>have a 11/10 face and body
>still a C-lister
what went wrong?
Have a 11/10 face and body
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idk who she is but she doesnt have a 11/10 face.
she is cute though.
>british genes
>looks like that
excuse me WHAT THE FUCK
sucked the wrong cocks + isn't part of the nose tribe
We have lots of hot women
Stop absorbing every meme you see as fact
she's pure
there are some gals that the vikings didn't steal.
>can't act
>hard to work with
>shitty agent
>no connections
It's one or more of these
>11/10 face
No connection. No resume. No hustle.
Can't act, should just be a model tbqh
She can't act.
Of course occasionally there are A-listers who can't act, but it's rare. Biggest one I can think of is Halle Berry
isn't she Brazilian?
weak foot game. this kills the hollywood career
>that problem here
kayas face is better than hers
She had a kid at a young age (like 19)
She doesn't have the connections to the 'right' agents and movers and shakers. English acting is a massive patronage system where you have to to go the 'right' schools (oxbridge, rada maybe a couple of others) to get parts.
Kaya was sort of a child star who was in skins out of college just because she was really really hot so she was outside of that system and had to rely on being really fucking hot, just like nathalie emanuel, she was working in a clothes shop before game of thrones I'm kind of glad though because we would've never got to see her magnificent boobs otherwise
>Scodelario was raised speaking Portuguese by her Brazilian mother. “I consider myself a Londoner first and then I consider myself Brazilian, before I consider myself English,” she says.
"England literally gave me and my peasant Mother a chance at life, but I don't like to identify as English".
Why are actors so insufferable?
Her fellow Skins costar Jack O'Connell:
>“I’d never describe myself as a Brit,” O’Connell says. “I don’t claim any allegiance. First and foremost I’d say I’m from Derby. I see the advantages of having a more neutral accent, particularly when doing press.
Why are these little shits so ungrateful to their countries? They could have been born in Romania ffs!
She didn't send sleazy videos of her self masturbating to Jewish Producers.
She's not that good an actress.
She is not posh and so you have to go to the US if you want to act. Also she had a kid.
Semi porn doppelgänger Alessa Savage
odious little oiks
One of the hottest chicks I've ever seen.
I watched the new pirate movie because of her, It was alright.
I think those Maze Runner movies may have destroyed a couple of promising careers.
because they've been brainwashed
your cuck government has been screaming NATIONALISM = BAD for 80 years
the kid in the middle (not foreground) especially true I think. Has great potential.
(also why the fuck did they carry on making these?)
I've been there, most of your women look like toads.
is it after of before she became a mommy?
they probably signed a deal with the book author when he sold them the rights for x amount of movies
remember that they were supposed to be hunger games level successes
I've worked on Tiger House and she's really nice but damn she can't act
Painfully beautiful she is.
First one was nice. I haven't seen the others.
They were probably contracted for all 3. Kaya and him will still make it in Hollywood.
He was very good in "American Assassin". First new action actor I approve of since like Channing Tatum. So many failed ones have come and gone.
>(also why the fuck did they carry on making these?)
They all made back their budget
The ass was phat, lads.
...what the fuck?
I've never even heard anyone talk about them.
They're "The Fifth Wave" levels of DOA I thought.
she's brazilian
After. She had her kid in late 2016.
>nathalie emanuel, she was working in a clothes shop before game of thrones
no kid, she was acting in hollyoaks for years
I think they're only popular among the highschoolers and below
source: younger sister
delete this RIGHT NOW.
Don't see much wrong with Jack's sentiment. British culture has been changed significantly by immigration the last 40 years and become so London-centric, so much so that people identify more with their local area instead now. I bet most would identify as Scouse/Geordie/Manc/Brummie before British
>the kid in the middle
Sangster? Yeah I realised how good he was when he became the best thing in that Godless shitshow on Netflix.
yea him. He's great I think
It's fitting that he got such a lame ass death. I liked most of the episodes, but the end was a gong show.
Yeah but she doesn't have connections just the same, they are very different and it's hard to break into more serious acting if you're in soaps even if you're a good actress, especially if you're not posh. they both lucked out because they are really hot.
She looks like a Baratheon princess!
> women with kids are sexy
Once a girl becomes a mom her sexiness dries up only to transform into a 'mom' 'woman' 'lady' or the usual ' nag'
why do you talk like she wasn't in pic related? work for disney isn't bad for actors
lol first of all kid it's called hollywood, second of all just because you are acting doesn't mean you don't have a straight job as well to supplement your cash flow
So you would just never touch your wife after she had your baby? Okay
she could be yennefer
She was such a horrible person in skins. And a tease.
Wait you didn't actually watch Skins after gen 1 did you user?
thx user
Those kids just couldn't survive the SKARCH
you're literally retarded
gen 2 wasn't bad
>British culture has been changed significantly by immigration the last 40 years and become so London-centric
London is the least British place you can go though.
He's just a plastic fucking paddy and should go back to Ireland if he feels so strongly about it.
No problem with people identifying with their local area, but to speak so disdainfully of your country...you need to go back.
No, he's literally correct
It was though.
Not even semi kid.
>tfw no kaya leaks
t. soyboy
why live?
It's probably best that a beta bitch like him only reproduce once.
She's just as old as I am but here she looks like she's much older.
I could swear the guy was a brit, well that explains why he used to be so fat.
>even extras on skins managed to do a better job acting
>hur dur why does she not get roles
Gee, I wonder.
Yes it was.
Same as Daddario. Gorgeous but couldn't act to save her life.
Her teeth.
>kayas face is better than hers
i really like her body of work
Living the life lads, me behind the camera.
>this will never be me
Guys, you ever consider that maybe worshiping and wafuing women like this is the reason you're kind of a loser? They can smell desperation like hounds.
goddamn look at that place
I only do it here on Sup Forums. Not in real life, putting pussy on a pedetal is a big no-no. Women are much more callous than men.
Agree. MGS girl looks kinda horsey.
agree 100%
i want to make mutt babies with her
is this shooped? he is supposedto be dickless but look at his pants, he has a fucking anaconda there
fucking delicious
under armor?
under his fucking pajamas?
she had 10/10 looks maybe 5+ years ago during Skins
she had a kid already and gonna start hitting the wall
Gib kaya gf
She was way hotter as a kiddo.
She's getting old quickly now.
>caring about face
OP is still a virgin
Kid Kaya = Best Kaya