emotional questions, while he has to just reply unphased by the previous question. Keeps the new replicants in check, at their emotional "baseline"
Those specific used sentences are the verses are from third canto in Pale Fire by Nabokov that tells a story of a man who sees a surreal fountain in his dream and later discovers a precise description of that exact fountain in a paper. He takes it as some important cosmic sign and tries to get in touch with the author, but it turns out she's already dead and the poem was actually misprinted (fountain instead of mountain). Same as the "you're not special" theme in the narrative of the film.
the only good scene besides the reddit test was when hobos hooked his car and joi disappeared.
everything else is trite garbage
Confirmed for being a "splosionz yey" braindead ADHD capeshitter
i liked dunkirk
Are your emotions so blunted that you go through most of your days on autopilot? Cells.
Are you finding fewer and fewer reasons to wake up every day? Cells.
Does the feeling of your own hands touching remind you of gentle love that you recognise but can't quite remember or understand anymore? Cells.
Do you push those around you away knowing that they are probably your last lifeline? Cells.
stop boting this movie
you are not different than the cunnybot at this stage.
>'Blade Runner is a smart sci-fi movie for smart people!'
>this is the average viewer
I wasn't sure if it was what anons already said or some gimmick le mind programming to keep replicants in check.
everyone knows the proper way to watch a movie is a 700mb tpb yify torrent and walk out to the kitchen every 10 minutes without pausing
Too soon...