Why can't you just let them be happy Sup Forums?

Why can't you just let them be happy Sup Forums?

Cause I need my damn coat!

And the countdown until one of the mods deletes this thread begins!

I wonder why these threads are "delete on sight" Are the mods offended over anyone insulting the comic, or is the comic THAT irredeemable?

bitch its raining outside and this suit cost more than your student loans

Heh, I've seen this happen too.

Even when we were actually discussing the comic, posting strips from it, etc.

The thing I find darkly amusing about it is that we've become so neurotic about the prospect of the mods deleting the thread without explanation that now that's all we talk about in these threads. The mods have created a situation where a quality thread about the content in question is impossible to have, thus producing exclusively threads which they would then deem worthy of deletion based upon the low quality of its contents.

I haven't seen the comic in so long. Is that Monique who has pretty much been turned into a man?

tatshit is Sup Forums.
dont try to disguise this as comics
go to Sup Forums have your thread there, be an adult for once

It's because this was in the begining of the whole feminism push.
His whole comic did a 180 to fit his girl friends ideals. Basically he pulls out these feminist ideals in a way it comes of as a pms teenager.

Wait, he's still doing this comic?

Apparently, probably lost a lot of fans but thats what happens when you get Yoko Ono'ed

That doesn't explain why the comics get deleted on sight on Sup Forums. Are they forbidden from ever getting criticized?

Who the fuck are these people?

>who's the guy in the suit?
>oh it's Monique
I forgot that this comic is super progressive now.

Lil' E lost his memory and he's good now
He hangs out with a retarded demoness
The coat check girl is a friend of that demoness
The guy in the suit is Monique
The guy in the tophat is a random guest at the Devil's party

Because they were raging people out and created the Sup Forums's Sup Forums sect.
Probably to keep Sup Forums from invading and start bitching because this comic was the ones that Sup Forums would gravitate to and shit up the rest of the board.

It doesn't help that this comic has lost everything that made it good, with the exception of the art, so probably the deletion is because those who aren't raging about it don't really want to defend it either.

>it's a boss telling his employee to do hee job
>some how it's his fault

The art is better than ever and the jokes are still pretty funny (when they're there) but you can't post it on Sup Forums because retards like start crying about femenazis

Pretty much there isn't much to discuss, there is some shit head who couldn't tell the difference between two extremes. Being mysoginistic prick to being a retarded pseudo feminist.

Where in that post said about feminatzies

Hold on, where's the #WOKE virtue signaling?

>Spend years building up an incredibly sweet story about a devil girl falling in love with a shy nerdy guy.
>Suddenly abandon it, turn her into a lesbian, and spend every possible moment shitting on the nerdy guy.
I can't imagine why the demographic that actually reads webcomics might not be pleased with this development