Mfw our immigration is down to a mere 21% of what it was last year

>Mfw our immigration is down to a mere 21% of what it was last year
>Mfw when parliment is sending home 5000 people every week now, and plan to increase is
>Mfw the rest of the world, i.e USA, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Germany are all instead increasing their intake
>Mfw our anti-immigrant parties are still growing, 8 years strong
>Mfw alot of damage already has been done, but mainstream newspapers and politicians have even starting to call out (((them)))
>Mfw the world is slowing down while Sweden has just started to take its head out of its ass to race ahead
>Mfw this thread will be spammed with anti-swedish memes, most of which will be forgeries, and most of the rest being from that fake english "Sweden" newsite
>Mfw poltards have increased pushing the Swedish meme ever harder to try and hide their own impending fall

Stay mad guys.

And just to get you started: Google Swedish dating statistics, our women dislike foreigners more than all the countries I mentioned in the top.

If anyone has any real questions I'll gladly answer, if you lowlifes only can do banting through stealing meme's that will just reinforce my point.

Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw you already have taken the lethal dose, and there is nothing left you can do
>mfw no face

This would be true unless they are even moving out by themselves now that Norway, Denmark and Germany are so much kinder to them.

Speaking about Kinder, Germanbro can you choose what schools your kids go to in Germany? And are there non-cucked schools that don't take in refugee "children" ?

> mfw your government just offered to house and give jobs to isis fighters

Seriously be proud of something worth being proud over.

Your country is done for brah. Get over it. You've cucked yourselves beyond saving. You're the laughing stock of the world and everyone knows it.

Source on deportations each week? I'm not up to speed with the news, last I heard was from earlier this year that 80.000 would be deported

> mfw your government just offered to house and give jobs to isis fighters

Sweden YES!

swedes might be a minority by 2020....

>Mfw when amerifat makes a claim without a source
>Mfw when the story he talked about was debunked

If you are curious though, the way it worked was that in the system, these fighters automaticly get rights to housing, but BEFORE that they manually get removed due to crimes (i.e traitor) would be put in prison and extradited.

>Mfw another american posts without any source or arugment

>Mfw when an american instantly believed a post without a source.
Yeah looks like you guys will just reinforce my point with that unoriginal memeing. Stay mad.

>Denmark literally takes sandniggers money and gold when they arrive to finance their refugee shelters.
Denmark is the true mvp among the nordics, still pretty cucked tho.

We also do that tho? How detached from reality are you?

>our women dislike foreigners
that's because sweden is already effectively owned by mudlimes, sven. you're the foreigners now.

>USA is already fucked

Sweden YES!

Buddy, we only give child money to the third child, and we have inventet "integration welfare", which means they get less welfare than our students.

up to the third child*

Godspeed swede Bros but u gon need 3 ss panzer divisions to clear out the no go zones

Congratulations? Got any sources?

>Mfw when amerifat makes a claim without a source
>Mfw when the story he talked about was debunked

also you guys literally have almost all leftist teachers

almost all leftist media

your government is ran by feminism

your federal government is run by feminist

please defend this

too bad ethnic swedes arent white anyway

Best of luck but I do fear the damage is far too severe to be fixed so easily and as studies have shown the second feneration of migrants are far worse so the worst might still be yet to come. The refugees are not the problem, it's the people of your country. Your priviledged women and the pathetic men. Hopefully the hard times ahead will make your men grow some balls, but from how much I've talked to swedes every single one without exception has said they'll go to norway if shit hits the fan, where they will undoubtedly fuck up norway.

>Mfw when OP tells others to provide sources to their points, when OP didn't provide a source in his OP.

>mere 21%
Don't forget the familiesammenfoeringer.

Good on you, don't let down resistance. The damage to our countries have already been enormous and likely irreparable.

At least you guys in Europe still have a chance to successfully take your countries back within the next few years. North America is done for even if Trump gets in. Everybody brings up the 60% meme and that's exactly why it's doomed. Even if you 100% stop immigration, which Trump isn't even trying to do, there's still 100 million non-whites who are having way more kids then we are.

In Europe most of the non-whites are recent and few in number compared to the US. Germany removing 1 million ahmeds is going to be a huge problem, but that's nothing compared to the US trying to remove 50 million Pablos.

it's not about "muh white"

desu, it's the fact that the non white's are leftist and want welfare.

if people here shared the same values and were nationalistic it wouldn't matter

>gloating when last week your government legalized waving the ISIS flag, banned christmas lights to please muslims and was proven to fund ISIS


I am out of the loop when it comes to Sweden. What kind of government do you have right now? Nationalistic? SJW govt? Beause there is conflicting information going around.



Just lol

>muslims stop coming as their mission is accomplished
>sweden call that a victory

>Flying the Isis flag is legal, Sweden declares

I hope this is true, it'd be a shame to see the country of my ancestors die

>feels good to be poor

>we wen't too far it's swinging the other way now
told you so

just defend your interests don't hate.
if the politics swings too far in any extreme soon after you will get a backslash swing to the other extreme

>A Swedish Official Wants To Use Taxpayer Funds To Help ISIS Soldiers Come Home

This is as much proof as should be needed that these "refugees" are a bunch of lying cunts.

The problem are the people you already took in.

Enjoy your family "reunions".

If this is true I'm legitimately happy for you. This last year nothing depressed me more than Swedish news. Hope things go well for you Sven.

Swedanistan, where you can fly the Islamic flag but not Christmas lights.

Your shit country can't die off quick enough.

Real Nordic ppl will come claim sweden back from the Muslims after all the white swedes are gone

>damage already done
whatever you say.


I hope the trend continues with other European nations too.

Never fall to the foreign horde.

>increasing their intake
Source or it isn't a thing.

A lot of groups can assimilate easily like Asians and even to some extent Indians and Mexicans. But if they're in too great numbers they just import their own culture.

Look at Vancouver, in most other places Asians are exactly like whites, but there's so many of them there that they have signs in chinese all over the place and have neighborhoods where they all speak Chinese. If there's too many of them they aren't forced to assimilate anymore and they keep their original culture.

Holy crisis kek. There are less immigrants now in Spain than when the crisis started in 2008.
And you can bet they didn't go back to their countries. They might be raping german and swedish girls right now.

Good Sweden. Spread the gospel.


how much refugee "intake" do you have daily? ;)

>refusing to come here
Then they are not fucking refugees, for fucks sake, AHHHHHHHHHH.

Hey Sven can you stop taking our jobs and flooding us with mudslimes?

What was the breaking point that started the anticuck reaction?

Portugal is like a poorer Brazil, I'm not surprised even Muslims don't want to go there i bet the welfare is shit

Your country is lost anyway

sven, I live in south fucking africa, and would rather remain surrounded by zulus than move to your cuck country

shame, shame on you sweden

Bygg en mur!

You guys literally pay immigrants not to commit crimes. You give benefits to rapists. Beers cost 60-100 krona. Fuck you

Also calling out (((them))) is something the far left does as well, and does it more consistently than the far right does. Look at Jeremy "Gas the Kikes" Corbyn in the UK...

It won't matter unless you have the balls to deport at least 1-2 generations worth of them. Their women have popped out 3-5 babies and anchored their giant families in Sweden. Fix that and you can talk.

and don't forget about the ones that arrive, get house and money and soddenly disappear (aka: go to Germany)

60% senpai

Trips of truth

So your mainstream media is actually blaming the Muslims? And is the general public actually speaking out against their Filth? And finally has your government changed itS stance?

If yes to all of the above that's excellent

holy kek, fucking lost. Good one, froggy.

You are still taking in more than both Denmark and Norway (per capita too), who are you trying to fool?

Norway have reportedly become even stricter than Denmark and the rest of Western-Europe (according to our newspapers)

Are thousands immigrating every year?


Then you're cucked like the rest of us. End discussion.

tell me more about it, please

North America is no better, yes that includes Murcia you guys are infested with Mexicans and South Americans. Not to mention some Muslim officials within your countries have made some pretty troubling quotes publicly and nothings been done about it.

Btw if you have something to say about Canada I would probably agree with all of it, and it's going to be even worse courtesy to our new prime minister. He's probably going to come out as a trans anytime now

swedish cucks can suck my smegma-laden cock

you have earned zero respect

not even once have you fought back


That sounds awful, you shouldn't be happy that Sweden is turning apathatic like the rest of the world

I wouldn't be opposed, most of our border is just mountain so you probably wouldn't have to make it that long either. But yeah Sven can we go back to the good old days when there were no mudslimes and gypsies got lobotomised?

souce for dating statistcs?

Genuinely interested, or are you one of these people so jelly of us Nordics that you want us to be flooded with non-whites? Seeing your pic related that's my guess.

The brown eyed shitskin that got raped is not even ethnically Norwegian. Some ugly mongrel.

>all these people getting angry at Sweden for not being completely uncucked despite showing signs of uncucking
You faggots are the reason why it's taking so long. The Commies took over in 20 years because they seeded and fostered small changes they could use for larger ones, you pillocks.

Good, about damn time since Sweden used to be one of the best countries in the world. Welcome back and we hope to follow!

Post proof that we are taking in more. Protip u can't


You're more than welcome to put on your hussar armour and come here and purge these people.

nice triple
I don't give a fuck about scandinavia. I am just curious how has your migration policy changed

Not gonna happen. Poles are done being a Christ of Europe.

>Mfw our immigration is down to a mere 21% of what it was last year
What an accomplishment, you dove in such a huge pond of shit that even swedes started to realize something's wrong, sadly though the damage is already done.

Changed by being much stricter. Pretty simple. Some claims that it's the strictest in Europe now, but there is not many numbers yet (just that the number we take in is at a record low).

The 3. biggest party (and nr. 2 in the coalition government) basically is driven by being anti-immigration (because this is 99% of the reason people vote for them).

We have already our AfD, SD, NF (etc.) in government.

If digits OP's mom is going to get raped by a migrant sometime this year.

>>Mfw our immigration is down to a mere 21% of what it was last year

>"This is a level we've never seen before," says Moderates migration policy spokesperson Johan Forssell told Aftonbladet that over 300 000 cases of family immigration is expected by 2019. Record figures come from the Migration Board's forecast, says Aftonbladet.
>This will have a major impact on the issues of housing, jobs, school places, health care. It underlines that we need to have a long-term and sustainable immigration policies, says Forsell.

>Sweden's population on the last day of 2013 was 9,644,864 - a 0.93 percent hike from 2012. The total increase was the largest since 1946, and statisticians at Statistics Sweden (Statistiska centralbyrån - SCB) marked it down to a record-high level of immigration.

You will literally be 20% shitskin by the end of next year, and they outbreed you 5 to 1. Good riddance, cuck. The quicker you fall, the better for all of us, as nations across Europe will awaken and purge the mudslime menace.

that's nice, I've heard Danes also have this kind of policy and anti-immigrant government. Dunno how things are in Finland though.

>Google Swedish dating statistics, our women dislike foreigners more than all the countries I mentioned in the top.

Hence being the rape capital of the world runner up.

10% by the end of next year probably. Unless you count Slavs and Finns as shitskins.

The 300.000 cases of family reunion seems freakish. 100k immigrants brining their wife and 3-4 children, and another 200k bringing their cousin to Sweden for marriage.

please this

OP is a troll, possibly on a proxy, or living in a fantasy world/in severe denial.
This country is done for unless something really radical happens, you'd basically need all the shitskins on welfare and who commit crime to disappear from this country.
Sweden was already wobbling on the edge of the cliff before the latest refugee wave and the government hasn't done squat to change the direction we're heading in.
The only sane option is to get out while the getting's good.

It was maybe just a political scheme for votes and make a good public imagine to the rest of the world.

You are the cuck who has no faith in his people. OP has the attitude required to rebuild.

>10% by the end of next year probably. Unless you count Slavs and Finns as shitskins.
They're importing 3% of their population from Africa, but you're right, they're """only""" roughly 6% of the population. They breed quickly though, in order to further exploit the state and get more child benefits.
I might model the population growth tomorrow using real data since I'll be busy tonight.

Only if uncle Adolph would resurrect for the second round, otherwise I'd pack up.

>Dunno how things are in Finland though.
We're striving to be the next Sweden.


I'm sorry Sven but the damage has already been done. You just cant snap back to the past. Also, to correct you, we are not increasing the quota; we are denying them and taking less and less them in.

But in all seriousness, when and how do you believe that the mudslimes would be ACTUALLY sent back? Sources please.

According to Statistiska sentralbyrån you had around 750k shitskins in 2015. Up to 800-850k now at least. And add all the family re-unions coming up.

Your situation is worse than in Norway and Denmark, yet you show less resistance. Why is that?

As I see it right now this country is under siege of a hostile power who is doing its best to destroy the very society that has been built in this country over the years. The two options are fight or flight and by fight I mean actual fight as in revolution. I don't see a revolution being successful at this stage since there are simply too many cucks in this country. But by taking flight I will at least not be sponsoring (through one of the world's highest taxes) the powers who are raping this country as we speak.