How’s that blu Ray collection coming long user?


>inb4 poor fags telling hard working folks how to spend their money

Pretty good actually. I have something of 240 movies all together. Will post pics when i get home. Just bought all these in the past week
>Mad Max 2
>The Rundown
>Blade Runner 2049

Nice. I have Looper, Hell or High Water and Theif on the way from amazon

Like this...

I mainly buy DVDs still

Meh so far. I also am a dvdfag.


Nice. I just started Berserk. Bought the first three volumes.

Oh wow that's so cool. Do you have time to tell us more cool things??

Never heard of any of these

Yea sure

My collection is pretty weak. Although honestly I started collecting a year ago and I'm a poor college student.

Sorry for shitty lighting.

La La Land is shit. But I'm jelly for that Ghost in the Shell.

Should I buy Full Metal Alchemist for blu ray? Collector’s Edition?

Yes, but just the regular version. Also unfortunately Sup Forums and mostly Sup Forums and Sup Forums hates the Full Metal Alchemist serie/manga with a passion. They hate FMA so much...


>sleepaway camp
my nigga

>la la land
next to ghost in the shell


Missing quite a few due to my brother borrowing them.



That Sleepaway Camp slip is worth some good money. Great movie too


The only Kino I need

Thats all

Sorry about that, is this better?

The Seventh Seal, Heat, Le Samouraï, the list goes on...

I don't have many Blu-Rays but I have lots of DVDs, I just keep them separate. Mostly I only buy box sets or bargin-bin stuff.

Do you have any interesting films?

Thank you very much. Appreciated, user.

>Dragon Ball Z Kai
nigga wut, y
censored dbz

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?
ugh, #1 boring movie of the world

>buying BR instead of downloading BR rips
lmao at ur life

who /bigbrain/ here?

colour of pomegranates limited edition set is on the way

Are you European?

Memories of Underdevelopment is a recent one I liked



Do people really keep their DVDs and Blu rays separate?

It does not happen

>blu ray
>not 4k blu ray


Yes because I don't watch DVDs anymore.

Over 2tb of remuxes

>not 20tb

learn2quote fag

Genetic failures.

I don't trust anyone that dislikes LLL, BR2049, or any other Goose kino. That's just how I, an intellect, operates.

La La Land isn't a love letter. It's celebration as attack, it is not both while winking and shrugging to the audience with a dumbfounded expression. Every aspect designed to illustrate the dissonance of reality and fantasy. This is why it's received so much flak. The audience wants a circus act. The audience wants casual delivery without peering in deeper. You don't even know that Chazelle is making fun of you. That is why you love clownish spectacles like Singin' in the Rain. You're visually illiterate and literally illiterate.


What an alpha

Just picked up wind river and scenic route

WTF they still make dvds???

>Paying full price for a mondo release

Singin' in the Rain is fun though


Audiences didn't care that much for that flick at the time of it's release. The Academy was intellectually reserved enough to not fall for such self-fellating romanticization and goofy inaccurate comedic jabs. The men in the Academy were old enough to know of the trials and tribulations for sound conversion, they were also old enough to know of several films preceding Singin in the Rain that more accurately addressed the situation (most at the actual precipice). Singin in the Rain is gleeful mockery by those not old or wise enough to know of what is being mocked. It's a lot of the things La La Land is criticized for (except the musical performances, but then they go on and praise Moulin Rouge and Moses Und Aron). People consider Chazelle's long time personal project as Oscarbait. Bullshit. Singin in the Rain was the Oscarbait. Singin in the Rain was the real Hollywood circlejerk.

Made my night. Thanks

Yeah, I saw when you made this exact same thread yesterday, samefag. You didn't even change the order of the movies

How's Blood Simple user? I ordered it a few days ago.

good pickup y/n

forgot pic



Brotherhood >>> the original series

>wasting money on clutter that i'm only gonna use a couple times at most in the next decade.
fuck that.


I hope you bought a spare pair of pants because baywatch will have you kissing yourself laughing

>kissing yourself

>Oblivion steelbook
pls be my filmfu

Coming along well but I need to reorganize...

What is that Dirty Harry set on top of the eight shelf?

Oh and a few box sets that didn’t fit


The ultimate collector’s edition, pretty cheap on Amazon last I checked.

That's pretty decent collection of capekino. Bonus points for A Clockwork Orange.

This is the closest I have


Yo man! Got the same air freshener too!

A blurry fucking mess?

You can blur the image by shaking the camera all you want, but you still can't hide your utter plebness of owning the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

based No poster

>He actually caught the HP collection in that shitty blurred picture

You're doing God's work, user. Hearty keks were had all around

i'm up to 40 movies, mostly dvds. goodwill and half price books are great for picking up $3-5 dollar movies.

Recent pickups include No Country For Old Men, Roman Holiday, Sabrina, The Life Aquatic, and Double Idemnity.

Febreeze is like top 3 things to come in my lifetime. Smartphone, GPS maybe, then febreeze

All that Disney and no Mulan.

What a shame.

I keep them all a binder. Patrician as fuck.

My blurays at the top.

Why would you buy the Olympic boxset?

>not wanting to own the most comprehensive collection of sports kino ever assembled

I bought it from a video place that was going out of business, the owner let me have it for $60 because I was already buying everything not nailed down.

Plus, like said, it is a time capsule of sports and culture.

Does the star trek box set have the directors cut of khan?

>that game collection
Disgusting mate

I pirate everything now but I still have a habit of grabbing Blu-Rays when I see them for cheap at the store. You can see on the right I haven't even opened a few yet.

Not pictured
>Band of Brothers
>Dark Knight Trilogy
>Mel Brooks Collection

>Buying movies