Oh dear
Netflix/BBC spent a lot on this production.
Time to can it now?
Oh dear
Netflix/BBC spent a lot on this production.
Time to can it now?
Bongs are forced to pay for it anyway.
Achilles is BLACK.
First part was on last night. It was actually pretty decent I thought
History is a whitewash.
cuck lol
They made one of the founders of the sister city of Rome a nigger
Bongs are the cucks after all.
>Bongs are forced to pay for it anyway.
Nope. But many other countries ARE forced to subsidise public broadcasters via tax which they cannot even opt out of.
Not happen in USA. Bongs are forced to pay for it period.
Fucking Russian propaganda campaigns.
>fake event about cucking
holy shit, abandon the country.
this is fake you fucking idiot
It was at 1.5 yesterday when i went to the page and only 530ish votes, I assumed it was you guys doing that
The absolute state of the cUcK
>oh sweet a Troy miniseries
>goes to imdb
>looks at cast
Sometimes shit is actually just shit
In the world of video games, tv, and movies, all they have are remakes and sequels. Sad dying industries. Nobody needed a Troy remake with Denzel instead of Brad Pitt. Fuck off.
Bong here. I don't pay for it because, as someone who doesn't watch live telly, I'm not legally obligated to pay for a TV license, whereas ALL Americans are obligated to pay for PBS and NPR through direct taxation and most continental European countries, such as Germany and the Scandies, require you to have a TV license if you have, for instance, an internet connection.
Feels good to be a bong to be honest...
>burger education
You pay for pbs and npr...
>what is tax
silly bongs
TV Licence is separate from our taxes, if you don't use a tv licence you are not contributing to the BBC and that.
"BBC Radio" is an expenditure line on the BBC's accounts, not an income line.
The BBC makes money from four sources:
>Roughly £3.7bn comes from a direct tax on UK residents called "The licence fee".
>Roughly £1.0bn comes from the BBC's commercial businesses
>Roughly £0.2bn comes from direct government grants, mostly from the FCO (the government department that protects British interests worldwide) for the running costs of the BBC World Service radio network
>Roughly £0.1bn from other areas
Government grants are from tax. In another, BBC technically get money from the taxpayers.
>In another word, BBC technically gets money from the taxpayers.
fix'd stupid iphone
>(the government department that protects British interests worldwide)
This implies that forced diversity is a part of (((British interests)))
It's fake as fuck. The police don't tell you your getting took to court. The courts do.
You know what I don't get?
All this shit started because white people play ethnic minority characters. All people wanted is for ethnic people to play roles meant for ethnic characters? So who the fuck went pants on head retarded and decided people wanted minority people to play roles set for white people set in old ass ancient times? What caused the people that make this shit wanted them to do the same retarded shit with just the roles reversed?
>Greeks became enslaved by the Ottomans before African niggers started being enslaved by Western whites
>the same Western whites enslaving blacks are responsible for the sack of Constantinople which weakened it and opened the gates for Muslim invasion
>Muslims also enslaved blacks
>Greeks are historically and politically potential allies to the blacks against the same common enemy - western whites + Muslims
>the best way to destroy this potential alliance from ever forming is to create a divide between niggers and Greeks, and incite the niggers to holler at Greeks about how WE WUZ GREEK GODS 'N SHIET in their blind stupidity and lack of proper education
>use black pride against black interests themselves
The westerners also did this with the new Orient Express movie by casting 2 Yugoslav army soldiers pre-WW2 as niggers
Works like a charm.
Muslims and blacks aren't enemies. Kara Boga told me so.
>Muslims and blacks aren't enemies
>Mohammed held black slaves
>Mohammed set a value that any 1 non-black person is worth multiple blacks
>Mohammed IS Islam
>most Muslims use the word "abd" for black people, which translates to "slave"
>All of this Sup Forums propaganda
Nice try, whiteboi.
KEK, it's good that you believe it's propaganda.
Just like that dumb Euro bitch Pippa Bacca that went to a "walk of peace" and got raped and dumped into a trashcan in Turkey the moment she stepped out of Europe, whatever hastens your demise in Muslim countries as well.
Go to any Muslim country and try fucking any lighter skinned woman, i'll await the news report on it.
Yo Yo senpai, what up?
Yeah nigga, am yo god Zeus hiself!
Yo bitch ass betta do what I say nigga, or ama bust a lightning cap in yo ass fuckin stupid ass mowtal.
Achilles, what up mah nigga?! Look at dem whiteys ow there boi, yo tougher than all them COMBINED nigga.
Please tell me you're joking.
I cannot
>niggers being lynched in Muslim countries
Any good stories, senpai?
I'll break down the history of relations between Greeks and black people:
1AD - 1400 AD === None
1360 AD - 1832 AD === None. Ottomans conquered and enslaved them.
1832 AD - 2017 === None. Greeks had shitloads of local problems and tried to find their identity back in this period, while suffering through multiple wars like WW1, WW2, and neighboring Commies.
2018 === The beginning of relations between Greeks and black people, which started with black people hollering WE WUZ YER GODS AND SHIET, SUCK IT GREEK WHITEY
What a fine start, no? Considering the history of Greeks, they ain't gonna be too happy. There's enough rage stored in those people.
why is everyone so fascinated about the roman empire time? i miss WW2 stuff
You don't care for Basileia Romaion?
the only interesting movie about that era was gladiator
>Achiles and Zeus are black
Zeus needs to strikes these cunts down ASAP
Not yet on the level of lynched thanks to his American background protecting him, but you get the point:
I'm sorry, do you know nothing of the Medieval Roman Empire?
And there is a difference between the Classical and Medieval era.
>Sup Forums
>User name
>No need to bring valid ID
so which one is the gay?
Why is the cover art the only white people in the movie and the initial cast listing is white names.
>so was Jesus
I mean, he's not wrong
Jesus would have been darker but hardly an actual negro.
This. It's on the goyim's expense.
That's a pretty high score for state propaganda
He is. Being a darker skinned Semite (Caucasoid) doesn't make one part of the Negroid race anymore than half of India is for having darker skin than most Eastern Africans in Ethiopia.
I hope efforts to curtail global warming fail just so I can hear about countries like this suffer from rising sea levels and the mass migrations that will come from millions and millions of Africans leaving their unworkable subsistence farms.
If you’re not going to fix your country, I want to see it complete whatever transformation this is meant to be.
Quick rundown then...
Rome became greek
Islam exists because of the Late Roman Empire
Constantinople is the lost 2nd rome
the Crusades were to help restore Rome
Catholicism is a heresy
Russia are Byzantine(roman) LARPers
nobody knows this because some shitty french scholars in the 18th century changed the academic stance on Rome's medieval period and relabeled them as LARPers
Turks don't belong in Turkey, greeks and Armenians do.
>nigger founder
mein sides
Helen of Troy was better, the ending was kino.
>Blacks were kept out of white society and oppressed in the past
>Blacks were mixed in white society and got along just fine with whites in the past
Make up your fucking mind you retarded leftists!
>mfw this series begins, runs and ends without any fanfare or critical acclaim
>mfw this series leaves behind zero legacy
You know it's true, lads. This miniseries doesn't interest anybody.
>impying Greeks didn't have knowledge of Ethiopia and Nubia
You're an idiot you know that right?
Ukrainians have knowledge of Egypt, don't give a fuck about it.
Before accusing others of retardation, try not being so yourself.
>Next up on BBC: WW2: D-Day Retold
>The true story of how an elite squad of black British lesbians in wheelchairs took the beaches of Normandy
What do Ukranians have to do about anything?
Memnom, who literally fought Achilles in the Trojan War, hailed from Ethiopia. Obviously they had some relations with black people considering they put them in one of their greatest legends you fucking idiot
Realistically, a "BBC:WW2:D-Day:Part 1" would be mostly white people with an inexplicably black female "French Resistance" member who turns out to be a lesbian, and all the blacks or females in the cast are background noise.
That's how these things usually work, which is pants-on-head retarded but that's the world we live in now. Producers stuff all the "diversity quota" in a single scene so the rest of the show can be as they want it to be.
>1200 BC
>1 AD
How do these have a relation?
Are you too retarded to know the distribution and activity of Greek people in 1AD as opposed to 1200 BC, or are AD and BC terms you never met with in your life education?
Do you really want to go down this path of talking about retardation only to see it blow back into your own face?
>licence fee
i thought this was a meme.
funny how black panther is doing amazing and this shit is flying fire shit. are you telling me it's not about adding kangz to everything?
You forgot that Normandy is no longer the beachfront...it is now Super Supreme Somalia.
How do these have a relation? Are you telling me Greeks just randomly forgot about Persia or India . Are you telling when Greeks ruled in the Byzantine empire they just forgot about the land and civilizations south of them? Why do you think Ethiopia practices Orthodox Christianity, because they independently developed it or was it the Russians that converted them? Shut the fuck up, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
They do have a relation.
Greeks stopped interacting with black people and started interacting with Semites who by 1AD became the defacto genetic ruler of Egypt and even Ethiopia (whose main 2 ethnic groups are Semite even today). The fall of Rome also saw ancient Greeks replaced with today's Greeks, and isolation struck them in the process of Barbarian invasions. Their interaction limited to the east trying not to get conquered by people unrelated to niggers.
Do you think dark skin alone makes someone a black negroid? Do you think Indians, Yemeni, Omani, Mexicans, South-East Asian, are all now magical negroid blacks because they live in the parallel where skin gets darker than your mouth when it's enclosed over a cock?
Having knowledge of a people and having the will to interact with them on any relevant level, are two different things my retarded friend.
Actually, that's kind of what happened...
Also Persia?! Are Persians black now?
leftists can have their cake and eat it too because logic does not matter to them
Language group doesn't mean ethnic group
Just because they don't speak a black African language doesn't mean they aren't black Africans
Secondly, you're telling that from 1AD-1460AD when no ethiopian prilgrim even interacted with a Greek pilgrim in Jerusalem whatsoever?
These people had knowledge with each other, interacted with each other, and probably traded with another. Historical people are not as dense as you are
80 years from now, say leftists get their way and manage to control history
would we remember slavery ?
would it be erased to further cement the idea that race doesn't exist ?
would it be a mix of both ?
would they teach a false history of negroid egyptians and pharaohs ?
if whites weren't extinct, would they be remembered as some kind of oppressors/warriors ? a common enemy ?
perhaps we're the first generation that will live forever
>Language group doesn't mean ethnic group
Semite people aren't only a language group, but a Caucasoid group as well.
Caucasoid being not only genetic, but also skeletal primarily in definition. Indians are part of the Caucasoid group, yet can have skin as dark as charcoal.
Excavations of bodies in locations of both Egypt and even Ethiopia showcase Caucasoid skeletons from 2000 BC and onward at least.
Skin color doesn't make you a black negroid, your skeleton does chub chub.
This is the first point of your stupidity.
The second point of your stupidity: Yes, Greeks didn't do much trade south of Egypt since 1AD. The existing platters in many excavations sites showcase this as merchants and Roman officials at that time etched names, resources, and origin/end locations on platters when it came to trade and had a habit of throwing them around everywhere in cities.
The 3rd point of your stupidity: Still thinking Ethiopia was or is negroid when skeletal excavations showcase otherwise, and even modern genetics places the majority 2 ethnic groups as Semite with barely any relation to Negroid groups in the far west.
Congrats, you are the dumbest poster on Sup Forums today.
it's true
Are slavs 'white asians'? Are the Japanese the same as Slavs? Just because Ethiopians are in Africa, that does not make them part of the 'black african" ethnic group.
Although Classical people had a great deal of knowledge, a lot of obvious things still eluded them, an example being that berbers(niggers of Rome) glancing at fetuses does not make them mulatto.
I just wonder what Greeks think about this... is any article on matter
>user name
Fucking tripfags, you deserve this.
What do you think Greeks think when a nigger comes and tells them DURR WHITEY REPARATION, WE WUZ KANGZ, despite themselves being enslaved by the Ottomans for 6 centuries and not being able to do shit.
Why every single photo of every single niggers looks like he is about to loot your store ?
I wonder if kids these days are taught about Caligula. I remember him being a light spot in the history class, not only was he a notable exception, he was brilliant to add to kids' material. The extent of his madness is funny because of how nonsense it is. Declaring war on the sea, executing a citizen with a fish, making his horse a consul, dressing as a woman and declaring he was Venus- Wait. If I started dressing as a woman and declaring that I am Venus, I would be a beautiful, brave trans woman and anybody who made fun of my insanity would be guilty of hate speech. By this logic, schools and kids' education and going to have to not only stop mocking Caligula, but call her Venus, and use her as a shining example as trans people throughout the ages.
fuck off soyboy, this board isn't for you
part of it is revenge
part of it is marketing, trying to get shitskins more interested in their product
part of it is virtue signalling
most of it is trying to erase history to help integrate shitskins into society by making them believe they were part of the history of the west
yeah but is there like, any Greek personality or politician complaining about the niggerification of their ancient history
you gotta be fucking kidding me
time for another race war
People in these parts keep complaints to themselves and basically sum it up with:
We were slaves longer than niggers,
we are not beholden to niggers whether historically or otherwise,
we shit on historical revisionism because we had enough contact with Communism and saw it burned to the ground for good reasons,
we shit on western SJW-ism and it won't change our minds.
This is a message not only from Greeks but also Slavs and all of Asians except Turks.
Leftists aren't known to use reason.
It's not white Christians enslaving sub Saharan black people in Libya right now you dumb fuck.
>Hector gets killed by a kang and then is cucked after the grave when his wife (pictured) is made a sex slave
you can't make this shit up
Y'know, i always thought the phrase was dumb.
Why cant i have a cake and eat it? That's what everyone fucking does.